Not too much to add to iCeD’s review. I also agree that they all have the same layout and design. Personally, when the tilesets became reused, I thought I was in the same lvl as the first time. ;) I also agree that the music choice is also very good. Also, the tilesets are not too hard, yet not too easy to use. I may have prefered a little more ease-of-use, but it’s OK.
Also, I found 1 or 2 things that did not look right, but minor flaws. But I did not like the style of design quite as much as iCeD, I found a few dead-ends that are not too good for a Battle level. Still, this is a extremely solid download, and I suggest EVERYBODY to download this RIGHT AWAY! :)No, re-uploading doesn’t make a new file, it overwrites the old one, so no additional disk space is consumed.[This review has been edited by Genotoxin aka iCeD]
hey reviewers,
youre right about metal.mod,
but I didn’t know and BTW,
if i upload it again it wastes
even more diskspace…..
I don’t have to add many things to the other reviews.
The extra 0.2 points are for using one of my favourite tilesets: The MeZ Series.
And, as everyone mentioned, never pick on a reviewer. They just like the level or not. That’s why they write reviews :).
As everyone said, the general idea is great. But (also as everyone said :)It’s kinda hotel-like and i err… HATE hotels. So this doesn’t get a d/l recommendation from me.
Not a bad level. “The Secret Caves” uses the horribly overused Diamondus tileset with some standard music. Having played several versions of this on FoD’s server before, it’s quite a fun level. The event and powerup placement wasn’t bad, and you made good use of warps and such. It also has a pretty interesting layout, but the way it was designed lacks something.. hmm, fluency. But going beyond this, the base placement is simple, but awkward. There are also times when I could get myself stuck on a spring or pole. Hmm. Oh well. This level has a pretty good layout and many times can be fun to play, but more attention needed to payed on the CTF basics. But overall I think you should download this. I was pretty undecided between giving high five points of med 6 points, so I’ll go with a solid 6.
A pretty good level, using the AWESOME Town House tileset, even though it fails in other categories, eye candy-wise it’s quite good. I like the layer organisation/Layer 4 eye candy. Design/layout wise it’s not so great. You could have improved event placement and the like and there just a few too many weapons IMO. With work in these areas, this level could become a favorite of mine. Okay music btw, but you could have selected better.
Overall this surely gets a download recommendation from me, so click the DOWNLOAD link above.
(I agree with Aiko here, re-upload this level WITHOUT the metal.mod music, it wastes J2O disk space.)
This is a pretty good tileset/battle level (I didn’t like this as much as Aiko did..) with some useful stuff such as vines, ceiling blocks and a bunch of different JJ2 screenshots slapped together in the set. The little level that comes with it is decent, has a weird and kind of confusing BG which I didn’t like very much, but is at least semi-good I suppose. The music included is cool but the choice could have been better. Also the level is kind of linear.
Overall I can’t think of a reason not to d/l this.
Rollercoasters suck.
So do hotels.
PPL should make more Single Player levels instead of that
Cool, this level uses one of my absolutely favourite tilesets. The Town tileset is hard to work with and BlasterMB really did a good job here: the layer arrangements look pretty good. Unfortunately, the design is a bit…unhandy. The navigation is not as fluent as it could be. The event selection is good, too but still needs some minor improvements (Generators for the weapons are set wrong, they come back too quickly in my opinion).
The background doesn’t fit too well, personally i would like to hear the original “Street Wize” ( here.
After all, i can only RECOMMEND you to DOWNLOAD the “Town House Doom”, its more than a decent level.
Bad idea to include the large metal.mod music file in the ZiP. All TSF owners already have it. You should re-upload the ZiP without this file.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
Agreed to Blades first review, I’ll explain my reasons to give a 7.0 later. OK?[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
Not a bad level at all. I like the tileset+Design, and the eyecandy + Weapons selection is OK.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
“The Modern Past” is a very weird (read: confusing) level that uses a very great tileset with many usefull tiles and stuff.
The level has a confusing design, as i said, but a great weapons selection.
The tileset has great, funky animations so you can make a cool level with it.
It’s also very well masked.
I think this is a great downlaod for all the battle and tileset fans in the comunnity.
BTW, the music is cool, but it isn’t included in the level. Re-upload or something, pleaze.
Not a bad level at all. The design is “medium” (But sometimes confusing) and the weapons selection is good. There is very less eyecandy, so that had could be improved. The music selection also could be imrovedIt’s hard to rate this objective, ‘cus it’s created by my clanleader :), but i think you might want to download this. Have fun.>Changed Rating into 6.2[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]
It’s ver cool, but it overuses enemies in 1 part. There are also very cool lvls with original sets…
Lemme change that rating :-p
Done nice,
Great ideas,
Just a bit TOO hard…
Well, i can’t say I like it as much as Aiko does, he’s right, I didnt hear music too, and the tileset is a little hotel like, but that won’t drop the point too much. What i think is less is that the tileset makes the level not fluently playable, there are too much sucker tubes and obstacles where you stop all the time. I played it on JJ times ago and that wasnt really fun. But overall it’s a good level with good layers and stuff.
Aha! Finally something from Germany after quite a while.
“The modern past” is a pack including a new tileset with over 300 tiles called psaiko…errr…“psycho” and an example battle level (“The modern past”).
The “psyco” tileset looks pretty nice and colorful, has some useful tiles (walls, vines, spikes, stars etc.) and a lot of funky animations (a TV for example). The masking is well made, too.
The included level is okay, maybe a tad too confusing (hard to navigate sometimes) and hotel-like.
Conclusion: because i’m a bit biased (he’s from my country, you know) and i’m in the mood, i’ll give out 7 points!
By the way: it’s a pity that the kewlish music file doesn’t play in the level. Setting has to be: “cages.s3m” not just “cages”. Correct this bug and re-upload the level, mirrow.[This review has been edited by Aiko]
This REALLY is a nice level. It has a great platform design, and can be navigated easily (enough.) The carrots are not too hard to find, and on my server play, I did not find it hard to find other people. But on my next test, I found the power-ups to be too close together. I personally prefer to put the power-ups in a more out-of-the-way place.
The weapon/event placement is good, but not perfect. But with all the flaws, they do not detract from the design, and eye candy. Also, the ZIP was a easy one file, and does not put in tilesets or music that come with the game. (unlike some other levels that I have downloaded.) So, move your cursor up to the Download button BEFORE I EAT THIS KITTEN! ;)nope, I did, but Distruct thought it would AT LEAST get 6.0
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.