Just as good as the standard battle lvls. The creators should make 1.25 and use these as the new standard ones. U’ve gotta download this!
(Rating removal. Clan bias may have affected rating. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Wow! This sure is the best jungle level ever. I like the waterfalls and the use of the layers. In one word: AWESOME
Rating removal. Clan bias may have affected rating. -Trafton[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Not a very good level
Below normall
Not so superb as I expected, but it has some quality. If I look at the difference between lvls with 9s en with 7s, I don’t know how u guys rate, but the difference isn’t that big.
Good indeed, but the gameplay itself could really use a tweak.
What’s wrong with that? I’m pretty sure everyone here knows that i didn’t MAKE this. This was made by Robert A. Allen i believe. I’m not going to re-upload this (you have any idea of what that’s like if you don’t have cable?), but i’ll think of it next time. (only next time, there probably won’t be a next time, what other jazz 1 stuff is there to upload?)
Nice Tileset
i Dont Know the game
But the Tileset Rocks
$tîlêttø Out
just a nice download,
nothing more…
I like this campaign very much!!!
only a few bugs with some traps where you can get stuck in the wall, so a that is -0.5 points.. , 10-0.5 = 9.5
so the total rating is 9.5
man i am good in maths!!!!!
total=7.0[This review has been edited by Pre]
this tile is many times better then my first tile!! thats why i give it a 6.2
The tile is nice,
vikings are cool! :)
thnx[This review has been edited by Pre]
i like this level
it use the cool tileset by mirrow
its a Very cool Race lvl
The level idea is Great
This get a download recomedation from me
What are jou waiting for
Go and download This lvl Now
$tîlêttø Out[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
i told you before that the eyecandy was bad, it is the originallety…
you nust get to a stoppoint only if you dont reech it on time, the hole level disappears and you fall back at the start, me and some others had very much fun in this level(in multiplayer).
You can slow other players down with ice, and then when they are frozen suddenly the level dissapears and,.. well just , that is fun..
well i guess some people like and some not,
but it is the playabilety that must be rated(!!)
Kjazz you copied my review! Just quote next time itll be easier :)
Just became Top reviewer and Aiko is quoting me already :-)
This level looks bad, has a strange bug in which every platform dissapears when walking and has unoriginal looks and a warp back to start at the bottom.
I think the creator should practice a bit more in jcs before making levels…
Okay, lets be honest: i find the levels in this pack quite annoying. Another tube maze thingy, sigh… and actually, i didn’t get the point of the level at all. Puzzle, training, challenge, or how do you call this? Well, there are some good points in it actually: it uses a custom tileset (Cool Day by IceMAN as far as i remember) and comes in three versions (Day, Night and some other using a shifted colour palette). Not to forget the music choices: Purple Motion/FC’s background MOD (“Shadowrun”, 1993) is always worth mentioning (AWESOME! :-) and the “Cracking Ice” tune isn’t bad either.
Unfortunately, the level can’t meet the standards of the promising background music (only 3 points, sorry :-)
There are also some very annoying bad next level settings…tsktsk.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.