The description says it all,
nice layout with a lot of warps, this level looks nice, but is bad for actual battle (when i tested it that is :))
Great tilesets and lvls
One Word Cooool
These levels Rocks
i agree with pre
StunTs Think we only rate ur Friends higher] [This review has been edited by Stilettø]
aiko is a top reviewer i believe him,if aiko says so i believe it, not when you say so (stunts), you are giving everything with bad eyecandy a 2 or a 3 without looking at the playability.
k show’s over everyone go back home now
Ok, Aiko if u say… R u his dog or something? And when I say stuff, it ain’t true. Perhaps some softies cant stand such language, but only accept nice Aiko language. ;)
ok, aiko, if you say so..
i know it , eyecandy is bad, i will reupload another version or make a whole new one.
ok then..
First of all, it was a good idea to use this difficult tileset. Very plucky, MoonShadow!
The general layout of the level is okay, including weapon selection and the like. Well, i have to admit that i don’t like the sucker tubes too much and the copter event is also quite annoying (Lori can’t grab the copter btw). Anyways, the eyecandy is slighly above average, too.
To sum it up: not a bad level at all. Worth the download if you like the Colonius tileset or need another battle level for your server.
Tsk, tsk, all you “occasional and medium reviewers” with your extreme and unbalanced ratings…listen up! Here comes a real review :-)))
“Battle over diamondus” is built in one of the most overused tilesets of all times. The design is a bit dull (just some boring platforms) and the eyecandy needs massive improvement (the author hardly used any other layers than #4 and #8).
Also, there is no background music which only supports the impression of a level that just missed something (call it the special touch).
Two minor bugs are the wrong next level setting and the lack of single player start positions.
As you have probably noticed already, i still prefer the classic “Battle Over Carrottus” :-) Battle fans may still want to download this for their (already incredibly large) collection.
“SPEEDDEMON” is an extremely confusing race level using the “Redcounter” tileset by mirrow (a fellow german jazzer! :-). The tileset with its red digits is nice but it wasn’t used properly here. The design of the map is simple and eyecandy is nearly non-existant. The author promised “originality” in his description but if i’m honest, i didn’t find any in the level. Only some annoying warps and the fact, the whole level dissappears suddenly (using animations), which is not really funny but horribly confusing.
Furthermore, i didn’t hear any music. Bad idea. I need background music in Jazz2, esspecially in a race (as a motivation :-). The next level setting was also wrong.
One of the few positive things in this level is the fact that it’s quite long.
But overall, i can’t give a download recommendation here, sorry.
Oh, one more advice, Pre. Please don’t mess up this page with comments like “thanks” and “watever”. Thanks :-)
Level is oke *to lazy to write a revieuw
Same rating from me. I didn’t really like how you used the layers, and the weapons were placed in strange places. I did like the sewer part of the level. Like Splash said (if i understood corectly), practice makes perfect. Keep making levels!
Stunts (aka payback) is only looking at the eyecandy, everything is bad, and he doesnt likes anything, he is just a grumpy ***** and cant give anyone a compliment. so i dont care wat he says!!! giving me a 2 on my lvl, and i dont think he even played it, just looked and he sees: bad eyecandy so this lvl is a 2, .. :P
What is this?
Your friends gave it very high. This will adjust his total score, so watch it.
Here are some good things to say about the lvl:
There’s a start position.
U can walk.
That’s all I guess.
Here are the bad things:
Eyecandy looks terrible. Things are confusing. In one word: Sucky.
Btw Flea: the reason why Stiletto gave him 7.5 is this one word: F-R-I-E-N-D.
at first i’d like to say that it is quite strange that the lvl download is called SPEEDDEMON, the lvl filename SPEEDDEVIL and the lvl name speed. cant the author remember the lvls name? oh well…
VERY VERY bad eyecandy
strange lvl – is this supposed to be a race lvl? i doubt it- this is not playable
irritating red numbers background placed behind red tiles, so even more confusing.
now i look at all the ratings above me and what i see: only 1 fair rating, coming to the conclusion these raters are even more biased than some ppl i know…
quite confusing level, little good eyecandy, strange weapons placement, big gaps. as a first try to create a colonius lvl, i’d say pretty d-a-n-g good, as a real serious battle lvl, i’d say its no good.
my advice: try to put in good eyecandy as walls, chairs, houses and so on, and make sure your lvl is playable, and best of all: practice alot.
Is there any way to delete this ???
I want to delete it its junk!!
Plz tell me.
I never was of the Lost Vikins, but I played the game a few times at Fire’s house (The original Fire, newbies).
There’s a lot of stuff to use. And with this tileset it’s possible to have good professional looking lvl. Everything is original and as I look at other’s reviews, and I don’t only mean for this thing, but to load of others: People aren’t rating fair.
Some of em are jealous that they can’t make such a good tileset, cos he just got a 4.7 for his.
His name isn’t Disguise or EvilMike and he’s isn’t from ML or J2LC so he can’t get higher than an 8. Just check a few tiles from these guys. All got higher, but only some of em really are better than this one.
For the tile: It looks good. Only buttheads will be able to make a badlooking lvl with this tileset. For all regular creators: Succes garanteed.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.