Wow! As everyone else already said, Agama’s “Heaven” is definitely the best czechian tileset of all times :-)
It includes more than 600(!) incredibly beautiful tiles showing all kinds of cool stuff like flamingos, flowers, clouds for the background, some funky animations and a lot more. Not to forget all basic elements the passionate level builder needs: walls, bridges, vines, diagonal structures (very important!). The whole look of the set is awesome: very clear and detailed.
The author also built a “small” example level, which is…really stunning as well! You have to solve some key puzzles that perfectly use the trigger events. The “vision” background tune doesn’t fit perfect but it’s a great old chiptune classic and therefore still a good choice :-)
The readme file (that’s not plain text format, sorry) and the included image “easter.gif” confused me a little…but well, that won’t affect my rating (i was very, very undecided between 8.5 and 9 here).
Of course, this is A TOP PRiORiTY DOWNLOAD recommended to EVERY Jazz Jackrabbit 2 fan!!! Don’t waste more time. Step into this “heaven” and load the JCS! :-)
ok, but the level isn’t a temple too, is it?
yeah, nice tileset.
A cool tileset. It’s a real rabbit tileset ;) Good tiles voor a level.
The level is a good show-level. good eyecandy, nice layout and funny texts (is that tha right word?).
I like it.
a 7.5 from me.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Ya another Good tileset
It has the basic stuff
The rabbit in the car is coool
the alien`s are also cool
The tile`s for the Background are nice
The vine`s and Arrows are also Nice
Very good Tileset
Download ? Yea[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
I said myself it was a sucky tileset, and its not called “Zybug’s Temple”, the level is!
Nice tileset!
Many variations.
First at all: Zieg, there’s always eyecandy!(you make the same mistake as me)
The tileset:
~it’s not a temple tileset.
~very bad tiles.
~there aren’t good tiles for a background or something.
Very BAD! :(
The level:
~Bad eyecandy.
~it isn’t like a temple.
~Bad background
All those rookie-levels! everybody think they can make levels. But it’s not so easy!
Here you have 1.5 point from me. no download recommendation from me.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
Nice level pack
The design Layout is Good
Eyecandy is also Good
Weapon placement can beter but its ok
Download ? Yes
I have seen green blocks and it is not as good as blue.
1.Blue is a better color than green
2.the blue has more back grounds
I am just gonna shut up now and rate it instead of comparing it!Ok,This was a very cool tileset sooooo i am gonna rate it a 7.7
This tileset is a little above average,so i am gonna give it a 6.7 it is very complecated to use and it needs eyecandy,However mattW made a good race level with it wich makes the tileset a bit better,I also like the invisible block!
This level is ok,but no matter how much i play it i can never get the feel of it.But other than that…It is very cool:)
I love this level!!!It is my favorite level on battle server plus i love the tube electric tileset too!!I really liked how MAGOO made the tubes translucent,Only problem i found was to much pepper spray and the seekers r kinda easy to get,Also if u added a bonus to it it might inhanse it some.
This was a very cool battle level!indeed it was a homade tileset with some copys from a few jj1 tiles. But hey it was cool.There were lots of secrets too!The only thing i did not like was that it was hard at first to get into the temple.
This level and tileset was very cool indeed.But i am giving it and 9 for the confusion of it,there was also to many tiles in the air and they were annoying to jump to.I could never find the base when i played either…But over all this was a very cool tileset!!!:)
This level had no eyecandy absolutly none!I liked the colors of the tileset though…I guess that is because i like funky stuff.=)No offense but with the color the text was kinda hard to read.My final conclusion,The level sucks.but the tileset is ok.
Whoo. Kinda weird (and indeed, sucky) tilesets. The Funky version is too sucky to rview, so i’ll review the normal version whos better. Well. There are not much (NO) usefull tiles. The tileset includes only 5 wall blocks, some weird blocks, some number blocks, some piramids, and some shoot-and-buttstomp-blocks. The tilesets are way too small. You het a 2.0 for thiz, Gargoyle, and I think you better can create LEVELS, not tilesets.
The tileset`s wasen`t Very good
it hasn`t much stuff in it
and now The lvl
i didn`t like the level
The design layout was much below average
Eyecandy was poor
and the color`s was horible
the normal lvl color was much beter
maybe jou can upload the lvl in normal colors and get a higher rating
Visit this cool MessageBord JCF. [This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Arghh Bad lvl
Very bad Design Layout
next time use layer8 and do it better
and spent more time on jou`r lvl`s
Good tileset it has the basic stuff
jou van realy bould a good lvl with this
Download Recommedation
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.