Review by Enigma

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JelZe's Pinball Race
Level rating: 8.2

I love it! Maybe it’s just a bit too long and hard for a race level. This can do as a challenging single player level as well. If you think racing is all about speed, play this level to change your mind!

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gargoyle's Return Level Pack
Level rating: 5.2

A levelpack consisting of small lvls. Now what’s good and what isn’t?

The eyecandy looks good at most parts but there are some parts where it looks awful. For instant the third room in the castle level. However I like the background u used in Electric Force.

The levels are very small and don’t play very well. U could have taken more time for that.

The weapon placing is quite messy. Powerups everywhere and at a real short distance from eachother.

My conclusion: the levels look good at most places, but not everywhere. The playability is quite hard cos of the room u have and the placement of things. There are also a lot of dead ends.
5 looks good for this one.

A tip: Take more time to build your lvls. Your style is fine, but next time spend more time. If u make anoher level, I can test it for u before u post…Think about it.

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

I did it myself. It was his first tileset and I rated Tobi’s thing also with n/a. So I think it’s fair to do the same with Chaos’ thing.

Review by wimster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jumpfun
Level rating: 8.5

Because webjump stopped their activities doesn’t work anymore. Here’s the NEW link to the JKM-clan homepage:
[This" target="_blank">[This review has been edited by wimster]

Review by Enigma

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Renkos Racepack
Level rating: 3.4

Until now, i had only downloaded levels with a good rating. I wanted to see why people give some levels bad ratings. Well, NOW I KNOW. The eyecandy is bad, i got stuck a lot in the second level, i couldn’t find the exit in that same level, and if you’re gonna put in enemies, you’d better build single player levels.

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Sting in Your Tail
Level rating: 7.7

Ver small and empty lvl. Didn’t use the stuff to decorate the lvl and this tileset is way overused. just 2 standard for such a “bigname”

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fright Night CTF
Level rating: 8.7

Another GREAT lvl by Martin. Looks ace, plays ace, what more to say? Just download ALL of his lvls.
The best CTF AND the best lvl using the Haunted tiles. The reason y it’s TSF only is because the tile isn’t available for 1.23.

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Clan Wars: Special Edition
Level rating: 7.8

is this supposed to be a clanpack?
if yes, i think some of the paths are way too narrow and with many ppl in yer server this could get crowded. in clan fields..anyway lets get to a real rating:

looks: looks pretty standard, bad eyecandy in my opinion could have been much better

playability: worse. many pits and holes, not to mention the dead path in the castle lvl, what if u are running to get away from an enemy and u get there? no way back! could have been much better too.

weapons: now this is prettt good, wherever u go, u always get to grab some weapons, as well as some stash.


overall, a 6. i dont know why all ppl give it such high ratings. if they would just play the lvls and really rate it, not just give it 8’s cos its a well known person (and this is no offence, its just true).

this is a pretty good example of the what i call – lets give old friend a 9, and new ppl no chance (dont ask me, i really think this should change!)

i dont care if ppl go flaming me
cmon! give new creators a break
they most of the time create better lvls, and they dont get a chance to get wellknown


Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Evilness2
Level rating: 6.4

I think Dizzy is right. But u guys still give it an 8, well my friends would do the same thing to me.
Looks boring and not because of the one color, but it has no style if u know what mean.

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

sorry to say but the tileset is horrible
kinda reminds me of my very first (and worst) tileset :P
some stuff has been stolen from other tilesets as the bricks and the letter blocks (cool day?)
anyway its kinda useless, so train harder on creating tilesets (or levels, for that matter- i keep saying that to evryone sjeesh)

sorry, try harder

Review by Hawkin 87

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

That Holland bit on Fl@$h’s review was a “bit” mean… (I hope it was meant as a joke.) :-)

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

actually the tileset does influence the ratings, as it is way underused :) oh wait i already gave a rating

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

Bad. It has:

-Letter Blocks
-Letter Blocks
-Three JJ2 screenshots of Chaos
-A big red circle
-Some colored tiles
-And finally 5 usefull tiles (stone walls)
-And too many unused black blocks

Yup. I don’t like it. I think, if you work harder on it, you CAN make a great tileset, but this is a bit trash.Because I think it’s hard to create a tileset and because you’re from holland, i’ll give you a 5 ;)

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

Hm. VERY weird layout, but cool.The weapons selection is good, and the music rox. I don’t like Haunted house too much, but i really like this level. Weird layers, kool ideas, great weapon placement, kool. And, Stunts, the tileset don’t make the rating. I don’t like the tileset, but I love the level. So, this is a DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATION.

EDIT: I found this old review, and I corrected the spelling errors :)[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

I guess Newspaz told everything. It has no playfeeling and the eyecandy could be much better. Though this tileset is hard to use there are lot’s of examples like Fright Night CTF and some standard TSF lvls.

If u like to play underused tilesets u could give it a try. But if exactly the same lvl would be build with an overused tileset I guess it would be worse. The conclusion I get from this is that the tileset makes the lvl instead of the gameplay.

5.7 looks good enuf.

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

Very small tileset. The tiles look awful and what’s that big red circle? The blue square is the air I presume. It’s impossible to use more than one layer with this tileset.
Of course this is your first tileset, but if I must believe what rookie players tell about u, I would expect something much better than this.
But bcos it’s your first I won’t rate. Just pointing at the mistakes, hope u’ll learn from it.[This review has been edited by $TÛNT$]

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

*) Tiles don’t fit to one tile size.
*) Nothing to be creative with except for a big red circle.
*) Useless bad looking tiles.

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: $tîlêttø
Level rating: 4.8

Because Im so very nice, ill give this a 6.

The tileset is ok for a first tileset, but it has few tiles and no anims and thus you should make a bigger one next time Chaos.

Review by Enigma

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Shellion's Extreme Revenge (SXR)
Level rating: 9.3

Wow, this is GOOD! Lots of enemies to bash, and a lot of difficult puzzles. The Jazz clones are really great, even when they move so crazy. A few tiny eyecandy flaws but mostly the fact that 3 bosses at a time is really too much are all what’s keeping me from giving this 10.

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

Good points:
*)Haunted Hause
*)Good music
*)Nice ideas

Bad points:
*)Playing around is very annoying
*)Eye candy is really bad

Sorry. But this really loses all the fun of playing for me. No recommendation from me.[This review has been edited by Newspaz]