(Sighs) Aiko, thats why its called “Screw Up” If its “Screwed up” then the level is “screwed up.”
And….I agree with aiko so the rating will be the same…..
And this review is “Screwed up”
To get things clear. This level was made end 98. I’ve already made alot more new levels.
To All reviewers: By now it has become clear to me, that you reviewer-dude’s don’t like pokemon. Maybe next time I’ll make a tileset with naked women, fast cars, and animated self filling beerpints. But seriously I like the work you do, it stimulates the level makers and therefore keeps the jazz community alive. So keep up the good work.
Not that my english is the best (far from it :-), but isn’t it “A Possible Mission” instead of “An Possible Mission”?
Well, apart from that minor mistake, the level itself isn’t too exciting. It’s too small, the design is so-so and the eyecandy is not really worth mentioning. Not to forget the unoriginal weapon placement. And as Flash mentioned, the original Carrottus music would fit better here (instead of TSF’s “Easter.it”). Next level setting is also wrong. As you can see, there a lot of things that could be improved in “Mbtest” (holy cow, what a dull name). I wouldn’t download this again.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Use re-upload and edit info PLEASE. Fquist says it works and i’m sure it does :-)
Admins, DELETE this. Thanks :-)
Despite the fact this tileset has those japanese pocket monster invasion stuff in it, i really like it.
The tileset looks pretty good: it has basic stuctures like walls, trees, sand, background layer elements like clouds and mountains and even some animations, a flying leaf for example. The Pokémon (sp?) screenshots aren’t exactly beautiful but you shouldn’t care too much of them anyways (if you make a level using this set). The masking also fits the needs.
Furthermore, the pack also includes two great levels: one Battle, which is way too large, a little bit hotel-like but has good design and eyecandy…and a CTF which is basically the same level with the two bases placed. Oh, by the way, i think a custom music file would fit best for this tileset. Just my two cents.
As you may have noticed, not only JKM’s kids like this tileset pack :-) “JKM bat/ctf” gets a CLEAR DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
I think it doesn’t matter these levels are version 1.24 (TSF). They’re perfect.
I beat it in 20 minutes.
YaY SP, yAy Deadly walls, YaY save-points, yAy bouncies. Got it? :)
Hm.. if ya like SP (I do) maybe you better get this (SP are rare).[This review has been edited by FoD MERC]
Know what? This looks a bit like the (obviously unexperienced) author took Commander Dats’ south african level tutorial, chose Diamondus (baaad idea, sorry :) and tried his/her “best”. Well…let me say it straight: that doesn’t work. The level’s design may be okay (average i guess) but the eyecandy isn’t really eyecatching if you know what i mean (some people like iCeD may find the background layer impressing though :). But overall, “Screwed up Diamondus” could need some improvements in my humble opinion. Sorry.
euhh I had the wrong level in front of me.. and i couldnt delete the review (?)
and I can’t review a lvl that I partially made myself so this is all….
[This review has been edited by BlasterMB]
Hmm, I didn’t hear any music, note that you should always include the music within your pack.
Anyways, this level is below the average, it has a linear design, several grammatical errors in the text strings (not to mention in the level name), doesn’t have many weapons, and the few in the level aren’t extremely well placed, the eye candy is also okay, about average I’d say.
Overall I can’t recommend a d/l, sorry.
Not a bad level, I suppose. I like the bg… even though it hurts my eyes (;-) and might look bad for non 16-bit-ers.
The layout is simple, and the eye candy is pretty dull (even though it uses the horribly overused Diamondus set), but overall I can say this level is pretty tolerable and a little above the average.
Go download I guess.
An average level I suppose, but what I really liked what was tileset. It has lots of usability, despite the Pokemon (Ahem.) stuff, it also has many little things that give this level the majority of it’s rating.
The base placement in the CTF level is kind of weird, but okay I suppose.
Go ahead, d/l. Don’t let the Pokemon stuff throw you off.
Vewwy nice.
Has a fair share of tiles, is a pretty good conversion and with a little work you could make a pretty nice level with it.
Ehh, nah, I take that back. ;-P
Overall worth a d/l, especially if you like JJ1 (like I do).[This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
Very good levels with a nice size, good design and eye candy and many more good things. Allow me to say wow if these really are your first levels, I could barely slap up something like this in my current state.
I didn’t like every single aspect of it (example: the foreground wasn’t so great at times, not to mention the difficulty was simply too easy) but overall this is a great piece of work any beginning level-maker should be proud of.
The music: awesome! All tunes fit well. You did a great job selecting them, especially since most beginners don’t even use custom music in their levels.
All in all this is great and I recommend everyone here get this as soon as possible.[This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
Cool level! I don’t like pokemon, but that doesn’t ruin the level. The tileset is great (Many cool graphics and animations, IMO) And the design of the levels is cool. Download recommendation!
Heh, JoJo, Bad Job. I think you can make better levels. This is full of warps you can’t see (and find), so you can’t go trough the whole level if you haven’t created this. There is a sign ‘To the chatroom’, but that doesn’t work. But the layout is not bad. The Music is not bad, but i prefer the carrottus music.
So JoJo MB, please edit the level to a good versiona and re-upload or something.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
Jojo MB has permission from me to use the ‘Possible Mission’ title (I’ve got the “Impossible Mission” levels)
completely original I love it nothing like it!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.