I think it’s just a large collection of old levels meant to bring back many memories. I only played several of the levels (In Iceman’s server), and it seemed to work. ;)
Um…could you give some infos about those many levels (use the “edit info/re-upload” function!). I’m a bit sceptic about this. Dunno. What is it? A large levelpack?
I’ll review and rate them then.
Was this really Fquist or (the|another) hacker?
Money, is the root of al evil :) . But seriously, i realy like this. Crysilis is a realy cool world.
its a nice lvl do you make more lvl for internet
I love it! These are some of the best CTF levels I have ever seen. These were the levels that I have always imagined would be created. A little big, but i guess that is why I need to learn it!
I like it! Not some of the greatest Eye-Candy in the world….But can’t argue with Xeno’s levels. Reminds me of the beggining days….I agree with Hawkin! I need to find someone to fight. Overall a nice pack.
Nice work… I just wish I could find someone to fight… :-P[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]
Heh, Shadow, I beta tested ShockWave too, remember? =P
Installation went fine, with a readme too… only thing that kept this from getting a plus was that stupid level string on Shockwave. Fix it, or else. ;P
Spectacular eyecandy. One minor gripe is it becomes almost TOO confusing in some places. Nice job here.
Navigation? Hmm. It was a bit difficult, but that’s good, to an extent. I saw a few springs that did nothing… =P There were multiple routes through bases but I didn’t notice any “secret” routes or any corners you could cut and all that good replayablitity stuff. The carrot placement, IMHO, sucked. They were totally unbalanced with the powerups and isolated, too. You want your carrots out of the way, but not plain isolated.
Weapons? Unbalanced with the carrots and a little overdone in some places, but good.
WEAPONS: 1.2/2
Felt pretty good, and polished, but somehow they felt pretty bland. Maybe it was the warp usage, or the lack of secret routes. Maybe it was the initially difficult routes. But whatever it was, it didn’t feel that great.
This one gets a d/l reccomendation. It’s a pity, because these levels would need a lot of practice to get good on, but they’re too buggy to practice consistently on. =/
“Jumpfun” is a pretty cool pack containing a “new” tileset of more than 320 very useful tiles and a great (example) battle level.
The tileset is more an update to the author’s first tileset release, but it’s really worth it. The author removed the silly, not really fitting images of those japanese pocket monsters and added some very good looking stuff like stuctures of a house, walls, wooden bridges and the like. I couldn’t find the promised “fast cars and women”…but well, those tents are still great also :-)
The masking is very exact, too. Good work, wimster.
The “Jumpfun” archive file also includes a battle level. The design and eyecandy are both just great. The map is full of lovely details and step by step, you’ll discover them all.
As Flash already mentioned, the “Jumpfun” level is way too large. In a battle, you’ll have to search your enemies for a while.
Apart from that the other minor downfall i found is that the “freeze” music doesn’t fit too good. I’d prefer custom music for custom tilesets.
To conclude my hymn, i’ll recommend EVERYONE TO DOWNLOAD THiS Level/Tileset pack RiGHT NOW!
I like the level. The music is cool, but does`nt fit totaly in to it. i recomend the music Digsh.s3m (if you can get it somewhere). The level is real cool. Eyecandy is very good.
I like it.
First of all:
JJ Tublear, PLEASE stop posting so many useless reviews. Use the “Edit review” and “Delete” function instead!
Now, “Inferno Infiltration v4.0” is a pretty boring level in my opinion. I am aware that “Inferno” isn’t the easiest tileset to work with and regarding that, the author did a good job. But the whole layout (enemy placement!) is way too simple and without any real surprises or interesting spots. The eyecandy is okay, some of the “bone constructions” for example.
Well, my overall impression is still that this level misses the special touch to make it worth the download. Sorry.
Yeah! I love it! Technior rules foreever (or atleast for quite a while :)!
Not bad. I like the tileset( interesting. since i removed jazz1 demo from my old computer, i have`nt seen the origenal tubeelectric in a while :) ) The CTF level could be beter. Let`s give it a 7.7!
This level rocks =) I like it a lot.. Lot’s to explore.
REmember this is beta next release is beta 2 with the minor fixes.. Beta 2 release in 3/4 weeks..I wanted to release beta 1 before 9th of April sinds of aniversary bash..
and sinds whenn do you lower ratings of bugs Aiko? Remember Tomb Rabbit with the bugs.. no lower rating there ;)
This is a great level. It uses a tileset which has some great graphics and it’s very well masked. Altough it isn’t really new. It’s more a v2.0 of an older tileset from wimster (download the level “JKM bat/ctf” for more =). The battle level is very large, maybe a bit too large, but that doesn’t really matter. The weapons/ayecandy/events selection is also good. I think this is a very high download recommendation!
Realy! This is awesome! I love it! The music fits in wel, and the design is terific! Download this now! (If you dont, you lack good taste of level design :).)[This review has been edited by Cell]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.