I agree with Stilleto
great level
good tileset and much eyecandy
I like this one
This Level is realy cool Great eyecandy
Go And Download Now
[This review has been edited by Stilettø]
I had the oppurtunity to play this with Aiko, Flea, Stiletto, and others this morning and I must say it’s fabulous (:
Not much more to be said, except that I disagree with iCeD that the levels are too big. I love big CTFs. My favorite is definitely the second one. The music selection is AWESOME as well, although I’m not sure why you edited Smile, the original was so cool!
Whee. This level gives a nice demonstration of a lot of enemies in an attempt to make it more difficult. But you know what, I think your overdoing of the enemies didn’t add anything to the level. It didn’t make it much harder, just gave it a “shoot all the time in hope that they won’t hurt you” feel. The eye candy could have also been improved significantly as Ace UOI already said. The BG was rather ugly to look at and the foreground didn’t look right.
You really need to spend more time polishing your levels, JJ Tublear. Most of this felt like a mess.
Overall this is fairly average (I was going to give it a 4.5). You might want to download it but probably not.
What exactly is “noobish”?
Ignore this and download the new version.[This review has been edited by Ninja Dodo]
A baddie excessive attempt at a difficult level.
This level is overflowed with baddies to the point where JJ2 will not function properly. It gave me a fatal error every so often, like when I went to change to low detail. This was frustrating. It wasn’t only overflowed for the game to operate incorrectly, but also so that it wasn`t very much fun. I could tell by using so many baddies it was supposed to be hard, but it was actually quite easy. I would have much preferred some more physical terrain, which made it hard instead of 20 baddies over a space of 8 tiles. Maybe some trigger sceneries would help. The eye candy was also a disappointment. Three of the four background layers didn`t tile and were rather awkward looking during game-play. On layer 2 were the poles w/ skulls, which were too repetitive. A little more space between them could have made it nice. Some of the walking enemies were placed on slopes, or ditches, gullies etc.. where they couldn`t walk. Most of the level was carved out and consisted of little paths between the rocks. This gave it a noobish feel to the layout. There were quite a few open areas, but none of these were taken advantage of with springs and such. One specific point in the level bugged me. There is a spot where there are collapsing sceneries, as often seen in Inferno. But what bothered me, was if you don`t make it across, you fall into a pit of fire with hurt events so you would have to wait until you were killed. It would have been nice if it had dropped to a previous point in the level, and the baddies that you had to redo could be on a generator so that they would have to be killed again. The level also seemed long and redundant. I would have preferred JJTublear to spend the time on maybe another one or two levels to make a pack, instead of a long, drawn out level. All in all, Inferno Infiltration gets a 4.5 for its lack of fun, reliability, creativity, and layout. Not a level to download. [This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]This level was pretty fun. I played it when Moonstone server hosted it.
-Level is too small
-Not enough Eye Candy
-Background is too slow
-Had plenty of weapons
-Carrots were too close to each other
-The shield fitted in the level
-The music Fitted (heh)
-Was fun
-Grass in the gorund was sort unique
-Cave wasn’t dark
-Good Secrets (sorta)
Overall: This was a fun Battle level I recommend it.
A fairly good tileset, with a nice beach style effect, creative tiles, and a scary shark (or some might think).
I didn’t like it a whole lot, probably because of the lack of tiles (it all seems to be yellow ish… makes it look like cheese. Mmm, cheese.)
Overall I can recommend a download, if you’re a custom tileset fan.
WOW 3 very awesome CTF levels.
Use of the tilesets, music choices, eye candy and much much more is super awesomeness.
2 of these levels use the CyberSpaz tilesets. The way you used them was superb.
The eye candy in all of these was great to look at.
My only real complaint, sometimes the levels’ size leads some some confusion… base routes are quite hard to get down, and the overall feel of the levels confused me.
Overall this wasn’t the BEST CTF pack I’ve played, but is definitely a great choice for any Jazzer.
DOWNLOAD NOW![This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
A slightly above average level using an overused tileset.
The eye candy is shoved into different areas and totally left out of other areas. The BG was okay and the weapon placement was weird…. the design was choppy, had plent of dead ends and other annoyances too.
Overall you can decide if you wish to download, this is very slightly above average.
A fairly good level using the great (and underused) Medivo set. The level is small as Aiko noted, but it also combines this with a tight feel (which I don’t really like), but that’s okay.
The ammo is sort of slapped together, creating a very weird feel for the whole level. ironically enough, I didn’t like it too much. Oh well.
Undecided between 6.5 and 7, I recommend a download to thee.[This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
This is a pretty decent battle map with some a good bg/polish, but could be improved. The ammo was so sparse, that really dulled the level. And IMO the tubes tend to slow down gameplay when used improperly. Also the powerups, especially the seekers, should be a little harder to access. The eye candy was pretty good, but what really brought this rating down a .5 points was the tight design which I don’t really like much at all.
Oh well. I can recommend a download for this.
A very nice little level that has the feel of the classic original Battle Levels. I like the music (“Mercury Rain” by Skaven), but I feel it doesn’t fit as well as other’s could. Oh well.
You did a really nice job with the layout, this could amount to lots of fun online. My only real complaint is that the bouncy powerup is sort of hard to see, but that doesn’t affect the rating too much.
Download now, battle fans, and Jazz fans in general!
Please, include the custom tileset if your level uses one. I can’t play this…
Very nice.
You used some excellent ideas here, I love that sub idea. Even though this level is immensly creative, it is also immensly buggy and annoying. You should have tested this more, if you would have this would get about a 9 or so.
Otherwise, you used some amazing ideas. I could go into JCS right now just to see how you did some of those great ideas…
Great shad, great.
This thing rocks. The Tube Electric level is the best CTF level I’ve ever seen. Afcourse.. I don’t play CTF much =)
Get this now. Nuff said.
Wow, VERY nice CTF levels you got here.
Levels like “Pit CTF” and “Maximum RAM CTF” were quite impressive. You used some good ideas (Crazy Island CTF could become pretty amusing with a lot of people). The music fit okay, but that doesn’t affect my rating much at all. Awesome’s “Hard to Believe” song added a weird feel to the MEZ03 level, but that’s acceptable.
Overall VERY nice levels you should be proud of, download now! (undecided between 7.5 and 8)
IMO this is a super simple level with some actually interesting ideas. Though plently of things brought this review down. It actually didn’t look like much work was put into this level (I can imagine battling in a simple level like this wouldn’t be too much fun). The use of events was interesting, but seems like it was done like 10000 times before (pools aren’t a new concept.)
Undecided between a 3 and a 3.5… I don’t like this much at all and can’t recommend a download.
Wow. We have a fairly simple level here, it has some hurt events (which DON’T work in MP, btw.), an ammo and chat room. I didn’t bother to actually check out the tileset used extrensively, but it seemed fairly okay. This level deserves an award for it’s smallness and simplicity, but I can hold on that.
The 70’s Grove music (which was included with TSF and therefore just wastes disk space), doesn’t fit at all.
I can’t recommend a download.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.