Great levels, mr. Bartman!:-)
So far, so good. I will rate them later
I really like this. It was one of my favs in the original.
Good! Very good! This tileset contains about 240 tiles converted from the original Jazz1 “Technoir” planet. It offers many objects for level building like tubes, animated belts, arrows, lava(?) and some other useful stuff.
The example level is disappointing (fortunately the very cool original music song2.s3m is included). Btw: I will rate like i feel its appropiate and in my opinion a good tileset needs a proper example level, no matter what “type” it is. End of story. Thanks.
Overall, a great download for all talented level builders and A REAL MUST for every Jazz1 oldie! :-)[This review has been edited by Aiko]
First of all, THE MUSiC CHOiCE is awesome!!! You’ll listen to tracks like “elysium” by jester/sanity (german 01d5k001!!), Amazonas by Skaven/FC and four more classic 4-16 channel demotunes from the early nineties…that says it all i guess.
Now, the ten levels themselves also look pretty cool: the design/layout seems to be a reminiscence of the original Epic single player episodes. Some places even look a bit well…copied…thats not a real con, no. Furthermore, the eyecandy looks very, very good (better than in the original Epic levels i’d say).
Conclusion: it’s nothing really super-original or exciting or new but if you liked the original episodes from the game (and who of us didn’t?) and have a marked preference for good tracked music, you’ll LOVE this. A MUST DOWNLOAD FOR EVERYONE![This review has been edited by Aiko]
Wow, it’s really cool, you can make good levels out of it, the tileset is (like Flash said) good masks and has enough tiles for making eyecandy, especcialy I like the animating tiles you can make out ouf it.
Good job, Newspaz! This is a great Tileset! It has many cool tiles and it’s masked very well (IMO). Not many to add. I wouldn’t say anything about the example level (as you asked)
Great levels !
Size = Suberb
Eyecandy: Really good !
Overall: Definatly one of the best pack of levels around here !
If these really are your first published levels you are talented!
I can’t rate it since I didn’t see it…i just wanna see my review status
We were.. did you complete it? :)
We kinda abandoned that project cause it looked like the members weren’t interested.
I’m a busy guy with a lot of stuff to do. I don’t have enough time to play it (Sorry…). Hey! But cheer up! My 1st level was a battle level with about 50 tiles in it and no backround (Resulting in a colorful jazz trailing behind me…) Keep at ur levels, and u’ll get better. Ur reviews will get better, and you’ll be happy with ur well earned results.
well, really you all reviewers are quite right, the puzzles arent really difficult (may I say that they suck?nah, it’s not that bad) and the battle isn’t really a battle, like Aiko said a battle level doesn’t have beginnings (check mine for example) and a real battle isnt a battle with a few blocks and some powerups. I must admit, in a level like that I didnt make good battles too but, anyway i’ll give a 4 becuz it is your 2nd level.(i was a little undecided anyway)
The level is a bit of confusing
(not the right word, all guys who played it will know I think)
it’s a little hotel-like level, I like some hotels but not ones where you really don’t know what youre doing….
there’s not much eyecandy and I know lisa (=stiletto hehe) isnt happy about what you guys say. And about me neither.
This level is above average, I suppose. Has good eye candy and semi-playable design. Even though the hurt events weren’t a great idea, I think this is pretty much a good level that’s certainly worth a d/l. Nothing much more to say.
Um, how is this ANY different from the original version?
If you wish to update your levels, simply RE-UPLOAD your level and PM the reviewers to re-rate it.
Well, considering its his first level I won’t rate it too low (Haha..)
There’s no music, totally no eyecandy,
and its too easy and too short, but you must see my first, so I dont really care about it.
a 4.5 will do I think
Not bad at all! I see a few mistakes though, but great level!
Blah. I wouldn’t rate this, i’v already rated v1.0
Heh, i like Blasters way of level Design. You never knows where you can walk and where not. That’s LOl :)
Anyway, this is a great lvl. The event selection is cool and i can’t find any hurt events. Maybe it’s already uploaded?
A high 6.5. Download now.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.