Well, my first reaction to Mr Magoo’s discription was that the level couldn’t be as good as he is arrogantly stating it is.
Then again, is it arrogance, or simply a statment of fact?
I’ll go for the statment of fact.
This level is exellent, fluent, fast, and fun.
The only problem I am aware of in this level is that it contains a pepper spray power-up. Pepper spray power-ups don’t have any effect on the game except to change the color of the ammo. It’s just another example of an unfinished event in the game.
Oops, didn’t notice I had it set wrong.
Newspaz – Normally I wouldn’t drop it one point over something small, but as I already noted I can hardly tell the lighting is dimmed at all. I understand you wanting the music to fit the level…I’m very particular about that myself. Of course the asthetic aspects are yours to edit how you please. I just don’t see any point in having the lighting THAT faint. As such, I had to consider it as more than a minor problem.
It is a well designed level otherwise.
its actually battle, i re-uploaded it
He said he rated it with 7, so I changed his rating.
Nutshell – Good level. Download. You like.
Expounded Version:
The design of this level is very good. Ammo is plentiful and well placed, and the level is clean and easy to get around in, with plenty of eyecandy and good tileset usage.
The only problem with this level I can see is the lighting. If there was any signifigant reason to use it, that’s one thing, but the lighting is so faint that it’s not likely that you’ll ever notice it while playing, except that the framerate will be rather low.
I don’t mind the use of lighting, but when you can’t even tell the lights are dimmed, what perpose does it serve? It just comes off as annoying because of the effect it has on the framerate. For online levels espicially I suggest a conservative use of lighting, but if you’re going to use it, at least let us see some asthetic change in the looks of the level, not just a decrease in performance.
If not for the lighting problem, I’d probably give this an 8.0. As it is, I can only rate it at 7.0.
NOTE – It just occured to me that I have contradicted Fquist in saying that the level is easy to get around in. I’d like to point out that I personally didn’t see any problem with the layout, which is reasonably open if not entirely fluent. Whether or not the level is difficult to get around in probably depends more on your playing style then on the design itself, as I personally had no trouble getting around.[This review has been edited by Buster][This review has been edited by Fquist]
Yeah, I found some bugs too, but it’s still a good level.
Download, even if you don’t like Single Player.
This tileset indeed is great, as is are the levels. 7th lava fall is a bit big (well im not sure, it seems so when playing:)
This level indeed is quite original, but it has some major bugs in it, not just at the start.
Still, this level is worth downloading…
What has the j20 got against hotels??? It seems to me that everywhere where a hotel is mentioned or placed, the grades aren’t higher than 5!
I think what you guys here are doing is rating very low because the tileset is TSF only and for hotels. Im dont agree with that. The tileset is better than most I’ve seen (im a collector so i have lots) and I personally like hotels (when well built), thats why im giving this an 8.
Really original. YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!!!!!!!!
The levels are pretty entertaining, but the author should have tested them more, as I and my “contestant” got stuck a lot when racing.
I could NEVER pass up a Tubelectric level ;)
Now that’s the best level i’ve seen in quite a while. I dunno what to say…Check it out for yourself.
whats with the 1.24 thing??
and btw there is a music file
in the lvl, maybe you guys dont have it (?)
Introduction to Race Tournament Pack Final:
This is a race tournament pack that consists of ten race levels.
Ten race levels, Four custom (Mez) tilesets, four sound files, and one readme text file are packed into the
downloadable zip file.
Unbiased Review:
There aren’t many race packs circulating out there. You’ll see why this pack is rated the way it is.
Design/Content: 2.5/2.5
The design of the Race Tournament Pack race levels are not only semi-open, they’re pretty comfortable to race in.
There aren’t any flaws in the design of the levels, though the real flaws come later. For nine of the ten levels, you
won’t be racing through the same lap over and over again, but a different course each time. The transitions displayed by the design are actually quite pleasing.
Tile/Tile compatibility: 1.7/2.5
Perhaps the most annoying flaw in any level could be the masking which you can’t do much about. The creator of the
Race Tournament Pack could have eliminated the few flaws that caused careless players to get stuck in the walls. I got myself stuck in Rising Air twice in a row, in the same spot. In the fourth lap of the “weird” level, there is also a place where you get “awesome effects” and also get stuck four out of five times. Certain flaws like these could have been corrected easily by better tile arrangement.
