Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Psychedelic
Level rating: 7

Another NICE level using the Psych tileset.

The tileset itself I have never liked, but I (just with any tileset) see remarkable possibilties. This shows a lot of the possibilities. The style of design I like, the layout was cool. It just needed a few additional weapons. The caterpiller could have also been placed better. I like the eye candy, it looks good, could have been improved on Layer 4 though.

Overall DEFINITELY worth your d/l, get to it! :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Psychedelic
Level rating: 7

"Pshycedelic" (yes, thats the actual name :-) is definitely one of the best battle levels ever made with the underused Psych tileset. Despite it’s really not my favourite set, i really like this level a lot. The design is very decent (open, many platforms = ZA style™) and so is the layer work. And to get the one carrot you have to pass the smoking guy, which is a good idea.

Overall, i HiGHLY RECOMMEND EVERYONE to DOWNLOAD THiS neat level by Distruct: it’s 100% pure battle fun.

Review by Lamer

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Checkmate
Level rating: 2.8

Can’t give it a rating since it is unfinished but I would just like to say that the zip file is only 6 kb, which means it won’t take a lot of webspace and it will most probably get better once Gargoyle finishes it.

Review by Lamer

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz2 Desktop Backgrounds
Level rating: 4.7

There are 10 differently colored backgrounds, each using the same JJ2 menu, in this zip file. Some of it I liked, some of it I didn’t. Download this if you want to see some image manipulation by FireClaw or if you want to make an enhanced JJ2 menu your wallpaper.

Review by Lamer

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: JJ2 Level Tutorial
Level rating: 8.3

I like level creation tutorials. :) Like most I have read, this helped me out a lot. This deserves a look at by everybody, even by experienced level makers, IMHO.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz2 Desktop Backgrounds
Level rating: 4.7

Read the author’s description :-)
According to the time stamps of the files, the author put one hour of effort into this. Unfortunately, it isn’t worth downloading in my opinion, sorry. Pretty boring, somehow.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hellish Haven
Level rating: 6

Mmm, a nice open CTF. This may be “stupid” but I actually like it, the layout/most of the event placement was good. Eye candy was okay but could have been improved. There was also lack of one whens when they were needed (common mistake in the tileset)

The base placement was evil though. :-)

OVERALL: An above average level, barely worth your d/l.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Labrat Lunacy
Level rating: 7.2

Wow, a VERY good CTF level using the actually underused Labratory set.

The variation in this level is good, and the tileset was used well. Base placement was good, but simple. It was also a little too much of a challenge to get to the red base, not to mention it’s hard getting a good base route going. Also there is lack of one ways when needed in one spot…

I like the eye candy and event placement here, the design is quite good.

CONCLUSION: Download now, any CTF fan will like this (including me. :-)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Hellish Haven
Level rating: 6

Aha. Interesting. Well, whatever…
No matter if the author finds it stupid or not, it uses one of my favourite J2 tilesets (hard to work with btw). The design of the map isn’t that bad actually except the one or two minor tile placement bugs i found. Probably, most people will find the powerups and the full energy carrot annoying. Furthermore, the eyecandy is average.
And the base placement made me say "Hmmmmm" :-)
I don’t know, i’ll have to wait for the reviews of the CTF freaks here. Maybe i’ll change my rating (+/- 1 point max.).

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Labrat Lunacy
Level rating: 7.2

Once again a great CTF map from the south african level factory. No doubt that there’s a nifty alliteration in the name.
The layout of the level itself is very tight but none the less open and fluently playable. Not to forget great eyecandy (very tight as i mentioned; with loads of cool structures and objects scrolling around).

EVERYONE should DOWNLOAD THiS and ADD iT this to his/her Jazz2 level collection. You’ll have a lot of fun playing “Labrat Lunacy” :-)

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Just Anotha World
Level rating: 8

A pretty good tileset. Good amount of eye candy, ect. The example levels shown just how well you can use the tileset, as well. Quite a large tileset, also. Only flaw I can see is it takes time to master how to use it.

Anyway, download!

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Distruct's Pack
Level rating: 8

A pretty good pack. It’s very challenging rating a pack, since I have different things to say about each level. Anyways, all the levels have decent to good level design. (Mostly good). Some levels do take away from the design with confusing. Some levels I do find very confusing. Also, the eye candy in a few levels I dislike a bit.

Any battler would want to download this.

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Just Anotha World
Level rating: 8

Heh, review at the same time, I thought I gave the wrong rating, you scared me ;)

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Troublesome Tubes
Level rating: 7.1

Heehee, the alarm clock bit was my favourite. HAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! It’s just too funny.


Review by Newspaz

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Just Anotha World
Level rating: 8

Eh, I’ve seen this before ehm DISGUISE RIPOFF :) Heh, nice set. But it ain’t original anymore cause Ive seen them before in Disguises tiles here.

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Distruct's Pack
Level rating: 8

I didn’t like this as much as you ppl did, but it still deserves a high rating and such. It is everything he has ever designed up to the point. From the very first level he drew up in Mr. George’s science class while I was planning my air battle pack to the later ones he wanted to make for his huge pack.

Aiko, the ‘South African’ type of level design is called by us as the slap-dash method. We don’t know what the fuss is all about, honest, it’s just too easy. Put down a bunch of random platforms, join them together in various forms by ramps and such, and voila, you have a level!
Head over to to get a better view of this.

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Night of Horrors
Level rating: 7.1

Niiice…I really like this one ;)

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Just Anotha World
Level rating: 8

Just as much as you ppl like it, I like it ;)
And he used MY tutorial in the articles section brags
Anyways, since he read that everything was given a texture and the whole rocks section was added. Made it look a lot nicer than what it used to and deserves this rating.

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Miniature Mayhem
Level rating: 3.9

I made this level as part of a bet between Distruct and I. He claims that every level I make gets a high rating because it is made by Disguise, woooowww. I had to prove him wrong some way ;)
He thinks this will get way above 6. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sorry folks, this is not a ‘true’ Disguise level.

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Just Anotha World
Level rating: 8

W00, another good tileset. I like all the variation this set has, very good tiles and an AWESOME bg…

The example levels are quite good too. Not to mention the tileset has most anything you could imagine (as Aiko said) I like the texture all the tiles have, and overall this is QUITE good.

Download, or be banned! :-)