And he made an error :) The palette edited version of Carrotus, which is called Thermal K1, is included in the zip. Only the music for the last 2 levels (song2.s3m) was missing. Aiko, if you don’t know the name of something, ask me :P
OK, now that i’m here i might as well review it anyway.
Good levels, a tad linear. Too many enemies? Not for me at least. :)
-JelZe GoldRabbit
Wow. Aiko used a capital I. ;)
good and funny levels. and eyecandy good to.
but there are too many enemy’s.
[This review has been edited by ÍpÐøpé]
uH? This is same lvl as the version without music(exept some texts).
I agree with BlackDeath.
Well, i’d like to start with a comment about the name: “Here at long last” is not really a good name for a single player level pack, is it?
Anyways, the pack contains six levels using the following tilesets: Hell (two levels), Carrottus, an palette edited version of Carrottus (of which i forget the name :-) and last but not least Tube Electric.
And i’m honest, the first four levels didn’t impress on me much. The design was quite dull (plain running, hardly any obstacles or real puzzles) and eyecandy was pretty much non-existant. But, surprise surprise, the quality suddenly rose up in the last two levels (the music from Jazz1 is also NOT included! Very bad!). Those two Tube Electric are quite funky and fun to play. Another thing to mention is the general enemy overflow in some areas of certain levels.
But well, if i take the pack as a whole i think it’s still defenitely WORTH THE DISKSPACE. And it’s six levels, which is quite a lot. Yeah, you get seven lucky points from me, BD! :-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]
whats wrong with betas flash?
One thing: Where is the file “secret.psm”???
from the secret lizard level?
“Christmas” (wow, dull name!) is a very decent single player level creation from Hungary. Despite the fact, i saw most of the arrangements in Toxic Bunny’s “Bloxonian Citadel” (which was also great) already, there are still some fresh ideas in it. Design and eyecandy are of high quality and the amount of enemies and goodies is just right in my opinion. And there is no place where you could get stuck or getting annoyed by unfair puzzles (not even in the spring room :-), which garuentuees fluent playing.
To sum it up, it’s ten minutes of great single player fun and REALLY WORTH THE DOWNLOAD!
Lots of emptyness, annoying mountain which is hard to jump on, some bad tiles on the background and no ammo (exept for ice).
I cannot recommend downloading this.
Wasting webspace. Why post 2 versions, 1 with and 1 without music?
Anyway, this level is kool. It has kool platforms and some funtexts :). Downlaod recommendation!
It’s not bad, but…
-Too many enemy’s
Yup, that’s all. D/l!
First at all, IpDope, not “maybe”. Just write a review, we’ll correct you if it’s wrong >:)
Kool level. Great music. I love blox tileset, so that’s great :). Real d/l recommendation to everyone!
Nuffing to add. Aiko’s review rating is perfect. :)
Pumpumpum… Uh? A level? Ok.
ARGH? A hotel? ARGH! I hate hotels. Anyway. the lvl has some weird shaped platforms, and it’s dull. i don’t like it. The eyecandy is good though. You might want to d/l this. Decide.
ARGH! I HATE Betas! I’ll review the full version if it’s here.
-Stunts, it seems like you don’t like any level or file. Try to also see the good points at lvls.
-Kinda buggy but nice try level, don’t want to give a review, because i’m a nerd.
ow well. I like ppl with new ideas. Altought this is not the best new idea i’ve ever seen ;P. It uses a confusing tileset, and the level disappears every … seconds, except some ‘stoppoints’. Eyecandy is kinda horrible, and the music… there’s NO music.
3.0 points for the level and +1.0 points for a new idea :)
Yup. I don’t give it a 7.5. This is another irritating level with lotsa pipez. I, personally, don’t like pipe levels. They are boring, you can’t play them really, you’re just sucking around ;P. So, 4.0 and no recommendation to d/l
Kool. No review, just kool. d/l now. I think you’ll really love it. Duh.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.