I don’t know how to review this, so i’ll only give a rating… 7.0 and downlaad recommendation for everyone who wants to expand his average levels collection.
WoW! A great level with a great tileset. One set back: no eye-candy. Nothing more to say. Download recommendation!
Well… the first 2 level doesn’t work for me (level 1: JJ2 ran out of aniamtion structures, too much enemy’s, level 2: Tileset not found) So i won’t give a rating now. please re-upload!
I kind of liked the level but it had too much foreground, the backround was choppy, and there was too many badguys.
The place where there is collapsing scenery is annoying. If you fall in your dead, and “jjfly” came in handy.
If you like a BIG challenge, download this[This review has been edited by MoonShadow]
The only real difference I noticed was that it was faster(and had a few sound fx added). You can do a bit better that that…
Hawkin 87 :-\[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]
Very nice, but a little too dificult for me…
This level is not very suited for actual battle, I think…
It also doesnt have all the nececary eyecandy, giving it a bit less entertaining sight. Nevertheless, the idea of the level is ok and – besides a few minor layer bugs – so is the way it was put to action.
Concluding this level gets a 6.5.[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
Err… The levels are cool. 8.5 :)
:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
I don’t belive it………………I’m shattered……….lemme check the lvl……………..I liked it………. I did……..cries cause he’s a total failer.
This level uses one of Blade’s masterpieces, the Aztec tileset.
The level itself is not good, not bad. But, err… It’s very dull. It uses only some tiles of the tileset, not all the tiles and it are just blocks. You can use this tileset musch better.
It also got lots of dead ends, and the ammo is not placed very well. Sorry Crusher, but i can’t say i like this level.
You might want to download this, but i think you don’t.
P.s There’s only 1 lvl cause i wanna add more to my lvl pack
OK. Here’s my review.
The “Ultimate Training” level is a big level which you can play single OR battle. I prefer battle, but that’s just my opinion. If i got it, you have to complete five “missions”, get 5 diamonds and then face the Darkmaster. I hope i got it right, Predator :).
I like this level. It’s kinda hard (i’ve not completed all parts yet :) But i like it. It uses the Tileset from Kejero’s Tomb rabbit pack. It’s not so good used at some points. Boo. If you used it better, predator, the rating was a 7.0. There’s also a bug in it. When i tried to close the window, i got the never-ending-acces-violation.
I think every one who wants to know how great he is should download this. Thank you.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
Uh… I don’t get what u mean :) What’s wrong?
The recurrance of posts comes from the deletion of the last recent one, now takes the post of this one cause the ID is the same. I’ll delete old posts from that older ID level.
Good lvl Predator. Big and Hard
A Cool training LVl very big but also Very hard
I’ve had this off TraxInSpace for a while, and I liked the added beat, and I wanted a file I could play in JJ2. And my prayers have been answered! Sure, not much is added, but what is added was great!
Is this an April Fool’s joke? I do not claim to be a numero uno tracker either but I agree with Aiko that it’s too much NOT a remix, “merely” some beat-track slapped onto it. Not very original IMHO, even my own remixes of JJ(2) songs are better (I’ll post something soon if you don’t believe it).
A 4 for the idea and the effort. Only download if you’re collecting this stuff… Come on Insectdroid, I know you can do better than THIS!
Almost forgot to post some constructive critizism:
- Don’t just increase the speed, some pitchbends are way off now
- Don’t plain slap on a beat, use instruments that fit you and the style of the song and/or fiddle in some nice new tracks
- Make it sound “whole”, as mentioned many times before, it now sounds as a (rock-)song with a seperate (rave-)beat under it. No good, amigo
- The only good parts where the intro-fx and the actual beat, put some focus on original melodies or instruments
If you’d excuse me, my head is starting to ache…
This level has some nice, creative ideas in it. And it makes use of Kejero’s AWESOME “Egypt_Cave” tileset. To my disappointment, the author not even used half of the tiles the tileset offers. Unfortunately, you’ll play this only one or two times because it’ll get a tad boring after that. And actually i never really knew what so-called “Training levels” are good for. Well…training maybe :-)
Background music is missing, by the way. Bummer.
However, my overall impression is good…so give it a try and DOWNLOAD NOW.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Wakeman, could you create an account for AstroniA or let her/him create one? Then re-post it?
Well, anyways, i don’t like this “re-mix” too much. I admit, i never was the module composer #1 in town but from what i hear the author didn’t “re-mix” the whole song too much. It’s just one very techno orientated (BEAT!BEAT) track added. Not my favourite style of tracking, sorry. I won’t rate it in any case, because it wasn’t made by Wakeman (who posted it). It’d probably get 6 or 7 points from me.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.