Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Putrid Monkey Strikes Back ! (Episode)
Level rating: 8.2

A very nice single player pack. The design is quite nice for each of these levels. Also, I love the car chase idea.
Also, event placement is nice.

A few problems with some of the levels. Mostly navagation, or the fact that you have no idea where to go. I had this problem is nearly every level!

Anyway, I would do probably dislike this pack more than most people who reviewed this, but I still recommend this to download.

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: j1 Haze's Mayhem
Level rating: 7.4

A very nice level and tileset. The tileset has three JJ1 tilesets in one! With a masking, and all. You can make some interesting levels with some interesting eye candy with this.

The level is very nice, just shows how nicely you can use this set. The design is quite nice. But navagation, flag routes can be inproved.

I would recommend this level (And set) for download.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Duck Hunt
Level rating: 4.8

My opinion? Well, here goes..

It’s always a good idea to introduce a new idea to JJ2. But you have to be careful that the idea was presented well. You made a flaw that can bring down the whole level, the choose thing. As SPLASH said, hunters have an advantage which makes being one a usual choice, you could have made this CTF team style and made team-start posses, and the hosting one might get boring and kind of chaotic.

Overall it slips from getting a d/l recommendation. sorry.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Duck Hunt
Level rating: 4.8

(350 Degrees? Oh right, silly american measures…“Fahrenheit” or something? :-)
Hmmm, i don’t know what to do with this. I have to wait for iCED’s opinion and then re-write the review, i guess.
From what i’ve seen of the level, it’s not exactly great.

P.S.: Truckloads of levels? Uh-oh. He seems to be making levels all day.

P.P.S.: Splash is right, TSF box is useless. Better do some useful things, admins (hint, hint)!

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tsunami/ Volcanu Ruins
Level rating: 6.2

"Tsunami/Volcano Ruins" is not a bad pack of levels: the Medivo tileset is still underused and the design and eyecandy is good in most places. The idea of "mirroing" the level is interesting (same idea as in "Parallel Worlds" by Jeh and some other levels).
Unfortunately, i have some minor complaints: the level is too small, the design needs to be a bit more…you know…circular and i don’t like the "Lava" idea (3d background used as "lava" in the foreground!?) in the second level.
Everything else is fine and could be worth the download, esspecially for Battle fans.

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Duck Hunt
Level rating: 4.8

hmm..a pretty neat idead by KJAZZ thiz time..but i dont think this would make a smashing hit. first of all shooting birds isn’t quite new, as it has become a poulair sport since..hmm yeah since when. anyway something like this was done b4. the lvl is pretty nice, but could have been much bigger if u ask me, cos it would become very chaotic as 20 ppl are running, shooting and flying around in a small room. you can choose what u want to be – bird or hunter- but as u cant fight back while ure a bird, most ppl will choose for hunter and it would turn into a normal battle game.
(try creating 1 warp, with 2 warp targets – be sure to make em at the same height- so ppl will be warped to hunter or bird, without choosing). another bad point is that the hunter can shoot as many birds as he wants, but never gets killed himself. and when ppl are getting tired of playing bird, they become hunters themselves and yes it would again turn out into a normal battle game. u should download thiz but only if u feel like it…but it is improved..

(btw some small notes bout yer post KJAZZ, tsf doesnt feature that many new tilesets and enemies – only 3 tilesets and about 2 enemies, maybe 4 if u have the xmas thingy. and a tsf only box for d/l is useless as well, as u can play all 1.23 in tsf.)

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Duck Hunt
Level rating: 4.8

Just want to give you of an idea of the level:

You play as Jazz (or spaz) (Or Lori, but I don’t reccomenmd using TSF…)
and try to roast the birds. (Formerly known as whoever entered your server)
You should play this with 100 roasts before the next level…

P.S. i’m getting TSF soon, so expect a TRUCKLOAD of levels…(Truckload of computer files? Whatever…) with the new enemies, new tilesets, etc..

P.P.S. Admins im begging you. Put a only TSF box on the d/l page too….

Review by Roaster

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crown Castle v2.01
Level rating: 8

If you do download it now, it includes “Crown Castle B” which is the same version minus the food and using the old castle music. I really don’t see how this should affect a score considering no one mentioned the food in Deth’s CTF levels. =)

Review by darkwasp

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fury of the Wasp THETA
Level rating: 5.5

There’s multiple types because the Medivo one and the Spaceship one are Treasurehunt Compadible.

Review by Noraa

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crown Castle v2.01
Level rating: 8


I don’t understand why this level is getting such low scores! It’s really a classic that deserves a lot more praise than it’s been getting.

The only real problem I can find with the level is the use of food, but still… it can be fun to have sugar rushes at times.