Tile/Event Compatibility: 1.5/2.0
Sure, Mez didn’t have poles, but the events didn’t match up with certain tiles, in any case. The one level that had invisible pole movement seemed strange, just because it didn’t have poles. Try to substitute events correctly so things look neat and well done. All that invisible pole swinging seems pretty pointless.
Event/event compatibility: 1.0/1.0
Events were a strong suit in the Race Tournament Pack. In the very first level, variables of movement are boasted
with the requirement of the toaster to melt the spring. Prerequisites in race levels can be very amusing, and you’ll see them occur around the levels.
Layer use: 1.6/2.0
In most of the levels, the use of layers were above average, if not excellent. The creator the Race Tournament Pack used cookie cutting techniques in various areas to make things look much nicer. However, the one level of concern was the “weird” level of the pack. The layers were used poorly in the “weird” level, though they certainly made the level look “weird”. Try to make it so the player doesn’t get blinded while playing, or the player doesn’t have to turn the game off to low detail.
Game compatibility: -0.1/-1.0
The Race Tournament Pack should have no problem working on your copy of Jazz Jackrabbit 2. It might be a problem
by taking up a few extra slots in your home-cooked levels list, though, since some levels weren’t disabled.
Overall rating: 8.2/10.0
An overall rating of 8.2 on an unbiased review calls for a pack download recommendation. This pack can be considered “good”.
Biased Review:
I certainly had a lot to say about the Race Tournament Pack. After all, there aren’t many race levels out there. My
opinion about this pack is probably more optimistic than the unbiased review.
Replayability: 4.7/5.0
The ten levels in this pack are sure to challenge your hands, eyes, and intelligence for a while. Not only does it mildly challenge you for a good amount of time, its pretty fun to race in. The estimated playing time of these levels would be five hours at most. Five hours is fairly decent for replayability, as many levels and packs don’t last very long. However, this is a race pack, and expectations for playing time are a little higher than usual.
My opinion on this pack: 3.8/5.0
I enjoyed testing this level pack. I’m sure I’d enjoy it just as much to play it against others. The level wasn’t without its flaws, and the flaws I experienced in this level were probably the only thing to hold it back. If only players had more control over their character and weren’t guided by tubes as much, I’d like it a little more.
My overall rating: 8.5/10.0*
Making this level pack probably took the creator of it a lot of effort. Good job.
True rating: 8.35/10.0*
A margin of difference of .”35” signifies that I didn’t have much more to say about the pack aside from the unbiased review.
The Race Tournament Pack is one of the few submitted race packs circulating online. This is, without a doubt, the
best race pack that has been submitted to Jazz Jackrabbit 2 site. If you enjoy the race mode in Jazz Jackrabbit 2, I
recommend downloading this pack 8:2. If you are not a fan of the race mode in Jazz Jackrabbit 2, I recommend
downloading this pack 7:3.
Take out some of those poles in Bird’s Eye View. Make the background layer in the “weird” level a little neater, so
you don’t blind the critics. Try to give players more control of their player, and have less tubes. I especially found tubes where they weren’t necessary.
Starting Level:
Race Tournament Pack: Starlight Speedway is the starting level of the pack.
Interesting fact:
Not all of the levels were completed in the beta release. One was left half-done, and remained half-done. It ended up being a single lap course.
~ Derby
I am sorry, but author forgot to include the custom tileset with the level, so no review from me. Next time include the tileset so people can actually play the level.
Instead of adding comments, edit the level info.
The review:
Eyecandy: 8.0
The eyecandy in this level is pretty good and has only a few errors.
Design: 6.0
The design is playable, but has quite some – what I would call – bugs with the fluency(is that the right word?). With that I mean, the level is not really good for fast battles. The author has used spots where the player should stop moving, in order to be able to get somewhere. A few springs or lower platforms could have solved this.
Overall: 7.0
The author has done his best to make a good level, but has overlooked a few things which make this level not too recommendable for battle.[This review has been edited by Fquist]
I agree with Bobby. The idea is so original. Once I had finished the level I immediatly rushed to jcs to check it out. :)
Only bad point is the start of the level.. the masks are quite bad. But that doesn’t get me to give you a much lower score.
This gets a download recommendation from me.[This review has been edited by Fquist]
Oh well…
I have one thing to ask of my fellow reviewers…
Be nice :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.