I think it would be better for me to shut up, I might prolly get warned for that, but I dunno.
alarm..jelze is getting a heart attack!
(advice: dont take things too might kill u someday)
sees he has already rated this and runs
Great tileset and lvl
The layout Design is very Good
You write that the j2lc levels are jerky but you rate fright night ctf by martin(j2lc, you know?) with 9.7?
Something’s messed up here..
JERKY J2LC?!? Ohhh I feel like losing my mind, as a matter of fact, I already have.
I think it would be better for me to shut up, I might prolly get warned for that, but I dunno.
Heaven is a great 62 by 10 Tileset (a total of 620 tiles) which are all fully used, unlike some ML and J2LC tilesets which happen to have a high advertising-using-space and gives the user less possibilties. The author, Agama, did some good thinking while making this tileset and adapted it too all different games.
The tileset is about an ancient looking temple dedicated to Jazz jackrabbit 2. It uses pillars with the well-known turtles painted on them, hieroglives, wallpaintings of Jazz and Spaz, rabbit statues, coloured glass, everything which makes a temple a temple. U can build yer lvl on top of mountain with fog surrounding it or just plain on the ground with some clouds on the background, u choose.
The tileset looks awesome. It misses just one little thing to be as good as the standard ones, but then again it offers many things which the standard ones don’t offer. Agama thought about inside and outside. For example the author used shading for background walls when a masked wall is near, just like in the standard ones, but which aren’t used by most custom tilesets. The author used clouds which are used in his example lvl as clouds and also as fog. The tile difficulty is something like the Inferno Tileset.
The thing I like most are the possibilities of the tileset. The keys are a great idea, they can be used for Assault in a very good way. The enemy won’t keep there doors open, so this is a good thing for unlocking doors. Battle and Treasure Hunt can be done very good with this, the changing of inside and outside keeps u paying attention and doesn’t get boring.
It’s about time someone build a new, original and good tileset. U should have this standard in your tilelist. Thanx to Agama I can laugh again about the news topic: There aren’t any good new lvls posted. I think that’s bad. Recent examples are Rainy Rain Forest, Lost Vikings Tileset and last but definetely not least, this one. The problem is those guys only play with their friends, just meet new people who can do just as good as u guys can, or even better.
As I allready said this one is a MUST have in your tilelist. A fat 9.9 for almost perfect (cos nothing is perfect), but there’s no 9.9, so a 10 for this tile. And it deserves it more than any other.
STUNTS is laughing out loud (Finally a non ML or J2LC who’s able to get high ratings, ‘another one bites to dust’)
Watch it Stunt. This is two warnings.[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]
If I would say the same about Cracco Boy it would be fine. U’ve got my word: I won’t say it again. And Disguise: Sorry for the hard words.
And it’s STUNTS, Bobb.[This review has been edited by $TÛNT$]
Nice lvl
The layout Design is good
you used the layers Good
Recommed to Download
I am pointing here at the piece o censored that is for download on j2o lately, not the training or hotel lvls. i was pointing at all lvls with bad ratings
Do not aviod the filter. It’s there for a reason.[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]
If you dont like training levels or hotels, then DONT download them above reviewers.
But still this isnt a good level, no recomm. from me.
its good to make a tutorial
This can help newbie`s in Jcs
a lot
but it is in english :(
Nice tileset
only too much blue in it
jou did a good job
Nice tileset
only too much blue in it
jou did a good job
Nice singleplayer lvl`s
WoW one of the coolest lvl pack`s ever
WHAT? Da mn? censored? I think the censor is too hard.
censored. Not good. Bad. No review for this crap. Sorry, predator, but i really don’t like this levels. Try to make a real battle, not a clone, edit, or training. Aww… 3.0.
The zip too big. It wouldn’t.
Level 1: Too small. Walls look “incomplete”. Although it’s the best level of the pack IMO.
Level 2: Too small. Too dark. It has no circular gameplay, warps anywhere. Not good. Bad.
Level 3: The most bad level of the pack. Again walls which look “incomplete”. Too many hoods ;).
Overall: Bad weapons selection, very boring. Not enough variataion. AND WHY ARE THE LEVEL NAMES WRITED IN CAPITALS?
5.0 because I’m so nice ;)
voor this level? Dutch-English :). Oh yeah, there’s ALWAYS eyecandy in a level, or there’s no level ;).
~You’ve changed the background to a horrible background
~Dumb. I hate taht warp-run-warp-run-warp-run… layout. It’s just one long round. you never can run to the other side. yes, you can, but you’ll find a dead end then
~level clones or updates are levels wich i don’t like
~Weird wepons selection
4.0. I know it’s too high. But i’m dumb ;)
I kinda like this level
It’s looks good, and it’s a funny level
hmm…strange levels…. but ok.
The first level:
~No music.
~it’s like a maze for me! (ya, this level too)
~it’s very annoying, cuz when you fall or something, you an start again!
~and there is someting very strange: on a moment I warped too a “room”. You say you found the exit there, but there isn’t a exit!?
~good eyecandy
second level:
~yes, it’s realy hard!
~some bad tiles.
~original tests.
~good music.
~and the same as the first level: it’s a annoying level!
~good eyecandy
Here 5.2 points of me….
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
k that’s it! im gonna post some ppl, im really getting mad at all these ppl working on lvls for half an hour then posting it at out nice j2o site, just to get it rated as a piece o *censored*(sorry i cheated-but wanted to make clear)
TRAININGLVL? man this is like the 109214901th one..same with hotels nuts i get from them. no-one creates a decent lvl these days.
i hate horrible training lvls. they are irritating, stupid and pointless (what can u learn from..walking around a stick and being beware u dont get warped and stuff like that).
even with the varying possibilities of the temple tileset, the author has used only a small piece of it..and for what?
remember this post isnt against the author only, its against all u ppl who come here and put yer censored upon here. >:( mad i get!
just look at the site..only 3 decent things, the rest nuffin more than crap.
did i already mention that the author didnt put enuff time and will into this?
now i really hope u ppl get mad at me, as im sick of it..time for us to put an auto ban on lvls that are beneath the 4.5!
ure getting a 4, cos of “some” quality the layout has..not for the lvl itself
[This review has been edited by Bobby aka Dizzy]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.