Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Pipe Dream - By MAt7w
Level rating: 5.3

To put it short: this is a confusing tube maze. “Pipe Dream” (also known as “Pipe Mania”) was a cool DOS stategy game by the way. Anyways, the whole design of this level is way too simple (Tubeelectric is an easy tileset, too).
At least the author made some initial attempts to put a bit of eyecandy in the background and elsewhere.
But still…fun to play, as BlackDeath said? I don’t know. I guess its just not my favourite style…sorry.

Ceci n’est pas une review.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4

Heh! I remember playing the Lost Vikings Demo back in 1994! Nice platformer, but somehow it was too slow and too puzzle orientated. Well, lets concentrate on your conversion.
This tileset includes 300 tiles from the original Lost Vikings game. You’ll find all kinds of stuff in it: animated enemies, foreground and background structures, walls, water, lava etc. etc.. I really like the idea of converting this to Jazz2. And i’m sure you can do some real nice levels with it. In his small Single Player example, the author already showed the potential of his tileset.
Great work, Jaws! (high 7.5 points, VERY close to 8…i was undecided :-). And a MUST DOWNLOAD for everyone! No doubt.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrot Gardens
Level rating: 4.7

“Carrot Gardens” is a pretty small level including A LOT of weapons and a nice platform design (i really like that). Layer work is okay (not much actually). There is some dull empty space in the middle of the level though. Well, to put it short: if you like small battle (rabbit massacre) levels, you MAY want to download this.
Unfortunately, the next level setting is wrong, which is annoying for people hosting it online.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 1 Music Collection
Level rating: N/A

raises hand
I have also thought of this idea before. In the year 1995, that was. A friend sent me a PSM to S3M converter he got from some board. Unfortunately i didn’t have internet access back then :-)
Well, anyways, good to see it here at J2O. Only bad thing is that you posted it under your own username. You should have created a neutral username for it.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Electric Prison
Level rating: 4.3

The idea behind “Electric Prison” is interesting (as described above). Design, size and eyecandy are not. ‘nuff said (you may want to download this if you like Warps and/or the MEZ01 tileset :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tree-Tops
Level rating: 5.2

Hey, i like the “Tree-Tops”. This level has a quite original design and eyecandy (cool background layer!). I admit it’s not very large but somehow…tight. Don’t know, maybe it’s the background which produces this impression. Anyways, the weapon selection will garantuee a real battle and overall you can have some fun with this. As Gargoyle said, a CTF version for our flag fans is also included. Could be a nice replacement for Stupid CTF i guess :-)
So WHY NOT DOWNLOAD? If you ask me, i’ll keep it on my harddisk.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Assassins & Perfects Villa BETA
Level rating: N/A

Seems to be copied and compiled from other tilesets. No need to post here. No need to review. Sorry.
And i agree, theres no sense in submitting unfinished beta versions (except your name is ShadowGPW, of course :-).
By the way: if i’d rate this and if it was selfmade, it’d probably get a 7 or 7.5 i guess.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

Lets start with some basic advice: 1.) never use those [brackets] in filenames. 2.) never call yourself God.
Well, as for the actual tileset, i don’t think it’s very good. It has about twenty semi-useful blocks (walls, arrows, coloured squares etc.) and the rest is emptyness (i wonder why). Obviously, the author didn’t have too much experience in tileset making which could explain why he didn’t use the actual 32*32 pixel blocks. The masking is okay (automasking should have worked here :-) but overall, i can’t give a download recommendation for this.
If i were you, stiletto, Chaos or whatever your name is today, i would practice and try around a bit more before releasing the next one in the series :-)

An example level is also missing which shows the authors lack of confidence in his own creation. Sorry.[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Ðøpé-MyStIcS; Stage II
Level rating: 5.6

A level that fits its description :).

I dont really find the name original (:)), but its a training level using the cool day and night tileset. I did not succeed in finding any difference in the levels though exept for maybe a different tileset, but still. A pretty nice looking and playing level.

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4

yeah and why did u just copy silencer’s review? oh well..anyway ill brb im gonna rate this too in a minute

one minute later:
k back. time for a review

this is a very VERY nice tileset, featuring a hell lot of nice tiles and characters. i think this could be one of the best tilesets ever created (no, really i mean it)- is there a plan to rebuild the original lvls to jazzform already?

if u havent downloaded this yet, download it NOW!
[This review has been edited by SPLASHcc]

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Pipe Dream - By MAt7w
Level rating: 5.3

Hey, you posted this level here… heh.

I have seen this one in action and there is unfortunatly one spot where you can camp and kill all people really easily, but besides that its a funny level to play.

DOwnload this folks :)

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Pipe Dream - By MAt7w
Level rating: 5.3

Cool level

this get a Download recommendation

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4


This tileset features tons of tiles from the first lost vikings game for SNES. It features Tomator’s Ship, the dinosaur world, construction site, and Egypt. Can we expect a Lost Vikings 2 Tileset??? :D[This review has been edited by KJAZZ]

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4

The vikings are back!

This time Erik, Olaf and Baleog (and all their enemies and levels) enter the world of jazz.

Great tileset, many variations, lots of anims, possibilities and more. It has my recommendation for a download!

Plus I happen to like the Lost Vikings and have been planning to try and make a set with it myself :)

Review by JelZe

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4

This is a very cool set. It contains differnt worlds of the Lost Vikings game (Ship, Egypt and Forest i believe). It also has the main characters (sometimes not a good idea, but i’ll remain neutral :)) and even Tamator (i believe that’s his name). Putting in the enemies of the game was a nice idea. One minor setback was the bad masking at some points (background walls being masked…yuch). The demo level show you well gow to use the set. Too bad the author forgot to uncheck the “Hide in Home Cooked levels list” box (ALWAYS uncheck with single levels).

Conclusion: This is an excellent set if you want to make a level with variaty. A 7.5 it it. OK Aiko, your turn :p

- JelZe GoldRabbit

Review by Nitro

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4

The tileset is nice but I don’t like it, if my rating was the rating that the level would have by MY opinion i’d prolly give it a 6, btu I gave it a 6.7 :)


Review by Ninja Dodo

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Lost Vikings
Level rating: 8.4

Definitely a very cool set. If you liked the game and would like to see Jazz in it, this is the tileset for you![This review has been edited by Ninja Dodo]

Review by Nitro

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Electric Prison
Level rating: 4.3

Far to small but nice idea with the warps. But hard to get around in some places.


Review by Nitro

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

From what all you guys say I wont downlaod it but I allready know i’ll give this level something under a two… Huh?! censored?! hey! why can’t you rate levels as 0?! >=( no offense tobi =p

Review by Nitro

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tree-Tops
Level rating: 5.2

I played this level with Gargoyle in battle mode it was fun but not such a good level; the top of it is just some platforms and that’s one thing that i hate in levels it’s the authers way to lazyly fill up the rest of the level.
I would give it a 5 for the fun battle but about the CTF it is VERY un fair that one base has a hard climb and he other is a defended location which to get to it you just need the use the left and right keys and fall, also there arn’t enough ways into the bottom base (blue?)