A beatiful level, with a rugged, industrial feel (of course the tileset is rugged and industrial, but the use of the tileset is superb).
The weapon selection is good and the ammo is well spaced. Nice use of springs too.
Overall, this level is gorgeous and functional. I can see where the eyecandy could be confusing, though I didn’t find it bothersome. This could easily become a favorite of mine. Download it now, or the flying monkeys will be after you!
Not a bad level, really. Eye candy is used quite nicely, and creative, though the downfall of it is it’s a tad confusing. Also, design and layout is quite creative, but not confusing.
Anyway, I’d say it’s worth your download.
i like this one
i know this game from my atari lynx
we have it on that computer and i got it on pc too
doesnt look really like my lynx version but its till cool :)
i like this level for its use of all background layers and the tileset
its a great battle level
I got it some time ago, but i never use it (dunno why though). anyway i think this is very handy to control yer jazz files. so d/l…NOW
Overall, I’ve gotta disagree with some of the other reviewers and say that I thought the design was okay. Not spectacular, mind you, but okay. Small levels tend to be cramped, but the mass of weapons and the tight layout would make for a chaotic fight. I for one prefer hunting my prey, but the occasional melee battle can be fun.
I do have to come to task with the eye candy however. Indeed, to sit back and casually examine the level, the eye candy is generous and well crafted. But to actually get in and try to play the game, the eye candy detracts from the expierence by crowding the view with unimportant items and also confusing you a great deal with it’s generous use of foreground elements as backgrounds. In some few cases this works out okay, but in a small, tight level like this it is very annoying. You jump off a ledge expecting to land on a branch and instead fall to the valley floor. It wouldn’t be so bad except that some of the graphics in the background are also used as actual platforms, which simply adds to the confusion.
One more point: The level uses lighting to make it appear darker. The problem? The lighting is faint enough that it doesn’t make that big a difference, and hence only seems to serve to lower the framerate and create lag. Personally, I’m against using lighting in any multiplayer levels, but if you’re going to do it, you could at least do it so that it seems to serve SOME other purpose than to create lag!
If you could bring this level up to code by triming the eye candy a bit and removing the lighting, this would be a pretty decent level. As it is though, I can’t rate it higher than a 6.5
I love this set! It’s been a little while since I’ve played Jazz 1, but this set has pretty much all that I remember. I trust those who are better informed and say that it doesn’t, but it’s GOT to be close!
The only complaint I have is with the included level :) If it was simply an example level, it’d be one thing, but it’s also a CTF level, and as such, it’s not very good. Too small, not much to look at. It does show how the tiles work, to a certain degree, but in a rather minimalist way. A better guide for how to use the set would be to play Jazz 1 itself, if you haven’t, or to go find some screenshots. Otherwise, for the set itself, this is just about perfect.
For this reason, I’m giving it a 9.5
Yeah, that’s a pretty high rating for something so small and not quite as graphically spectacular as other sets, but the reason is I don’t feel that this set should be judged so much as an individual work as it much as I feel that it should be judged based upon whether or not it truely emulates the original Tubelectric. In this case, I believe that it all but excels. Hence, the 9.5
This Game is COOL ;-)
Cool tool. Download now if you want to get rid of the Runtime errors of your Pascal programs.
I’ll rate this soon.
*You only bow if you do not have TSF.
yeah info here!
when u play single player, coins become gems after u used the warp so test these kinda stuff in mp i guess
(hint to the other ppl as well)
rate thiz later, no time at the moment
It’s nearly everything said ‘bout this cool submission from Ninja Dodo. The author invented a new concept (see description above), which is fun to play. The level’s design is great and so is the eyecandy.
The "fantasy world" tileset by "The Killer" is as good-looking as it ever was and the background music is song16.s3m from Jazz 1 (good choice, fits very good).
To sum it up: definitely WORTH THE DOWNLOAD. Let some fresh air into your Jazz2 folder!
By the way: when i was testing "Coin race" i had this weird "coin-becomes-gem"-error several times. Any info on this problem?
Sniff…brings back memories of my jj1 demo.
Ahem! Anyway, since I haven’t seen the original levels in a while, I don’t know whats here and whats not. o_O So, i’ll just give ya a 7.0
I reccomend d/l, especially if you looveed the original tubelectric
Ah, it’s about time someone converted the classic JJ1 Tubelectic set. The tileset itself is done quite nicely, however the animations are improper and I think this tileset misses some tilesets that really set apart JJ1’s Tubelectric from JJ2’s. Includes a decent example CTF level (with a bad next level setting btw. Pretty bad idea in an MP level.)
all in all a pretty good tileset I definitely recommend you d/l now.
Wow, a very nice idea combined with a very nice level.
“Coin Race” combines the idea of treasure hunt and race. The level does have it’s problems though. The long delays of the coins leads to problems. For instance, a person who knows the level is racing someone who doesn’t. The person who knows the level gets all of the coins first, then the person who doesn’t has to wait for all of the coins to come back. The race becomes imbalanced over time.
However, despite the little problems in this level, this is overall a very good level worth your d/l. :-)
A cool Jazz1 to Jazz2 tileset conversion offering 170 useful and well-masked tiles from the legendary original Tube Electric planet in J1. I don’t know if it really includes every single tile from the original "tileset" but anyways i’m sure we’ll see a lot of cool levels using this set in the near future.
The pack also includes a pretty nice CTF example level, which only lacks a correct next level setting. The background music is the original "song3.s3m" from Jazz 1.
Definitely a MUST DOWNLOAD for all you Jazz fans (i was very undecided between 7.0 and 7.5 points here).
Finally! Now i can die happy!
Ahem…Now, about the set. It’s done quite well, you can the great majority of the JJ1 Tubelectric tiles. But a few things bugged me: not all animations are in the set (you can make the stencil bigger, NewSpaz), and that made Tubelectric Tubelectric. Anyhow, there are still enough tiles for you to use.
The example level (a VERY smal CTF) shows you enough ways to use the set.
Conclusion: Could have been a bit better, but it’s still good enough for me :)
- JelZe GoldRabbit
Pretty nice, most tiles look good.
Tge animation doesn’t really seem to work and a few block aren’t done so well.
I recommend download.
I think you can easyly understand that.
Mmm, this is a very tasty level.
Er…I mean good level.
Very very original!
It combines Treasure Hunt with Race (Not that popular..:-) And it makes a very very cool level and idea!
P.S. The Tileset is one of my favorites, Fantasy World. I first saw it on J2C, when I downloaded Final Fantasy Jazz Demo (Full version ever coming out??)Its really cool.
Back to the tileset-
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.