“Assassin’s Pool” is a concept based hotel level using the nice “Tavern” tileset by an unknown author (please ALWAYS give some infos about who made the tileset!).
The hotel has some rooms, for example a sauna, toilets, a whirlpool and the like. Some events were placed to demonstrate the functions of a room (bubbles, air, water etc.).
The level design is below the average and there is a major lack of eyecandy. Apart from the fact, i don’t like hotels too much, this still needs a lot of work to get a 5 or higher rating from me. At least the concept can be considered as semi-original.
But the “70’s grove” music also doesn’t fit too good in my opinion.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
MOOOO! (The cow song rocks!!!)
Hawkin 87 :-D“Super Mario Bros.” by Assassin is a small battle level using a “Super Mario Brothers” tileset by an unknown author (NOTE TO ALL AUTHORS: PLEASE do always give credits or mention the author of the tilesets you used in your levels! Esspecially if you include YOUR OWN, selfmade sets.). The tileset actually is okay (slightly below average i think).
To my regret, the level is really ugly: it has nothing more than useless hurt events, a chat and an ammo room.
The “70’s Grove” music doesn’t fit at all. Sorry. Not a good thing to download.
As the boring name, “Electric Hell”, promises, it is a boring, small level with horrible weapon placement (way too many weapons, Mister!). Eyecandy is not really existant (except the small foreground layer hideout…actually it’s a layer bug, you have to cover everything around the hideout with foreground layer tiles, too). The music does not fit.
Unfortunately, i can’t give a download recommendation here. This level would need a lot more work and effort.
One of the known facts of the J2O database is, that there is a lack of race levels. Not to mention good race level packs!
First of all, the creativeness of this pack is unbelievable. Each of the ten(!) levels has its very own style and look. As i always suspected, Another Jazz2 fan is one of the masterminds regarding Jazz2 level design. He is one of the very few people in the scene who still produce lots of great design ideas. My congratulations!
From the awesome “Rising Air” or the breathtaking “Final Raceway”, every level is worth mentioning. Only the MEZ02 levels are a bit dull and boring (Invisible poles? Horrible!) but that doesn’t take too much away from the overall score.
The authors experiments with eyecandy are darn cool. He only used the three (cool) MEZ tilesets but nevertheless there are lots of interesting and/or funny layer tricks in most of the levels. Of course, there are still too many large, boring areas, where he didn’t put a lot of stuff (eyecandy, please! :-) but as i explained, sometimes its just the other way round.
Now, to conclude this long review, i really love the style of this race level pack. IT iS A MUST DOWNLOAD FOR EVERYONE!
The included custom music file (tigress.xm) is good but not really a gem of german tracking :-) The other tracks from Jazz1 fit well in most levels.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
The “BusterPack CTF” is a good, a very good pack of five great Capture the flag maps.
The quality of the levels varies pretty much in this pack so i’ll have to mention some levels seperately.
The overall design of the levels is very good. I esspecially like “Maximum RAM CTF” which uses the Tube Electric tileset from Jazz1 (great idea!, this level is definitely my favourite). Other levels, like the MEZ03 one, are still very original and creative but the layout (many warps) is a tad confusing.
“Crazy Island CTF” (the last level) is funny, a nice laugh. But not really playable (bases are to close to each other :-).
The layer work in all five levels is very decent and good looking. The choices for the background music could have been better sometimes (wrong music for “Pit CTF” for example) but at least one of the two custom MODs is more than acceptable (aws_hard.xm :-).
Overall, a very good CTF pack, that every real Jazz2 fan will love to play.
Good readme file included. I really care for good Readme’s. And yes, they’ll improve my ratings.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Very nice. I got it a while ago, and I’ve played it at least 10 times since. (10 times in 2 weeks.) It is a bit too hard, but is worth the download. It all adds up to a download worth the space.
Hawkin 87 :-)
The only bad thing I have to say about it is Tomb Rabbit is BETTER! ;-) (This one is still very good, though. VERY High quality.)
Keep It Up, Hawkin 87 :-)[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]To quote Bugs Bunny: (ahem…) LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOOOOOOVE IT!
Hawkin 87 :-)In answer to Magoo’s question: “Excellent,” maybe?
But truthfully, I would call it “Very Good.”
If you don’t count off for the yellow tiles not using the proper endings (very minor imho), then the eye candy cannot be griped at. There is a nicely hidden path to the seeker powerup and the two other powerups are logically located in the corners. Ammunition is a bit sparce (moreso for me, because pepper doesn’t even register in my mind as ammo [mostly since it can’t be powered up]), but it works. I like the way the tube entrances are done in slopes so that they are easy to access. The platforms are all nicely spaced.
Like Newspaz said, it does feel a bit flat, but of course that comes with the added virtue of being easy to tell what is going on.
As far as tips go, I would suggest going a bit further with eye candy than the scattered randomly variated blocks used. Patterns can look cooler than one would think, and tubelectric has plenty of neato things to construct gadgets with. Don’t be afraid to put in even more ammo than you’ve used, and you don’t need to cram it all in corners.
So overall: It’s a high-quality level without any real endearing traits. Not the kind which people are going to ask you to host just to play, but fun and good for a solid game of Jazz anytime. I’m looking forward to playing in more of your levels, MAGOO.
I think the level is really cool
Well, that’s what I think
Hehe the puzzles aren’t creative.
Snoring, has head on desk with a puddle of drool
Wha…? Wha happened?
Can you say speechless? (;[This review has been edited by Paul]
Kewl level! =) But I think it’s a bit to flat.. Some extra animations could have done the trick to.
Its a fine battle.. but it misses something,
YaY, I’m the 1st reviewer! __ Here goes:
Installation went fine, with a readme.
Great eyecandy. Could’ve been improved a little in some places, but, eh. Close enough. Good job.
Well, navigation varied in levels. Most were fairly difficult, and others you mainly jetted around in tubes/warps. I wouldn’t reccomend beginning on these levels for CTF (who does? =P), but they can be great for an advanced group. Interesting form, too. The weapons had fairly decent placement, but lacked synchronization with the carrot(s) and powerups were kind of an issue in number and placement. The carrots were placed well but sometimes overabundant or too sparce.
WEAPONS: 1.3/2
Nice but hard. Had a polished feel. Super. The tube level and slight difficulty brought it down a tad, though.
Strong d/l reccomendation. You’ve got some solid CTFs, some of which are very worthy of your string. Mucho fun awaits.
[This review has been edited by SteelTalon]
Never spend less than a week on a level if you want it to look even very bad. Anyone who’s played a level that was done in less than a week knows what they look like. It may take 2 hours tobuild, but spend time testing and de-bugging it.
Tanks, Hawkin 87 :-)I can’t belive this stuff! I actually couldn’t finish it in under an hour! High-quality, long-lasting, very fun levels make a perfect 10 for me. Awesome tilesets, cool music, and interesting puzzles (plus the MUMMY BUNNIES!) make this pack a great one. 2.7 megs? So what? that’s actually 2.7 megs o’ FUN!
Keep it up, Hawkin 87 :-)If you saw my first, this would be the entire game! (Although mine DID have less carrots…) Basically, my first level was total $#!T. (Sorry bout’ that, but nothing else fits!)[This review has been edited by Hawkin 87]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.