A pretty average level pack containing two levels using the tubelectric set. Has some uninteresting eye candy, badly placed enemies. The layout was okay, and what I like was you actually used the tileset well… compared to other levels, at least. What annoyed me was that some of the text strings were written in another language (Dutch? German?) but that’s PARTLY excusable since your English could be limited.
I can’t say you shouldn’t d/l this, but I’m not saying you should. It’s your choice.
I will rate this when I get TSF (which is soon)
Its nice to put tilesets together, but in this case the looks are a bit different from the original (it might be my pc)
The level uses only deckstra and is quite good (for a ctf:)
Maybe some day, someone will put ALL jj1 tilesets in one file… especially dreempipes…
Finally i can play jj1 again!! yay!
(bah… please don’t give 10s away to tools the author didn’t make like this… ~iCeD)
Well, i don’t how to start but…
OK, what we have here is a level with enemies. And LOTS of’em. That what’s makes the level a bit challenging, but that’s basicly it. And the eye candy…mwah, average. And Leibi, if you read this, then put ALL of the texts in English next time. The most of us don’t know German…
Conclusion: I was gonna give it a 6, but since he’s a beginner (in my opinion) and he used my favourite set (Tube Electric) it’s boosted to a 6,5.
- JelZe GoldRabbit
If ur as bored as me you would understand…
Lemme just get that start position thing right. It is the only single player start position, the rest are multiplayer and you can only start at them if you are in multiplayer mode. Somehting you should understand with all my levels.
I just smacked in the one single player start so you can actually quick test the level without having to go into multiplayer or gettign stuck in the top left corner ;)
I downloaded this a while ago, and I recommend download.
This is a useful tool for faster computers. And from what I’ve seen, it really does work! Yahoo! So, if you have a a fast computer, this is quite useful, if you still have a slow computer, no use of downloading. :-)
Useful for all you guys who coded some neat Pascal progz some years ago (like me and some of my weirdo classmates). It fixes the Runtime error on fast PCs, that was generated by a "division by zero" bug in the Delay(X) command. Made by a german coder, of course. Not that i would care…;-)
i had to rate it 1 because reviewer "Lamer" gave it an inappropriate 8 (to "normalize" the rating).
Spikes don’t work in Mp :P
Very interesting idea (:
Low on the eyecandy though, and what needs to be said has already been said. Good ideas need refinement :)
yap Psych TS is very underused …
tough is has supercool background tiles and is not that hard to work with …
you might indeed run a bit short on weapons, but for the rest Distruct did a fine job…
keep it up…
maybe you can putt some sort of spikes here and there so you don’t have to wait till they kill but just screw up yerself :-P
it is indeed creative…
The episode thingy was also used in martins ’5 alive’, just to let you guys know…
Now released:
a tileset search is useless, as its already there
This is a creative idea… but still, it isn’t that great of one. The thing is like KJAZZ explained it. It may sound nice, but… it isn’t. Anyway, this level is also bug filled, and not very interesting to play, also.
If you’re looking for a creative levels, this is worth a download…
Ah, what do you guys know (:-)
Anyway, I couldn’t have made it bigger, its supposed to be small…
and I think I like the idea of not being able to choose…
I want to repost it with the random warp… but the re-upload script is broken (I’ve heard)…
(P.S. Ok, maybe its useless, but I have another suggestion. Put a search by tileset! That would make me happy, as to find all the town/haunted/easter/anything else
levels quickly Thanx.)
I don’t think I liked these levels as much as most of you did… The levels I think were a little above average.
Anyway, some had a few problems. One of the levels I had AWEFUL framerate in. Also, in the CTFs, I disliked base routes.
Also, there is a creative idea with the Blackout level, but I think it will get tiring after time.
Well, anyway, it will be worth downloading if you’re interested in level. Packs.
A pretty decent level, I think. Not good, but not bad. The layout is quite simple, really. The event placement was good, also, I had no trouble with navagation. Also, I don’t like the Water. I only suggest this for levels that water would add to it, or it uses the Beach or another tileset that would have normally Water in it.
Anyway, this level is recommended for Battle fans, and maybe a few other people.
Gotta ruin it, don’t I :)
I didn’t like the sand part.. where if you fall on the sand, you go DOWN THROUGH the sand.. and going way down, I never found anything down there..
Go ahead and download this.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.