I tried everything, even cracking it but i couldnt open it what a total piece’o‘crap
The tileset is not bad, but it isn’t good. It has some usefull tiles and a textured background that only works well in 16-bit.
The blue version is not bad, but it don’t get a d/l recommendation from Me.
Completed one lap in 1:44:27 =)
This is really FUN! I’ve played this (o’course) and i loved this. The idea for thsi is really weird but cool
The level:
Event placement: Great
Weapons placement: Not many to say (not many weapons)
Design: FuN! GrEaT!
Tileset: FuN! GrEaT!
Rating: 7.5
I like this doom much more then the Carrottus doom.
This level has a great design, and the weapons are placed well. As Aiko said, the music selection is not so good. Blaster had better used “M16a.mod” Or “Metal.mod”. I think, if you like battle, download it.
"Carrotus Doom" is a battle level with (again) using the Carrottus tileset. The weapon placement is not bad, but could be improved i think. Also it has some eyecandy problems. That could have been better done.
While i’ve played this level, i feeled a bit unhappy. I think it’s too big with too many events + platforms etc. If Blaster has created more platforms to fill op the free space, the level was better rated by me.
It’s a 5.5 for now.
I think not everyone wants to download this, but if you like Carrottus+A Big level then this is a good download for you.
Yep. I won’t rate this again.
Well, the gameplay is good and stuff,
but the graphics (eyecandy like you call it) are not euhh very well finished. A little more attention to the tiles would be nice, but like Aiko i do like the background, but i don’t think there are any layers used
( is that what he asked in the .txt file maybe) well, overall if the tiles and stuff were placed nice it would be a good lvl i think
"the MEZ 2 Doom" is a nice battle level: the design is good (i esspecially like the way the MEZ02 tileset was used) and it has lots of platforms, which makes it fluently playble. The eyecandy could need some major improvements though.
Second downfall is the music choice. The "Boss" music doesn’t fit too well for this level/tileset combination.
But overall, battle fans will like probably like this level. They should DOWNLOAD iT right NOW.
“the Carrottus Doom” (actual name is “Volrath’s Curse”) is a another quite decent battle map using the (boring, old, overused) Carrottus tileset. The layout and event+weapon placement is good, only the eyecandy isn’t too great (error in the one background layer for example).
To sum it up, “the Carrottus Doom” is a GOOD DOWNLOAD choice if you like Carrottus battle maps :-)
To all you newbies: PLEASE DO NOT iNCLUDE the original tilesets and/or music files from Jazz2 in your ZiP files. It only wastes webspace (and J2O needs LOADS of webspace). Puh-leaze RE-UPLOAD it WiTHOUT those files.
I like this level a tad more then SteelTalon i guess. I didn’t find the design too bad and there was even some eyecandy in the background (i have the feeling that it’s copied from some other level, though).
Sure, the tile placement is not really perfect in most places and the weapon selection isn’t very wise as well, but in my opinion the level still is playable. Unfortunately it uses the superoverused Carrottus tileset which makes me rate it lower :-)
Overall, not as bad as SteelTalon rated it (my opinion :-) but not really worth a download as well. Just needs a bit more work.
Please do NEVER include the original .j2b files from the game in your homecooked zip files. Makes no sense and is a waste of rare webspace. My suggestion: RE-UPLOAD without the music, PLEASE.
The next level setting is wrong/doesn’t work.
by and by this gets silly dont expect a review from me here[This review has been edited by aiko]
(Lack of explanation for rating. Rating removal. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
(Rating RESTORED due to date review was originally posted. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]
Well, I’ve been behind on my Rate of the Week lately so I thought I’d give one out early. Oh, I also rated how easy it was to install/download/the help file, now, too (called the install rating). It doesn’t go towards the level rating, tho. It is basically an out of three thing, with the highest rating +, then =, then -. If it is just so bad it doesn’t even deserve a rating it gets a _. Not too hard. Here goes:
First off, the new catagory. Well, the levelmaker convienently added the music file in the .zip… the one that came with JJ2. I had to sit through an extra few minutes of downloading (notice my slow modem) because of a file I already had. Marked off heavily just for that. The installation itself went smoothly, though, thankfully. On the other hand, though, the .txt file was brief, had no information about the level and was more of a plea to me on how to do “hollow stuff” than to help me or give me any information even remotely useful.
Ick. Just eminates the feel of rushing. At least the background was original, and at least he tried to put out eyecandy, but it didn’t really put together smoothly. Not alot to say here, except “NEEDS WORK”.
Ooh, it hurts here. Bad design for a battle level with crates… just to get to useless TNT?!?!? Powerups were littered everywhere, and it looked like a mess. The layout itself wasn’t too bad except the carrot placement sucked and it needed to be smoothed out in a few places to be adequate for a Battle level.
WEAPONS: 0.2/2
Eminated cruddiness, as said before, but surprisingly it didn’t feel that bad. Probably because the effort was there. Effort is what really counts here(to some extent, heheh), so that’s why it’s fairly graded high here.
Closing Remarks: I’m sorry, but this is definitely not worth your download. A bit of the trouble was lack of experience with JCS (“how do you do hollow stuff?”), but that doesn’t make it any better. Heck, this is worse than my first level, and that thing SUCKED. Ironically, it’s not as boring, but at least mine was PLAYABLE. Nice try, but really, I think you should have kept this as a test level and put your resources into a project the public would actually want to play.
Whoopie (cushion)
I agree with ace..(hey! i’m his bro)
Est-ce que tu parle anglais? Ah oui, monsieur! Je parle allemand aussi. Trés bien, heh?
Err…yes, the tileset: i pretty much agree with iCED. Despite the fact there are about 30 nice useful tiles (and about 50 letter tiles), i don’t like the overall look of the set too much. It’s too simple, somehow, and it doesn’t have enough really helpful stuctures or objects for an ambitious level project. Sorry, it’s slightly below the average i think and therefore not really worth the diskspace.
The idea of including a green and a blue version (i choose Blue! :-) is nice, but doesn’t even add a tenth to my rating. Excusez-moi.
By the way: the example level is…odd (as the name promises :). Not really playable (it even needs letters saying “This is a level”…uh-oh ;).
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.