Wow. This is an amazingly cool level.
The sub thing was superb, not a flaw there. Also, the way you had the small mask stopping you but letting bullets through is an amazing idea.
The level at the start could be better though, the first area was poorly masked and I found myself trapped.
On the other hand, the bad guy idea with keeping him stationarry and only firing was again an amazing idea.
This is a MUST download.
This was my brothers First level & I let him use my Name :-( .
He is making a new level pack & I think It is much much better (Because I did the eyecandy)
If you reviewers could list the levels that need work, I may rerelease this pack at a later date with fixes and improvements.
Love Race levels :) Good practice (and fun) of nobody is around to race you.
These are some wild levels. Not at all the norm. Very original.
Of course, it’s not without it’s downpoints. Tileset usage is pretty good, but could be better. Some tiles seem overused in some places, and there are a few mismatches in there. Also, some levels could use some more eyecandy (while a couple have an overabundance of it ;))
Designwise though, this pack is awesome and challenging. ‘specially Puzzle of the Weird, which is…weird :)
Niftular pack AJ2F.
Agh, look what a night gave me. I would’ve been the first to review this, but, eh. Here goes, in my special new Race rate format:
Installation went fine, with a fairly decent readme. __
The only downside was all of the levels showed in the Custom Level menu and there wasn’t a level to start at (at least without reading the readme). Overall, not perfect, but over-average.
Eyecandy wasn’t too bad, but nothing special. Enough to stay away from the blandness feeling and the occasional great eyecandy… it needs a bit more work in the “white spots” to get that 3, though.
Track design was varied. Some were very enjoyable, some were boring, some were buggy, and some were just plain bad. Weapon placement was either overdone or not there at all (sometimes not really needed) with the occasional good placement… not much to say without saying too much, if you get what I mean. Some levels had so many tubes etc. you barely got to PLAY the level, you were mostly watching, hehe. A bonus fraction of a point for being largely original, too.
WEAPONS: 1.2/2
Music choice was excellent, and it felt pretty good but rushed in some areas. But you actually finished a decent sum of levels. Nice. O__o
My closing comments? Download this. It may not be the best Race pack you’ll ever play, but it certainly is fun and worth it. Good job.
Two very nifty levels, well crafted if, as has been said, short and easy.
Eyecandy is beatiful. I really liked the waterfalls :)
Sewer Surfing, however, is at one point to darn hard. Not hard in that you’ll die…it’s just flaming annoying :) Those tiny little platforms hardly give you a second to jump before you’re off.
Download these levels now, but play as Jazz. This place in Sewer Surfing is still difficult, but with Spaz you’ll probably be hitting your head against the wall :)
did i forgot to hide that?
Nothing much to add to the above reviews, this is above average.
I beat it in 10 minutes (or was it less? Hmm), it has some creative puzzles, but most of it was fairly boring.
The deadly walls weren’t a great concept, it can get annoying, and besides, all you have to do is not touch the floors, they are the only part that really hurts. ;-)
In conclusion to this short review, I can recommend this for some quick fun.
A good pack I suppose, has some ups and downs. Despite the fact that it’s easy, it has some good points and plenty of originality. You made good use of the Colonius set, even though it isn’t one of my favorite tilesets. You did a nice job eye-candy wise. (gotta love the waterfall effect in the second level).
This is a good pack and should be downloaded for some fun.
(note to level creators If you’re going to have a pack that should be played in order, make it clear which level comes first, I ended up playing ASsurf first.)[This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
(I changed it to 1.24)
Hmm, not a bad level/tileset, but not really a good one either. It has plenty of colorful blocks, a hotel-like theme (don’t get me started on how much I hate hotels), and a dull name (that won’t affect the rating.)
Some of the tiles in the tileset were handy, but overall I would have difficulty using it.
This is above the average I guess, you might want to download it.
In truth, I really don’t like this much. It has very very little eye candy (if any at all?), and it was kinda small. To add to it, it has a pretty “slapped together” feel to the weapon placement which I don’t like at all. The whole design is circular, yes, but it’s circular is a very linear way which takes away from it.
