I didn’t like these levels too much, to be blunt and honest.
This pack includes 6 levels, each had their ups and downs. I liked the forest one the most probably… the space station one gets an award for being CONFUSING which is a major downfall. The Medivo and Space ones where OK but a little too simple for my tastes. The pyramid level… well, I’ve already reviewed that so you can look there, I’ll edit this with what I had to say about that later. You USUALLY can’t go wrong with a nice set of custom music files, but at times I felt the ones you chose didn’t fit too well.
Like I said each level had their ups and downs, but overall this is above average I guess. barely a download recommendation from me. You should spend more time on JCS before you release.
A quite nice tileset. It fixed some JJ1 sets and puts them together (in my opinion GREAT when used right… you could come up with some CREATIVE levels.) It also includes a nice example which I like. Even though it doesn’t show everything you can do with the tileset, it gives you a nice look at Deckstar and little bit of the other sets.
In my opinion not worth rating, but definitely worth a d/l.
Btw, I remember downloading the “No More Mr. Nice Rabbit…” level from J2C ages ago, and I loved the custom music. You replaced it with labrat.j2b which doesn’t fit at all. This calls for a fix. ;-)
Alpha was the First level, Forest of Fury.
Beta was that level with The Pyramid of Steel Fury.
Theta is now, with 6 levels.
I assume you mean beta..
Someone should make a J1 Marbler Tileset properly masked…Oh well…
I’ll rate this soon.
<b>Added Comment:</b>Forget my review.
Just look at the Admin Lazymans review
Nothing to say, but it is one of the best unofficial tilesets ever…
only problem in the episodes list it kinda pushes the “shareware” section outta the way :)
On the other hand, I could just delete all but the first episode to leave space…
WoW, a very nice single player episode. I like the use of the custom tilesets, and you also have some GREAT ideas. (Mmm, car chase.) I don’t like the idea of respawning enemies too much but it added some difficulty to the last level. Though this episode DID have some stuff to complain about. There were minor eye candy/navigational bugs, not to mention some of the ANNOYING puzzles. (hey, I like puzzles, but try to make them easier) However, aside of this, I REALLY can’t think of much to complain about.
The music was cool but didn’t play on certain levels..
Overall I HIGHLY recommend this pack. Get downloading.
“The episode file works fine for me, but you have to play the whole epic episodes first”
-Electric Ir
Oh yes. I forgot this. When I updated to 1.23 (As many of you on the JMMB know) my saved games were erased. So I had to play through the Epic episodes. Thats a bug you MIGHT wanna fix. Not that big of a deal.
P.S. Yeah, that .j2e thing I would REALLY like!
Ummm…….are you who made the blackout level? I thought someone else made it…Cause its a cool idea.
I might rate this someday.
Indeed, dutch level makers strike back with this very cool pack.
“Putrid Monkey” contains eight brand new single player levels, it uses five homecooked tilesets and four custom music files. Some of the levels are very original (the car chase is fun for example) and the underused tilesets were used very well (J1-Diamondus, Temple, Strawberries!). By the way, it would be very cool, if you could include a readme text file that gives info about who made the tilesets and the music (selfmade tilesets will make me rate it higher :-).
The pack also includes a Jazz 2 Episode file (.j2e) which means you can easily chose it from within the game (you’ll see a new [not-so-beautiful!] button in the episode selection screen which is pretty cool). I hope the guys will release the J2E-Tool sometime to give everyone the chance to make something like that :-)
The eyecandy in all of the levels is on a very high standard, but the design is a tad confusing in some cases (some puzzles are annoying, but hey, its better than one of those 5-minute-run-thru-levels).
The music selection just fits great! Nothing to complain about there.
Unfortunately i didn’t hear music in “Overdose of Sand” (songcd4.s3m?). Authors, please check your files before uploading them to J2O :-)
Overall, this is definitely A MUST DOWNLOAD for EVERYONE, not only single player fans. Great work, dutchmen! :-)
P.S.: Dear Authors, please don’t use this page for discussing internal problems with the pack.
This level pack is very very cool.
It has nice ideas, and its just….(Argh! Stupid language…no other ways to describe :-)
Well its just really good.
I liked the CAR level too.
And I didn’t find a bug…
I thought of giving it an extra point
for New Years but…
Then I thought all the Admins and Aiko would be mad at me (And we don’t want that :-)
(Added Note: Oh yes. The Strawberry tileset is really cool! And easy to work with. I’m making a level right now with it! And for that, I’ll give ya an extra 0.2 points…No wait….Still might make Admins/Aiko mad….Maybe i’ll increase it later…)
And this review is too long (for me)
Err sorry people I really found a HUGE bug in one of my levels…calls for a re-upload
Eh yes, I kinda thought it was cancelled so today I found out I had to create another level heh…
I hadn’t made levels for over 2 months so blame it on me ;)
Im very sorry to tell you guys that the Episode file wont work right in 1.23 (I think it does in tsf) because of an error by me while creating it.
I think that if you delete the "ending" as next level and replace it for "endepis" in d-am-n2 it will work again, but if you do that you’ll need to play the last episode again (thats no problemo using jjnext)
And it’s time for ST’s random rate of the week (now using the patented UnBiased RateSys™Technology!). Yes, I will be doing a random rate using this "technology" (actually my rating system) every week now. Woo.
First of all, I’d like to say this was a great effort w/ the Psych TS. A bit underused, and a bit hard to use, but Distruct defenitely used it excellently, putting everything in their right spots and not overusing any/all of the tiles.
The layout, though, is where it starts to fall apart. There is only 1 start pos, if my testing was correct, and it seems a bit one-dimensional playing (a bit more interconnection via suckertubes may have been nice). I personally don’t like this navigation (ZA style) used this heavily, so the mark goes down there a tad, too. And I think the weapons were just a slight bit too sparce, but not too bad. The carrot was well placed, though, may I say something in favor of the level.
WEAPONS: 1.2/2
In conclusion, this was a pretty fun level, but it really didn’t "hit the spot". Try for a little more variety in the tight/loose gameplay department, and the variety of events should be expanded just slightly.
Closing Remarks: A good download. D/L it and host it for some variety in your servers. __
Yes, A nice episode pack some orginal levels in it (like the car level)
You need some skill in the levels but there is a but here the eyecandy in most of the levels where boring. It needed some more..
There are some parts that you could be stuck though =P
anyways good job guys we needed more SP episodes =)
A very nice level pack, great design and event placement.
Anyway, the wide screen thing you’ll find nice and creative, but it does get on your nerves. Also, they are other annoying parts, you’ll find. Quite a few, really.
Well, nice and long level pack, just the right challenge. One other thing, Spaz CAN’T beat one of the levels. That can be annoying for Spaz users. Well, I haven’ found a way with Spaz, so I might be wrong.
Anyway, a must to download!
A pretty OK level. Uses the JJ1 Candy, only fixed, of course. Also uses one of Alexander Brandon’s tunes for JJ3.
Anyway, the design is just a tad below average. The eye candy, like Aiko said, is quite wierd. But VERY distracting.
Anyway, this level seems to be made, like Aiko said again, for the new years.
Anyway, worth your download. And it isn’t really that big.
A pretty good level by Distruct. Nice and fairly creative layout. Eye candy and event placement was OK.
Good base placement, though I really think the base route can be inproved.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.