Ok, ok……this level is bad ;-)
My second Level is with my own Tileset and i hope it will be better than that!
Hey! Kinda reminds me of my first lvl…
(Translation: needs work.)
(Please tell us what categories this upload needs work in. Also explain why. In the meantime, this just gets an unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
You already know: I’m not the best in this. But this is really bad:S Like my first lvl.
Now i have re-uploadet the Level…it’s now with the Tileset..so every one can play it!
Im sure your levels and stuff will be much better in the future. just train
helped for me :)
I wil download battle pack 2 soon. Sory, i did`nt know that wasteland was`nt released yet by that time :-0.
Hey, this is my first Level i ever made!
OK? I know it’s not the best :)))
But…so bad? I find it …. ok.
Music: it’s not Special! That’s right.
And on this Level i would test the JCS !
1st: Add the tileset
2nd: it’s not so special to add background music ;)
3th: Bad level. Eyecandy = $@&$^
4th: VERY bad use of tileset
5th: Not worth a download
6th: Try to spend more time on your levels
2.5 for the music and the time you wasted on this[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
Wait a minute, Garoyle. We don’t live all in the samest timezone as you… W need TIME to review it ;)
I’ll rate this soon.
Well Do you call this a Lvl ? :P
its very Bad
No eyecandy
BtW Use the reupload functie and add the tileset Beton
[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
Why dont you people review this?!
Oh my god another probably critical german ;). Anyway, you didn’t include the tilesetof this level.
Short reviews like those of Stiletto and JoJo don’t give the users sufficent information on the lvl.
Here’s my rating:
The eyecandy is brilliant. Effective use of the Jungle Tileset. The looks are, in my opinion, even better than Spy’s Mystic Forest Cave (download Bash). The waterfalls are awesome and with the loads of lvls we have today it’s very hard to come up with something original. Good work SPLASH.
The gameplay is not as good as the eyecandy. No oneway things, just what a good battlelevel needs. Good placement of springs and trees are used very effective.
Weapon-placement is terrific. Though Carrotus Squash still has a brilliant balane of weapons this one gets quite close too it.
Overall a solid 9.
Did I edit this? ;)
[This review has been edited by $TÛNT$][This review has been edited by $TÛNT$]
Not a Good Level
The tileset isnt very Good
could be better
Nice![This review has been edited by Gargoyle]
Again A Kool prog a very nice layout
Pretty useless upload (btw: the filename of your ZiP made me shudder…semicolons!). It’s a waste of both, web- and diskspace (the VB5 runtime library is larger than the previous one). And the “easter theme” looks quite horrible. I’d recommend installing the “normal” Jazz Commander. It works for all seasons and holidays :-)
Nevertheless, here’s my original review (copied and pasted):
The “Jazz Commander” is a very useful and handy program with all the features Spazzyman promised in his author’s description above. It’s just a very, very small tad away from MetalWarrior’s Jazz 2 Organizer (whose interface looks a bit better and it has some additional or different features…like displaying the level/tilesets name for example) in my opinion. I also like the fact the program is so small and handy (it only takes 42 KB [plus the 700 KB runtime library] of diskspace while Jazz 2 Organizer needs about 650 KB).
Now what, Jazz Commander or Jazz 2 Organizer? Decide by yourself, i can’t help you here. Both programs are definitely a MUST DOWNLOAD for every Jazzer. Good work, Spazzyman!
—————[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Whoo. I like easter editions ;).
The program isn’t changed so much, so read my review at the another version ;)
The program is still cool, and some more cooler because it has a layout (the another version has a dull greay windows layout) And because Jazz2Organizer don’t work for me i suggest this download to everyone! Kool proggie!
Good program, easy options, many options. All in all, worth a download.
This is a level i have seen many times, Its good, the tileset and music are good(for christmas that is :)) and the eyecandy is good too.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.