at first i’d like to make a notice to the upper reviews:
bad things: bad user of layers
many unfinished walls
bit small lvls
a bit old…:)
good things: nice weapons placement
better than the most lvls posted this
oh and i dont think i can take of points just for the lvls having bad names
a 6- a pretty decent pack, but when u try to fix the layers and walls, it might turn into a nice pack
The ZIP too big???????tss……………
and no, there isn’t anything good ;)
Wow, its currently the highest rated level on J2O at a 9.706.
I must say i agree with Ipdope on most parts of your levels…
The names are even less original than MY level names lol.
The levels are not jazz/spaz balanced (spaz has the advantage even more than usual)
Small lvl
and u trought this would get a 6 ? lol
Finally! A proper tileset to JJ2. Somebody deserves a proper rating for it :)
I’ll go to the nitty gritty part and say that it hasn’t got poles, tubes, and hooks, but the rest makes up for it. DEFINITLEY makes up for it.
Certainly a better taste than all the other things posted lately :)
Also in Tomb Rabbit by Kejero..[This review has been edited by Newspaz]
Bartman has used the technique I believe.
It’s right what splash says: it’s a TSF level.
The level:
~there is a very bad eyecandy.
~too many emptyness
~too many warps. it’s like a maze for me!
~some bad tiles
Sorry, but I gif 4.2 points voor this level.
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé[This review has been edited by ÍpÐøpé]
First at all: Why the music isn’t included the ZIP? Thats very annoying. Ok, I can go to your site and download that stuff, but WHY IS THE MUSIC NOT IN THE ZIP?
Ok, about the level.
First:There are too many bad tiles. Like the walls.
Second: There is too many emptyness in the level. Created some new layers. You are now only using the layers #4 and #8 in all those levels.
Third: The name. It isn’t realy a good name for a level, is it?
Sorry, But i cannot recommend this for downloading
~JøJø aka ÍpÐøpé
P.S.: sorry for my bad english (again)[This review has been edited by ÍpÐøpé][This review has been edited by ÍpÐøpé]
This tileset is great!
Easily up to par with the standard sets, and actually surpassing them in some respects. As noted, this tileset does have excellent elements for some unique events. The fireballs and keys/switches/doors bits are particularly nice.
The level is pretty nifty too, and shows many wonderful things you can do with this set.
(btw, on a more artistic note, I enjoyed the “wide-screen” effect very much. Has this ever been done before?)
You will not regret downloading this tileset. There are many sets out there, most of them aren’t very good. Only a few are particularly good, and fewer still are great. This set falls in amoungst the great.
Nice design Layout
The story is nice 2
Nice tileset
it has all the stuff that jou need to make a Good lvl
at first i’d like to note that, although the artist says its 1.23 compatible, its definately TSF only
rating time!
oh dude not again a converted battle1? yes it is! it seems all ppl create lvls like this (and i dont like it ill tell u)
the lvl is a converted battle 1, but it looks crapper (is that a word) than before. whole wallks have been taken out and nice walls-endings have been replaced by the usual wall blocks, making it look “incomplete”.
the layout is really horrible, with long paths and warps leading to more paths and warps making me toll around falling off my chair after a while. the whole lvl is one-way :(
i dont know WHY i have to keep saying this but ppl (and especially less-experienced JCS users):
i dont want to keep giving bad ratings my whole life!
a 3.5- im sorry, dont feel offended, but i hate these kinda lvls and the author just didnt work hard enuff to make it a nice lvl.
(just look at the latest downloads – a 7.4, 9.6, 8 and then nuffin more than 4’s n 5’s!)
If this is the file I remembered, it’s really good. And hae, it is! :) Really good level!
One of the best tilesets ever. The 1.1 version is even better.[This review has been edited by FQuist]
(Sorry, no. Go into more detail. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
This is not much special… Some dead ends, some coins, strange bonus, unfinished walls on some points.
I’d say the creator didnt spend to long making this….
(Speechless = Reviewless = Ratingless ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
This indeed is a very d*mn good tileset, with a very nice singleplayer level demonstrating the possibilities. The music is also good, but I still wonder, why the picture (easter.gif)…
Guess ill never find that out…
Anyway a 10 for one of the best tilesets I have ever seen…
(Look at this review. Does the author ever give explanation for why the tileset is so good? No, it doesn’t look that way. Rating removed. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
WoW realy Good tileset
Jou schould make more Tilesets hint
cuz ya have real talent
And Now for The level
This is the cooles`t lvl i ever saw
The Key Idea rocks
Layout and design are Above average
Eyecandy is Good
Download ? YEa Sure
Visit the Jazz MessageBord JCF. [This review has been edited by Stilettø]
(Ouch. A moderately detailed review… of the wrong thing. Rating removed. I also took the liberty of fixing your link. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. Link still works. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.