Useless. The example level sux also. Don’t post things like this if it’s not finished. And, you can’t make level with this.
VeRy UsEfUlL =)
I like it. It’s kinda usefull and i hate that registry thing, so i love it =).
You can also use the ‘Edit review’ option.
Why do i always get to review first?
WOW! Talk about original (don’t tell me it isn’t, never seen this idea before)! This level combines the concept of Treasure Hunt with Race, and the author did it quite well. You have to collect a number of coins in order to go to the next round. The obstacles are quite creative, but now i’ve said enough.
Conclusion: A definite 7 ;)
- JelZe GoldRabbit
It’s a Cool Tileset! But i think i’ve seen it before… Ah! I Know! It was posted on also. So i knew it before now =).
Anyway, this tileset Rox. It has many cool tiles, and it’s really good masked. It has all the needs for a good lvl. I suggest this download to everyone in town =)
Alrighty! I am organizing the set, fixing a few minor problems, and… Making an Actual Background! hears cheers It’ll be Texturable, too! (If you’re wondering I just found out how to :)
Thanks for the comments :)
I will have a fix up sometime…
Wow.. ANOTHER level using the (evil) Diamondus tileset. Well regardless, this level is pretty decent. You did a nice job perfecting the eye candy (the bg needs to move vertically a little faster though), but the layout if kinda awkward which I didn’t like too much. You need to work on making the layout a little more fluent and playable before you release a level. Also, the weapon placement was… strange, to say the least. (placing a mass of weapons near hills and such is usually a bad idea). Another fluency problem… the dead ends can steal away from a battle at times. Watch your use of them.
Overall: Sure, d/l this. You get some extra points for the eye candy.
Sorry, I’‘ve forget to give this lvl a rating, but here is he…….
You oughta know Nitro did most of the work. I only only did a smal part of the level, the eye candy and the bg…
Introduction to Dark Forest Fight:
Dark Forest Fight is a small battle level made in the Diamondus Night tileset.
One level file and one text file.
Unbiased Review:
The unbiased review points out a little differently from what I think of this level.
Design/Content: 2.0/2.5
The overall level design, if you look at it from far away, seems pretty nice. The actual level is hindered by other problems, which I’ll mention in another part of the review. Certain parts of the level design made the battle focus only in a few areas of the level. This problem is actually with both the level design and the event placement. The level’s size might have made it more difficult to place events well.
Tile/Tile compatibility: 2.5/2.5
Perhaps the strongest part of the creation was the compatibility with the tiles. No tiles were overused, and as you can see, there is variety in how the tiles were used. This made up a strong part of the eyecandy in this level.
Tile/Event Compatibility: 1.0/2.0
If you look at how the tiles and events were used together, you’ll notice that they weren’t used together at all. This battle level is dead, when you consider the variety of uses with tiles and events. One ways were used in the level wisely, and some destructible scenery.
Event/event compatibility: 0.5/1.0
Event placement is more difficult with smaller levels. Weapon placement in this battle level was poor. Carrots are near each other in this small battle level, though the long regeneration time makes up for it.
Layer use: 1.0/2.0**
The reappearing trunks in the foreground can get somewhat annoying when they’re as close as they are in this level. The background in an area can be very confusing, making you think that you’re jumping on a platform. In a certain portion of the level, vines are covered by land in the foreground, plunging you into confusion for the first time in play. In some cases, the use of the layers added to the eyecandy. The excessive leaves flying in the foreground are also a little annoying after a while.
Game compatibility: -0.0/-1.0**
You probably won’t find any problems finding or playing this level. The level is named well, and like most JJ2 creations, it functions.
Overall rating: 7.0/10.0
A rating of 7.0 out of 10.0 signifies that this level is considered halfway between “OK” and “Good.”
Biased Review:
The biased review focuses on other issues that tie in with my opinion, and does not count towards the level’s rating.
Replayability: 2.5/5.0
I really don’t believe this level would actually hold out for long with the gameplay it presents. Several things hold it from
being an acknowledgeable level.
My opinion on this level: 3.5/5.0
The best that could have been brought out from this level’s design was removed from the poor weapon placements and event properties. The eyecandy wasn’t up to par with the standard, but it was the strongest point of the level besides the design itself.
