Aiko, if you’re saying that “keentube” won’t appear in my list because i have more than 256 levels, then you’re mistaking bigtime.
O well, i finally got that level to work, now for the review…
I must say i was pretty surprised when i first saw the level. Pretty good eye candy, but especially amazing was the hunt for trigger crates. The lay-out is indeed a bit confusing (circluar) if you don’t know where to go next. The music? Good choice.
Conclusion: A really good puzzle level, BirdOfPrey. The original rating: a 7. But since you’ve used Tubelectric (my fav. set) and put puzzles in it, it’s boosted to a 7.5
-JelZe GoldRabbit
Cool!!! "Forest: Party" is a great tileset release including all kinds of snowy landscapes, sleeping animals (it’s a cat i guess :-), greyish mountains, slippy ice and funky letters wishing us a happy 2001.
The tileset is pretty large (about 400 tiles) and gives the talented level author some very good tiles/objects to create eye candy with.
To show how that could work, the author also created a very good looking example (battle/treasure) level with funky/weird music playing in the background.
Really, this is not bad…DOWNLOAD NOW (EVERYONE)!
I’m stil undecided between 7.5 and 8. Maybe i’ll re-rate!
Well, "Commander Keen" was one of my favourite games at the beginning of the 90s because it had real exciting 2D platform action and a weird background story (in other words, Keen is a direct ancestor of Jazz :-).
Now, Talec made a tileset out of it and it really looks spiffy. It has most of the graphics that were in the first levels of "Secret Of The Oracle" (platforms, houses) and some funky additional stuff like spikes, a "Spaz ate the Dopefish" animation as well as errr…a mobile phone? Not to forget a large palm tree, fire and the like. The masking is very good, from what i’ve seen.
The pack also includes a small example level, which gives a good impression of the look and feel of the set.
Unfortunately both, the example level and the example battle level, which is pretty nice by the way, didn’t have a correct next level setting.
My conclusion: a MUST DOWNLOAD for all Commander Keen fans and EVERYONE ELSE :-)
First off, the music choice. You didn’t like it? Oh boy!!! "Keen on Tubelectric" includes background music by the one and only, the master himself, the king of tracking: Purple Motion, member of the legendary Future Crew straight outta the woods of Finland. Well, you noticed it: i really love the background music!
However, if i take the level design itself, it isn’t bad either. It has lots of sucker and trigger events and the eyecandy is pretty neat. Only real downfall is that the navigation can get a bit too confusing after a certain time, as iCED and Fireclaw mentioned.
But overall, a very good single player level, which gets a clear DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me, not only because of the music ;-)
Hint for Jelze: ever heard about the program "Jazz 2 Organizer"? :-)
After a long time, finally something from good ol’ Germany (thats where i’m from guys :-).
"Elektrivision" is a small level pack containing two pretty short single player maps, both using the "Tube electric" tileset.
The level design is okay, there even is some eyecandy in the second level, but unfortunately i found some bad tile and ESSPECiALLY enemy placement (too many of them in many places :-). Also, the music (freeze.j2b) doesn’t fit at all.
Oh, and guys, don’t try to instruct JelZe when it comes to languages, he knows them ALL. However, i can assure that the text events are german und ich muß es ja schließlich wissen…
Leibi: ist in Ordnung, kann aber noch besser werden :-)
Eh…Am I supposed to rate the tileset? I think you hosted it online once, and I liked it. Anyway. This tileset has lots of useful tiles, some tar pits for hurt events, and some kind of house…
All in all. I give it a 6.0 Might change if need to be…
And it’s time for ST’s random rate of the week again. A day late, but still here. A few minor changes from last week’s episode, but they don’t amount to much. Oh, BTW, if a score comes out that isn’t on that pulldown bar, it gets rounded to the nearest # (although that didn’t happen today).
Okie, first off, eyecandy. Nice. The food helps for eyecandy (at least it has somewhat of a use). Everything else looks great. It ain’t perfect, but it’s darn close.
