Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 2 Battle Pack
Level rating: 7.2

A pretty good Multiplayer pack from Bartman (I didn’t like it as much as Aiko), has some interesting ideas, which I like. The blackout level is especially cool. :) This pack does have it’s flaws though, the event placement wasn’t so hot (30 toaster pickups right next to each other has never been something I was tempted to do. :) The layout is something I like, it’s done well, and has eye candy to back it up. The music fit well and the tilesets were used well. Though you could have spent more time on certain levels as I don’t like them/they look sloppy.

Overall I can’t say much but that you should DOWNLOAD NOW.

(note as Aiko said, bartctf3.j2l doesn’t work, fix and re-upload now. ;-)

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Metal Mania
Level rating: 8.9

In my top five of all-time favourite sets :)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz 2 Battle Pack
Level rating: 7.2

Cool, this is another great pack from Bartman, the creator of the well-known episode “Agent Jackrabbit”. This time its a bunch of multiplayer levels using four different tilesets (namely MEZ01, Cheq, Metropolis Day and Hocus Pocus, all of them are elite sets).
The levels itself are really interesting, because Bartman is one of the most creative level makers i saw. He tries to put new effects and ideas everywhere, which makes his levels pretty original and somehow different.
Reminds me of “Another Jazz 2 fan”, who also created his own (sometimes weird) style. What i want to say is…eyecandy and design are great :-)
Well, of course, some levels are better than others (i didn’t like “Outer Space” for example).
The background music is a good choice, you can’t do much wrong with songs by Alex Brandon, Necros and Unreal Tournament music.

Overall, this definitely gets a DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me. Everyone should get “Jazz 2 Battle Pack” now and put it in his/her Jazz2 folder (oh btw next time i will subtract one point for the stupid name, really).

Unfortunately, the third CTF level (bartctf3.j2l) doesn’t work. Maybe you should use the re-upload feature :-)

Review by Stijn

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: An Impossible Mission II
Level rating: 6.8

The updated version is ready now, but if i want to re-upload, I get ‘Query problem…’ What’s that?

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: An Impossible Mission II
Level rating: 6.8

In my opininion an above average level. Has a good layout and nice eye candy, however it did have it’s problems. One of them being that there were badly placed (masking-wise) tiles that got annoying. Like the radish somewhere along the left side of the level. That could/should have been placed in the foreground. Springs are good, though I felt they were overdone here.
I should personally note that you didn’t stash away the bonus stuff very well, I was able to get to every one without coins. :-)

Overall a decent battle level that’s BARELY worth your d/l.

Btw, PLEASE don’t include the tileset/music with in the ZIP, as Aiko said. It just wastes space.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: An Impossible Mission II
Level rating: 6.8

"An Impossible Mission II" is a pretty decent battle level using one of the sets i don’t like too much :-)
But still, it has a good design and some eyecandy. In my humble opinion, it has too many desctruct scenery events, vines and springs, which makes the navigation a bit uncontrollable sometimes, but maybe thats only me.
Anyways, battle fans may want to add this to their collection.

Oh, just one thing: please remove the carrotus.j2b music file from the ZiP archive and re-upload it. I often wonder if people noticed that webspace isn’t infinite.

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Underground Assault
Level rating: 8.6

I just think it’s a bit short, otherwise, it’s excellent.

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: HappyCTF
Level rating: 8.9

great pack

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JazzEd 0.74 Beta
Level rating: 9.2

I was just wondering if anyone knows why the colours look wierd ie. with outlines (j2c doesn’t explain it well)

Each part of the sprite uses 8 colours. When you choose a colour, it and the seven after it are the colours in the sprite; thus if you choose 16 it will have all green colours. If you do 18, it will be a slightly darker green and the outline will be red. Maybe you could add that to the help area thingy.

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Carrotus Squash(noneTSF)
Level rating: 9.2

My only problem is that there’s not enough ammo, and too many powerups. Also I like vines.
Still, a good level overall.

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: 7th Lava Fall
Level rating: 9

To get a rating this high, a set has to look better than the original’s. only 3 authors have done this. If you haven’t downloaded it, then download it or stick your head in a bucket of sand.
Oh, and my level using this set is coming soon :p.

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

In short:
Uppers: New tilesets, eyecandy on some of the lvls, ending sequence :)

Downers: Getting stuck on spikes and mummy’s

Review by mrplonker

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: KBP: Knux's Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.5

kinda cool, but the tileset went a bit wrong in places

Review by DraakWolf

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Gameplay Theory
Level rating: 8.5

Don’t read this review, download it now! :)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: KBP: Knux's Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.5

Cool, i really like this pack. Esspecially the winter tileset and the two example levels. The “Snowfields” tileset has some helpful basic platform structures and some funky additional stuff like a snowman, flakes, a mountain, a weird tree etc..
And the example level is pretty neat if you ask me (check out the snow storm!).
The other tileset, “OldSands” contains about 75 tiles but isn’t that great, despite its based on “Snowfields” (or the other way round). The mask is, as iCED said, non-existant (“Snowfields” has one btw).One thing made me laugh though, this weird flying duck :-)But the Jazz animations are pretty useless und unfortunately there are too many blank tiles in both sets. I wonder why.

Apart from the very few downfalls, this is really worth seeing. DOWNLOAD NOW! Good work, CTKnux. (Of course, it could still be improved :-)

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Agent Jackrabbit
Level rating: 8.7

a very nice pack, with good points and also bad points if u ask me.
the levels are good, but can get a bit boring after some time. when looking at the first jungle lvl, i got a bit of a strange feeling as i didnt really had the feeling u were in a jungle ( the background was very bad, only some leaves) (2x feeling..hmm). the widescreen was vey irritating as messed up yer view, u couldnt see enemies coming from down u and that stuff.
the tarzan-like sliding was pretty kewl..but too short :-( but still good.
i think the creator has use way too much mez and more of those basic tilesets, he should have used more standard jazz lvls, or lvls with more nice thingies in them, cos i got a bit bored. the pack has some nice ideas, like a spycam (perfect dark?) and stuff like that.
i think u should download this and play it right away

Review by SPLASHcc

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: KBP: Knux's Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.5

i like the ducks idead :P
anyway i think its not a very bad start for a first set. it has nice open spaces as well as small paths. but it could have been much better if u had made your sets with more options. so next time try to make yer tilesets very nice, and the try to create a lvl with that tileset using all options. confused? keep going on and ull create a wonderful lvl someday

Review by KJAZZ

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Agent Jackrabbit
Level rating: 8.7

Ah, I remember downloading this from J2C a while ago….Very good levels.

(Wide screen gets a BIT annoying but its still nice)

Review by CTKnux

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: KBP: Knux's Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.5

Well, this is my first time, hehehe, I dont even know what assult is. :) Iced!, I cant edit it, it gives me a query problem :( And thanks for giving me a little bit of an “average” score :P,Ill work harder next time 0-o

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: KBP: Knux's Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.5

I think that’s referred to as a "mistake" Claw.

anyway, these battle levels are ok I guess. They are about average, but the tilesets bring them up to a 6. The way the levels were done I don’t like very much. The maze concept in the sand level is pretty unoriginal too. The layout/eye candy in the snow level was okay. Btw, you really need to know when to use @‘s in your text strings. :-) One major downfall of the tilesets: they have an awful masking. Make sure the masking is workable before calling a tileset "complete"

Overall barely worth your d/l, but only because of the tilesets.

(Btw, reset "Battle" as the playtype with the groovy edit info/re-upload function.. ;-)