Aside from that, the level is simply great. The eye candy, the layout, everthing! This looks like it came from Epic or something :-). I think the music fits perfectly, too.

Overall, it’s well worth your download time. Trust me, you won’t regret it :-)!

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tsunami/ Volcanu Ruins
Level rating: 6.2

A pretty simple battle level by SPLASH. It has a good layout and the like, as well as good eye candy and weapon placement, but it just seemed too… Simple. The idea of using a bg as water was pretty cool. I can’t think of much to say for this review actually, so I’ll leave it at that.

I can’t decide between a 6 or a 7 for this level so I’ll be nice and give it a 7. I recommend a d/l.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fury of the Wasp THETA
Level rating: 5.5

The first thing i noticed in this pack was a major error in the readme: it wasn’t the dutch guys from Orange Games who published J2, but they did most of the coding (which makes them the actual "creators"). The game was published by Project 2 here in Europe and by GodGames in the United States and…oh heck…i have a level pack to rate! ;-)
Well, it uses a large number of custom files (six tilesets and six bg music tracks) and includes six battle levels using all the stuff.
No doubt, i always like the idea of using homecooked sets/music, but a wise author should not forget about the most important point, which is, you guessed it right, DESiGN. Not to mention the layer work. As you may have noticed, i didn’t like the design of most of the levels in this pack too much. It just needs some more work. The music files are not superb but interesting by the way.
All in all, this could be of interest for people who like custom files and battle levels that are very slightly above the average. I can’t take the decision for you :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crown Castle v2.01
Level rating: 8

Despite the fact i love being nostalgic, i won’t give any extra points here.
However, “Crown Castle” is (without a doubt) a neat level that has a very very cool design and some additional eyecandy. The weapon and event placement is very good, too (interesting spring arrangements for example). A small downfall is the background music from the Jazz 1 3D Bonus stages which doesn’t fit too well in my opinion.
Anyways, this is a great battle level for everyone and really WORTH THE DOWNLOAD.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: j1 Haze's Mayhem
Level rating: 7.4

Nice pack including re-made and fixed versions of three tilesets: J1: Decksta, J1: Industrial and J1: Muckamo. The masking is pretty good now. But i’m not sure if it was a great idea to put all three sets into one (kinda confusing and bigger file size).
Apart from that, the pack also includes a nice CTF example level (good design and layout).
All in all, not much too complain about and definitely worth the 91 KB. You, as a true Jazz2 fan, should DOWNLOAD iT NOW!

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Easter levels
Level rating: 5.2

TSF rocks? Why was I not informed??

(P.S. I’mm getting it sooon.)

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Agent Jackrabbit
Level rating: 8.7

Spaz users? How many is that? One?


Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fury of the Wasp THETA
Level rating: 5.5

These aren’t bad. As iCeD said, they all have there ups and downs. I disliked most of the levels. But I thought the music weren’t bad choices. The Forest level was my favorite, also. And a lot of these levels were quite confusing.

And also, these aren’t multi playtypes, as the info of the level says. I found only Battle levels.

Well, I don’t recommend these levels to download, sorry.

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crown Castle v2.01
Level rating: 8

I really liked this level from the start. The level was changed slightly from it’s old self, not many changes, I only found one, and it was a music change. I did like the old music myself, really. The music and the level together reminded me of the old days of JJ2. Also, Food isn’t that useful in Multiplayer, but can be of use in Single Player (For it’s Suger Rushes).

Also, some of the things in the level I find annoying and don’t use often in my levels, but he did use these things quite nicely… Also, nice event placement. And the eye candy and design is another great part of the level.

I with out a doubt recommend a download.

Review by darkwasp

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Fury of the Wasp THETA
Level rating: 5.5

I Quote you, iCeD, “You USUALLY can’t go wrong with a nice set of custom music files, but at times I felt the ones you chose didn’t fit too well.”

The Forest music was from Fury of the Furries.
Rant to Hare Brain on the Pyramid one.
The space one was going to use your music from the Semiconductor, but I wanted to use NEW musics.
The medivo one was the best for there. Please play that level in High detail for the full effect.
The Ailen one, just look at the name of the music. “Alien Atack”. ‘nuff said.
The final one was going to be called “Sky High Fury” but for some very strange reason the level would NOT WORK in jj2… So I made one with a spaceship with two Holodecks and it was in like the clouds.

I hope this clears up some confusion.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Crown Castle v2.01
Level rating: 8

In my opinion a pretty cool level. I’ve always personally liked it. You did a good job of balancing the powerups/other stuff. Even though I don’t see a huge point to food and other food-like pickups. The warps were nicely placed, but despite the good balance, powerup placement could have been improved. The fluent design leads to fast paced (and fun. :-) gameplay.

Overall I recommend that you DOWNLOAD THIS NOW.