2nd stop: Layout. I’m pretty happy with the layout in this level. It’s really easy to get around, and a good, varying amount of building style. The carrots are placed fairly well (although not perfect), too. In some places it’s a bit too easy to navigate, sometimes a slightly low jump seems a bit too repeatitive, or an extra spring here or there. Overall, the problems are VERY minor problems. The weapons are the weak link of this level, though. They are very overused, and the the large amount of fastfires right by the blaster powerup is just ASKING for a broken combo. The warp spots, including the bonus bunny, are LOADED with powerups/ammo. I think a few powerups shoulda been taken out, and placed where some of that food was. Oh, there was also useless TNT in here. I always mark down a tad if there is TNT in there and it isn’t really useful.
In summary, this level is great. Quite an improvement from the original, I must say. Mmm, nostalgia. =D The only thing that brought down the “feel” was the food, which annoys me in multi. Overall, a good download it. A good level for a few games of fun, although the slightly-above average replayablity isn’t as stunning as, say, Where Warriors Fall (ironic I’m comparing this, heh heh heh) or Battle1.
Closing Remarks: At least download it for the nostalgia. It’s a good level though, even if you weren’t here when it was originally released. =P
A pretty average level. Anyway, it’s much better than a hotel, which is normally made outta the Tavern tileset. I found the design a little above average, while it needs a little more eye candy. Also, the level is quite small. Weapons placement is decent, also.
Anyway, it’s your choice to download or not, I think.
keen? Isn’t that a overused 70’s word? Or some kinda *0’s word….
I’ll rate this when I get TSF (Soon…)
This level has just about bad anything. Welp, first off, this level is a hotel… Not the type of level I like. Also, design, eye candy, and event placement can be inproved, quite a lot. Also, they are like 10 places where you can get stuck. And worst of all, I found a place like a jail. I don’t know if that was meant as a jail, though…
Anyway, not worth your download.
A pretty good level. Nice eye candy, some of it was used creatively, too. Design and Event Placement was good, also. Puzzles were interesting… So this is not the level for people who like action. Does have a bit, though. And as iCeD said, you can get yourself going around in circles for a loooong time… It is kinda maze like, designed kinda like a multi-player map. Also, I find navagation a bit annoying in some parts with Jazz. And music could of been better picked.
Anyway puzzle fan would love this level! But if you hate puzzles, not worth your download…
“Keen on Tubelectric” is a good level using the nice Tubelectric set. It has a nice layout and eye candy, as well as enemy placement. It has some nice puzzles and such. Though they were kind of annoying since I had to use cheats, I was too lazy to solve the puzzles myself. Plus I had been going around in circles for like 25 minutes. :-) I also found it possible to get trapped in certain places. Btw, I didn’t like the music choice too much.
Overall this is DEFINITELY worth a d/l. :-)
(btw, dragging the level to your JJ2/TSF icon rules all when it comes to playing levels. ;-)
It was German, you guys. You should know i’m able to read Dutch, English, German and French…
Wups, I guess the only option is dragging it into your jazz.exe icon or I have to upload it again :)
My TSF doesn’t seem to locate it…Did you uncheck the “Hide in Home Cooked Levels list” box, BoP?
cant be dutch, otherwise Jelze would have been able to read it..
Pretty average levels. The design is a tad below average, the layout is also a tad below average. I felt the eye candy was quite distracting in a lot of parts. And completely dark areas aren’t a very good idea to add to your level. The tilesets aren’t bad, as I said, they can make for annoying eye candy.
I guess it’s worth your download. Your choice.
A pretty good level using the Carrotus set, but I didn’t think you needed to make it for TSF! Anyway, the design, layout, eye candy were pretty good. Event placement was good. Not much to say, though.
Worth your download, I’d say.
tested.. and confirmed..
jj1 works on a 1.1ghz
Not the best Single Player I’ve seen. For starters, EVERY text string is in German, so if you don’t know German, you can’t understand it. (Well, I think it’s German, since JelZe says so. It could also be Dutch). Also, a lot of the eye candy can be inproved. True, it creative, but not much of it. And most of it just confuses you.
The design can be inproved, like the eye candy, it can be confusing. A lot of time you don’t know where to go.
And a lot of the time you’re forced to get hurt. It’s inpossible to avoid it in some parts.
I don’t recommend this download, but some of you may want to.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.