Review by Cell_old

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Electric Ir as Jazz Jackrabbit (clip)
Level rating: 8.4

genius :).

Review by MattW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Final Funkytown (Tileset)
Level rating: 5.9

I don’t really agree.
I actually think it’s a good tileset. (And someone finally made a new tileset.)

Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

The level indeed looks nice and features a lot of interesting layerwork, but the layerwork takes away visibility and movement possibilities, which makes it harder to do actual battle in this level and battle is what its made for…

The music is nice, but the name of this music always reminds me of the Bugworld screensaver (playable, if you find it then get it, it rocks).

[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

a very nice lvl.
it features some original ideas ( i like the growing vines). the water background was kinda kool, as it doesnt slow down gameplay like normal water.

but the lvl is very confusing, with overheading layers which look exactly the same, and springs that were placed in small paths.
music was kinda nice..but a bit boring for a battle lvl in my opinion (dont take it too hard)

overall a 6.7, and a d/l reccomandation

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gargoyle's Return Level Pack
Level rating: 5.2

That’s right, not all of us live on earth u know. ;P

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Commander - Easter Edition '01
Level rating: 7.7

A good program but there isn’t a real need for it. However if u like to use progs for Jazz to keep track of stuff on your HD and to have everything in one basket, u’ll sure have fun with this.

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 'Ancient Dungeon' CtF
Level rating: 7.4

I like the idea of posting old lvls. New players can see some of the classics like Carrotus Squash and Mystic Legend lvls.

A good beach lvl used for my favourite kinda game: CTF. No new and surprising stuff (But hey it’s hard to come up with new things, cos all things allready have been invented). It’s good to see someone using the beach Tileset for Multiplay. And what can I say ‘bout this one? Everything looks good and a must have for CTF players who like to play something else than Diamondus CTF.

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 'White Christmas'
Level rating: 7.6

It’s good enuf for about 8 players. No exciting new things in it. A regular Xmas lvl, but none the less one of the best lvls to download using this tileset.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

Hehe, despite its of german origin, this won’t become my favourite level. Blade’s “Beton” tileset is a good choice, but it’s not recommended for a first level i guess :-) Well, the tile placement is quite horrible and a design is pretty much non-existant. At least Tobi tried to put music (which i don’t like too much though, dull techno sound doesn’t turn me on).

Overall, i really think you should practice and try around a bit more, Tobi, to slowly develop your JCS skills so that one day, we’ll see some great levels from you! Viel Glück! :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: dinner
Level rating: 7.1

Wow! mirrow’s “dinner” is a pretty cool battle level built in a very underused tileset (TSF’s “Haunted House”). I really like the layer work! It has all kinds of of original ideas on how to use the tileset (flying bats, a creeping plant, living chains etc.). The overall design (esspecially the weapon placement) is also very good (could be a bit more circular though). And the music fits perfectly.
Germany: 7.5 points :-) I can really RECOMMEND THiS LEVEL for DOWNLOAD.

Review by Tobi

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7


Review by BlackDeath

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

Well first of all, in making your first level I would recommend not using a custom tileset, because they are often consisting of 1 useful tile or very hard to use, thus making it harder to make a good level with them.
Second, this is your first level, so you have not yet mastered (ahum) jcs and that makes it a little predictable in what the rating will be, because there are always people better at making levels, but nevertheless, this level is bad, it uses tiles meant for background in the level, has unfinished walls, tiles just placed somewhere in the level and (i think I really know what it is) bad eyecandy.

My advice to improve: try a lot before you go uploading and publishing levels, because you need the practice… (we all did at first).

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

Just review Stunts
and ur reviews Arent very good so quit to have comment on other reviewes
Case Closed :P[This review has been edited by Stilettø]

Review by $TÛNT$

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

hehe just hear Stiletto trying to be smart: “There’s no eyecandy”. EVERY lvl has eyecandy except this eyecandy is pretty bad. next time when u review don’t try to use stuff which u don’t understand.
Just practice making lvls, Tobi. If u use a standard tileset look at the 1p levels, how they used the tileset. Just keep building and u’ll get better.
First levels often are bad, so I think it’s sucky to give it a rating. [This review has been edited by $TÛNT$]

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

Quit this :P The last thing we need is discussions in level review pages. It’s the author his own choice if he wants to add something.

Review by FoD MERC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: CarrotAmp
Level rating: 7.4

I’ll download this when I get home.

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

Well splash if ya do n/a
That is reviewing or not ?
Jou only dont give a rating
but it is reviewing

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

Originally posted by Stilettø:
Hey tobi Dont review ur own level
Just delete ur review
and What jou have to say about it put it in Author’s description

Çhâø$GpW Out

he didnt review it it sez n/a :)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gargoyle's Return Level Pack
Level rating: 5.2

“Gargoyle’s Return” is a pack of seven multiplayer levels using different tilesets (Jungle, Labrat, Tube Electric, Beach and Castle).

I have to say that i find it quite hard to rate this because the quality varies pretty much throughout the pack. In some levels i saw real nice eyecandy and some creative ideas, then again there were newbie mistakes like bad foreground layer work (in the Jungle level, for example). The one thing all those levels have in common is that they are small, small and small, if not too small. Could be fun with a small amount of people, of course.

As i said, this is hard to rate so i was quite undecided. Aware of the fact, the author put some real effort into this, the rating is above the average.

For small-level-freaks and Gargoyle fans, this may be the right choice to DOWNLOAD :-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]

Review by Stilettø

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tobi - the first
Level rating: 1.7

Hey tobi Dont review ur own level
Just delete ur review
and What jou have to say about it put it in Author’s description

Çhâø$GpW Out