My overall rating: 6.0/10.0*
As with previous reviews, my review is a little harsher than the unbiased portion. The average margin so far is 1.0, which this evens out to.
True rating: 6.5/10.0*
The combination of the two reviews makes this well-cut rating.
Basically, when you download this, you’ll get a mediocre battle level that lacks only in the event, life, and layer use departments.
How could this level be improved?
Don’t overuse the foreground layers. If you use the background layers, don’t make them so confusing. This small level
needs less weapons in each place. If you can satisfy those conditions in this level, you’ll satisfy others’ tastes.
Interesting fact:
The only destructible scenery in the level is that of the traditional "shootable signs."
~ Derby
** An important change in my reviews gives designers a smaller edge by subtracting points for game incompatibilities and an extra point for layer use, being more important.
Aha. An isrealic(sp?)-dutch co-production. Well, as you may have noticed, Diamondus isn’t my favourite tileset nowadays. I wonder why people still make Diamondus levels ;-)
However, the design and eyecandy is really good. Esspecially the design: it allows super fluent jumping & running and the weapon selection is very appropriate.
The events (springs, poles, hidden vines etc.) are also very well placed.
To sum it up, "Dark Forest Fight" is a very decent battle level to DOWNLOAD and ADD to your collection. No more, no less.
Well, "Gamecreators Desert" is a nice, quite small battle map that uses Blade’s awesome and very underused "Desert" tileset. The level layout itself is good and i also noticed some layer work. Nothing too exciting though :-)
And the "Medivo" music doesn’t fit too well in my opinion.
Overall, a good download for all battle and Blade fans i think.
On a side note, the level seems to use an OLDER (i think JelZe is wrong :-) version of Blade’s tileset, which is very annoying because you have to overwrite the newer version to display the level correctly.
I’m not an admin (they don’t want me to be one :-) but i can give warnings as well: if you continue behaving like this, "EWarrior aka MrPlonker", Mr. Quist will know what to do. This is not an idiots playground.
DADADADA… it’s time for ST’s random rate of the week again! This time, it’s early! YaY.
First on the agenda is eyecandy. Good, but could be improved in a few places. There were some annoying tricks and a few monotonous eyecandy pieces.
Now, about layouts. If I could sum it up in one word, it’d be "almost". This level feels a bit loose and open in some places. It almost seems like if you pulled a drawstring it’d tighten up and be great. Carrots were in niches, and a few places were one-way streets. Pretty average. Weapons were very overused and in funky formations. No useless TNT, though. Coins were a bit hard to get, and I didn’t like those sucker tubes just in the middle of the ground.
The overall feel of this level feels incomplete. The level gives off a sense of being thrown together and basically, "missing a roof". You’d think it was half-done if you were going on gut feeling alone. Good, but it’s missing something…
Closing Remarks: It’s got it’s "15 minutes of fun", but it isn’t really tight and smooth enough to put on your "favorites" list. Nice effort, overall. I still can’t shake that there was that notion to get a polished feel on a half-finished level, though…
A very nice level, really. Fairly interesting layout, eye candy, and event placement. Did find a few flaws. One of the most annoying, was that you pretty much have to know the level a bit to play in it right, you’ll find the eye candy kinda seems like it’s in the… Forground layer. But I don’t think this should stop you from liking it.
Also, am undecided rather it’s worth a 7.5, or an 8, so I guess I’ll rate it 7.7.
Should be well worth your download, anyway.
I’ve been little quiet. If you’ve even noticed it. The reason is my new release.
This one is good. It’s little small, but it don’t matter so much. Weapon placing Ok, and the layer work was too pretty good. One complaint: Gc used too many same kind tiles next to each other.
And thanks for supporting!
at first i think its very …. that u made it hide in hcl list.
second..the level is good, but confusing
the puzzle is very good
the music is not bad either
d/l it now
Ok, my turn ;)
GC Desert 2 is a … fairly good level. Lay-out is OK (no dead ends in battles, plz), weapon placement also (could have been a bit more). But what i didn’t like was that GC used the ORIGINAL Desert tileset. I play in 8-bit, so the 3D bg is…you know. Speaking of background, i HATE it when ppl use the other layers to boost the eye candy in layer 4. Music choice: average (Medivo2), you could easily use a custom file for this.
Conclusion: not bad. That’s all i can say.
-JelZe GoldRabbit
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.