hehe Iced, this is my first completed level.. i tried to build levels a few times before, but didn’t get very far before the tilesets (read : beach set) confused me too much and i gave up.. :) Disguise showed me how to build a level properly.. also i’ve created a horde of 3D levels (quake,half-life).. so that experience might help. heh.
Iced: it does? hmmm.. i haven’t seen them around, but i’ll go check again..
Well nothing to add from Aiko and iCeD’s detailed reviews. (I’ll rate this soon)
I’m sorry, but I don’t like this much at all. This is a pretty small tileset with some basic blue blocks and a non-working textured bg (well, it looks fine on 16-bit, but doesn’t look so hot on 8-bit), some of the tiles are pretty useless and overall I can’t say there’s much of a reason to download this below average tileset. Sowwy.
Yet again I am impressed with one of Dats’s levels. The (overused. ;-) MEZ01 tileset was used quite well and the design is great, super fluent and very playable. I really can’t think of anything really wrong with this and therefore no reason not to download it. The only real small downfall was that the “He Has No Face” background music (I can tell what tune it is by filename) doesn’t play, but that won’t take away from the level rating.
Overall you should download now please.
Whoa, this is your first level? Seems like you’d been making levels for a while if this was you first. ;) Uses the cool “Mountain” tileset by Disguise and has a nice layout, uses the tileset well, not to mention has a SUBERB music selection. I love the open (READ: fun. :) design and overall layout. The music choice is awesome, it sounds very familiar also.. hmm.
Overall you should download this right away. So you should click the “download” link above please.
Wow… I’ve been reviewing (almost) nothing but good levels today. This level is a great level by Cmdr Dats using his own tileset, the design is quite good and is pretty fluently playable. the eye candy was also good and you used the tileset well (seems sorta obvious since the tileset is your own. ;-), the only flaw was the weapon placement but that’s not going to take away from the overall rating much.
Nice music choice, it’s one of those “hard to stop listening to” ones. Fits the level quite well.
Overall I can’t think of a reason not to download this. :-) (I was undecided between 7.5 or 8, but I’m feeling generous today)
I don’t have the time to rate this right now either, but expect a rating from me “eventually”… ;-)
Btw, Dats, 1.23 has trigger zones.
Woo, another good level by Cmdr Dats. The way you used the tileset was great, it has lotsa eye candy. The design is also fluent and pretty easily playable. Platform placement was very nice and can amount to a very fun battle. I love the music, it fits so well. :-) Good choice.
Overall I must say you should download this NOW.
Woo, a good level using a good custom tileset. Has that good old “platform” feel that Aiko mentioned and is a pretty fun, “solid” level. I’m tempted to host this right now for some online fun. The fluent design makes for an enjoyable battle and this is definitely worth a host. I agree with Aiko though, the Castle music doesn’t fit the level too well. Oh well, it’s a tiny downfall.
Get downloadin’.
Wow, nice. You used the awesome Blue World tileset by Disguise quite well, and I must say the music selection is just fine. The size is just right, amounts for not a very fast-paced uncontrollable battle but still doesn’t get boring. (I would recommend 3-6 people for a nice fun game). The layout is fun and fluent and is probably a lot of FUN in a multiplayer game.
A few minor improvements and you would get a 7.5. But good job. I highly recommend this.
This level doesn’t come close to average, but I guess I liked it more than Aiko did. This level has is very short, has basic eye candy, strangely placed enemies and events, is very short, and it’s short too. Did I mention it’s short? It has some OK things, but most of it wasn’t so great. I have to add .5 points for some OK effects and standable eye candy.
Overall I can’t recommend a d/l. Sorry.
I think those 2 tilesets are really boring. One of the tilesets, the blue one has a half textured background (I play in 8bit, textures need also to be good in other modes then 16bit!)
As for the blocks itself.. Basicly it are seven blocks.
Empty Blue Block with border – Same one but goes to a vine – vine
45 degrees blocks – and some background block.
The other blocks won’t even be used by people I think. That’s why this set get’s a 5.7 from me.
OK….I have Green Blocks already….and its nice for test levels (those really annoying levels that those SSB people make :-)
The blue version is better (Blue Rocks!)
and has textured background. The Letters are OK, but I think they would be prettier if they were in a block (i.e. Totally Insanity)
Added Note: Sowwy? Thats strange language you are speaking iCeD…
I’ll rate this soon :-)
First question: Why did you convert it to 1.23? (Heh, i’m kidding. Don’t get mad, kids :-)
Now, "F5 Torment" (funky story about the level name in the readme btw) is another cool level showing us "ZA’s good sides". The main aspect of the good side is the layout: its just cool (very fluently playable)!
Besides, it’s one of the few non-hotel levels using MEZ!‘s first tileset (well, that may be a bit overdone but thats my job here :-).
Fine, and the bad side? There isn’t one. Eyecandy and everything else is great. Some reviewers won’t like the powerups but if you ask me (as a battle freak), i really like them :-)))
About the music: you can’t do anything wrong with a tune by Skaven of FC (he’s definitely one of the legends!). Needless to say, it sounds terrific!
Overall, another super l33t MUST DOWNLOAD by Commander Dats, who already became one of my favourite Jazz2 level makers of all times.
Not bad for a first level, i’d say! :-)
"Rock Haven" is my favourite level using Disguise’s super cool "Mountain" tileset. The tileset is very well used and there’s nothing to complain about design (open, many platforms) and eyecandy. Event placement (weapons, springs) is quite good, too. The music…well i don’t have (english :-) words for it: just too awesome!!! One of my Top 500 modules (that means a lot!). Same with the level, its definitely in my Top 250 of all times.
A MUST DOWNLOAD for everyone. No matter of what age, gender, religion, skin colour or version number (;-).
One small bug was found though: the next level setting is wrong (level doesn’t exist in this pack).
One more time, its an awesome tileset and level pack by Commander Dats.
The design of the level is very very good and so is the eyecandy. The weapon selection includes a few powerups, but that’s not a downfall in my opinion :-)
The “Plastic Dreams” tileset is just beautiful and used well in this level.
The music choice definitely hits my taste: i could spent hours and hours just standing in the level and listening to the music.
To conclude my review, i can only bow down to Commander Dats for another coolish (tileset and) level and RECOMMEND “Plastic Fortress of Vytoh” (cool name, somehow!) as a MUST DOWNLOAD for everyone (low eight points).
"De-Con-Structor" is still one of my favourite levels using MEZ!‘s third tileset. It’s open, platformish, allows super fluent navigation and makes a perfect battle arena.
The music – a-w-e-s-o-m-e-!!! Superb choice, as always, Dats (as far as i remember i even told you how much i loved the music when you originally posted it at UJ :-).
Overall, a very cool level to DOWNLOAD and add to your collection.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.