Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The MB computer
Level rating: 5.2

Hehe, interesting idea (to simulate a Personal Computer in a Jazz2 level :-).
It uses the funky (and small) "SUPAPLEX" tileset by GreenKiller but unfortunately the level itself is pretty hotel-like (rooms etc.) and neither design (boring/wrong tile placement) nor eyecandy (not enough) will make me rate it higher :-)
Despite i like the overall idea, "The MB computer" doesn’t get above average.
Download or not? Decide yourself i’d say. (Well, if you always wanted to know how your ‘puter works inside…)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zeldagb
Level rating: 7.2

Holy cow, “zeldagb” is a huge tileset. It includes hundreds of 32×32 tiled pictures from the original Zelda games (but i have to admit i never owned Zelda and/or any kind of console…admit? No, actually i’m proud of it ;-). The masking is good, and it even includes some backgrounds. Sure, the graphics itself look a bit “pixelized” but thats not the authors fault, as far as i know. Blame it on those Japanese freaks back in…199X or so.
To my pleasure, the author also included an example level which is quite cool and seems to show us original levels from the original game (Who knows…could you write a readme next time?). The level is not really superb regarding design and eyecandy, but somehow i like the whole idea behind this.
So WHY NOT DOWNLOAD this nice little pack? Esspecially Nintendo addicts will like this a lot. (Very low seven points)

Review by FQuist

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Super Mario Bros. 2 Doki Doki Panic World 1-1
Level rating: 4.4

Fixed. Thanks for the tip

Review by lisa

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubearounds
Level rating: 3.2

oke i have addet the tileset top

Review by perfect

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: castle
Level rating: 4

I have chanched the level
Only the tileset is not mine from this level

Review by perfect

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zeldagb
Level rating: 7.2

How can i make it for 1.23 to i have designed it in 1.24 because i dont had 1.23

Review by Buster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubearounds
Level rating: 3.2

Just listen to what Aiko said up there. Add the file Top.j2t to your zip and it should be fine.


Review by Buster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Super Mario Bros. 2 Doki Doki Panic World 1-1
Level rating: 4.4

Great shots, what’s going on here? This is the THIRD level I’ve downloaded tonight that is NOT compatible with 1.23, despite the information above. Could we watch that a little closer or something people?


Review by Buster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: castle
Level rating: 4

This isn’t a 1.23 game…this is TSF (or so I presume due to the version conflicts I’m getting). Nevertheless…

Perfect, I’d advise you to listen to KJAZZ. I know that you didn’t post your levels up here to get slammed, you posted them for feedback, for that longing hope we all have within us that someone will actually like our work…reaching for that star that says, not only to they like it, they LOVE it!

Alas, Perfect, this isn’t that work.

MOST people don’t like hotel levels. You could craft the most cunning, beautiful level ever seen, and if it’s a hotel level, people will still view it with contempt.

I can’t imagine who came up with the idea…I suppose it was probably one of those moments when someone thought they had something fresh and inovative. Unfortunetly, those thoughts aren’t always true, and the fresh and inovative can quickly prove itself to be a bad idea.

There does seem to be a cult-like following for hotel levels, but I cannot grasp WHY it exists.

Allow me to place before you a question which no one yet has answered me…

What fun is a hotel level? What fun is it to join a level, be asigned a room, and then sit there and tell the server to ban people who come in? If I want to sit on a bed, wouldn’t I be more comfortable going to my own room and turning on some music, grabbing a book, and relaxing thusly? Is that not more restful than watching Jazz sit on a "bed" on my computer screen?

Nevertheless, there undoubtedly exists a market for such things. But, you’d be better off distributing hotel levels to the hotel market directly, not through mainstream channels such as this. Many people can be rather rough, even downright mean if you present them with a hotel level.

Anyways, that’s my two cents for you.


Review by Buster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zeldagb
Level rating: 7.2

GAH! You made a Zelda tileset for TSF ONLY?! How could you do such a thing?!

I vote we all pound on perfect a bit for making such an imperfect blunder.