Also, it’s TSF (bad idea when it has no TSF-only stuff!)
Overall I don’t recommend a download, this is a pretty short review, sorry.
Wow, very nice pack. Some of the levels were pretty fun (having played them online just a minute ago).. the music files fit well, even though only one was original. Some of the levels were better than others, one of the primary reasons this pack got it’s rating. Levels like StarLight Speedway were pretty cool, but other levels like Puzzle of the Weird (shudder) only succeeded in angering me. You could have improved the eye candy in some of the levels, but I suppose it was okay.
One of the high points of these levels: Originality. (I love the elevator effect in the final race. :-) Some of the originality was buggy though, take the Rising Air level for instance.
Oh well, this is definitely a good pack and worth a download. (I was undecided between 7 and 7.5)
Well, this pack had its great ups and its very low downs. That last level with the elevators, that was great. But in contrast to it, that funky Mez02 level, that was just horrible, bugs everywhere.
But for sheer volume and good stuff, I think its a 7.
Whoa, when I first looked at this set, I thought it’d be way too small for anything meaningful.
Then I fired up the example level.
This set may look small, but there’s plenty of scenery to make a nice level. Or two or three nice levels, none of which have to look the same.
I highly recomend this.
I was wondering when someone would make a Jazz 2 skin for WinAmp. I’ve seen a couple besides this, but they are nothing to write home about.
This is a pretty standard image-style skin, but it’s very nice non-the-less. There is a slight graphical error on the playlist title bar, but nothing to distracting.
Overall, it’s worth a download if you like flipping around the skins on WinAmp (like me).
A solid attempt Raiden.
Oh, and I forgot, but Derby also tested it. ;). Sorry Derby.
Oh yeah.. and Talec LP, too. Sorry! (I keep forgetting who tested it!)
-Edit: I have noticed several overlooked bugs.. most importantly that one of the warps in Puzzle of the Wierd does not advance the lap counter. I will release a patch soon… with a few fixes and improvements. This will not be a second release… I will make that later with improvements to all levels (and you might even get to see four more laps in “A Mess of Tubes” ;) – but that’s only if I get around to it.). Expect the patch in a week or so and the update in a few months.
[This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan][This review has been edited by Another Jazz 2 fan]
That was one heck of a freaky video, and I thought you were older than me. But boy that was funny heh!
(Content replacement. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
I cannot believe people actually couldn’t beat this lol. It is pretty easy to beat if you save 600 times. The key to winning this is saving and experimenting. But this was soooooo cool. It took me 3 days to beat I know no one will be able to read this though.This level was just so cool, it was almost better than Shellions Extreme Revenge. I’m talking about Tomb Rabbit. The puzzles were sorta easy. The music rocked, though how come there wasn’t music on every level. And yes I beat the level. I cheated sometimes because I forgot I couldn’t save in the Central Cave. But I didn’t fully cheat like use JJ God though this level deserves a —.
[This review has been edited by JJ Tublear]
Um this doesn’t work for Windows Media Player 7 I thought it did. Because WMP has a skins directory. Or maybe it does. What’s the name of this skin?
Hah, i get to review first :p
I’ll only rate SP, tilesets and lvls from new artists from now on, and i won’t be on the net, but i’m willing to make exceptions (especially with tubelectric, MAN i love that set!)
Ahem…OK, since this is your 2nd level, Assassin, i’ll be gentle. This list will say enough :)
Strong points:
- It’s circular (i love circular levels, don’t you?)
Minor points:
- It’s TSF, not everyone has it.
- Almost no eye candy
- Layer 3 covers not enough (remember, also cover the edges!)
- Music (metal.mod) doesn’t fit (that music is included with TSF, thank God)
- The tunnel with the floor and ceiling springs is too smal, the level however is big enough for my likes…
- The weapons are all in the same place.
- Some tiles aren’t used properly
Conclusion: Not a download recommendation, but since it’s a newbie level, i’m willing to drop minor point 1 to 4. It’s become a 5.5
-JelZe GoldRabbit
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.