Review by Buster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: KissEva
Level rating: 4.3


Hehe, okay, seriously, this level IS AWFUL! cough*gasp sorry, had that one stuck in my throat :)

This level actually isn’t all that bad. ESPECIALLY considering it was Newspaz’s first. I can hardly abide what passes for second and third levels with some people. Clearly, when you look at this level, you realize that the author actually thought about what he was doing. Certainly there are some "bugs" (overabundance of carrots, tall objects keeping you from skipping ahead which you can jump with Spaz…) but design is clearly present. With more common "first levels", the only design would seem to be if the author intends to prove evolution is true or something (because the levels look like the result of a big bang…or maybe just a little thhbtt)

Overall the level could have used a bit more work. It has a "rough" feel as though you are playing a beta testing version, but otherwise I don’t really have any complaints.

It’s very short, but it’ll give you about thirty seconds worth of smile time.


Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: castle
Level rating: 4

Look, I’ll be short and honest.
NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER post hotels here. All that will happen is your overall rating will go down. If you like them, thats fine. But please don’t post them here. Thats not what H2O….er….J2O :-) is about.

What I added:Aiko rewards any kind of effort? (Sure doesn’t reward me with any money :-)[This review has been edited by KJAZZ]

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Super Mario Bros. 2 Doki Doki Panic World 1-1
Level rating: 4.4

This is a TSF pack of Super Mario Brothers 2 for the Regular Nintendo System. Keep in mind that these levels are UNORIGINAL. Thats right, they are copied from the original game.

Just something to keep in mind.

Now…The grapichs are a BIT choppy, and the level setting was wrong (Now thats just evil) and some enemy substitutions were….uncreative.

Thats my 2 Cents.

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Zeldagb
Level rating: 7.2

Hmm….This is a TSF only tileset. If you try to open it in Regular, it gets an acess violation. Basiclly it’s tiles taken from the Zelda Game Boy Game.

And yes. It is huge.

P.S. Watch for my level…RPG type level coming soon…

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubearounds
Level rating: 3.2

Ehr it’s not that hard. Think logical: How can we play a level without the graphics included?

Review by lisa

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubearounds
Level rating: 3.2

this is my first level post so i dont now everything what i most including in it

Review by Cataphract PT

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 2 Organizer
Level rating: 8.2

I got an unexpected error…
Here is the lof file:

%% PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE THIS FILE! %% %% This file contains information about the installation of an application. %% %% It will be used to automatically remove all application components from your computer if you choose to do so. %%

NOTE: Beginning of the bootstrapper section

CONFIG: Title: “Jazz 2 Organizer”

ACTION: RegKey: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion”, “SharedDLLs”

(File currently on disk was already up to date)

NOTE: End of the bootstrapper section

NOTE: Now spawning the main Setup program ‘Setup1.exe’….

ACTION: CreateDir: “d:\programas\jazz22org”

*** ERROR: An unexpected setup error has occurred!
*** ERROR: (User Responded with ‘Cancel’)

*** WARNING: Setup is not yet complete.
*** WARNING: If you quit now, this product will not be correctly installed.
*** WARNING: Quit the setup of this product?
*** WARNING: (User Responded with ‘Yes’)

*** WARNING: Jazz 2 Organizer Setup was interrupted before your new software was fully installed.
*** WARNING: You can run Jazz 2 Organizer Setup in its entirety at a later time to complete the installation.
*** WARNING: (User Responded with ‘OK’)

(Content truncation. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubearounds
Level rating: 3.2

"tubearounds" is a pretty weird level using the "Top Secret" tileset by Overlord which basically consists of JJ2 screenshots (and some useful, nice looking structures as i admit :-).
The level itself is pretty much a hotel: using Warps you can access several different areas/rooms etc..
Well, the concept isnt really revolutionary as you can imagine…but unfortunately the design doesnt make it any better: tile placement is quite boring and theres a lack of eyecandy. The weird tile animations also doesnt improve my impression of this level and the music (in case you actually included some) didn’t play.
Sorry, i can’t give a download recommendation for this level.

The next level setting is wrong. Not a good idea.

To all authors: always include a SP start event to make it easier for us reviewers to test. Thanks :-)

Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tubearounds
Level rating: 3.2

Not playable. no tileset included.
I give a unofficial 1 for this :P

Review by Oelk-hglhgl

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Super Mario Bros. 2 Tileset Demo
Level rating: 6.1

Copy the Music file in the same Directory with the *.exe-file, so, it must work…