Ahh, finally someone uses the cool Medivo tileset.
I like the layout of the level, the event/powerup placement was OK and the base placement was good. Nothing that I consider really bad.
Get downloadin’! :-)
Very very nice.
I love these levels, even though the eye candy was confusing and a little overdone at times. The layout of these levels were good (but basic at times…) The weapons placement was VERY good. I like the style of design, the tilesets were used well. It would be hard for me to give critique for all of the levels here, so I’ll just say it all in 2 words: VERY AWESOME.
Get this now.
heh, small levels are fun, even though not much effort goes into them. Despite the fact the level is very very small, it’s not bad. Along with being small, it also feels quite crowded. I don’t like that. The eye candy looks weird but actually pretty good. Confusing at times. This could be quite fun for duels…
Not really worth downloading, unless you download EVERYTHING, like me. :-)
In my opinion a GREAT CTF level by Disguise. I like the unique metal placement/eye candy. The base placement was good, the layout is decent and pretty fluent. Stuff was arranged nicely. My only real complaint was the base placement could have been improved.
Definitely worth your download. Click the “Download” link above please.
This level is, well… Miniature. A simple idea really. But I think there are too many powerups for the size, and it’s too, small. But I think the idea will make for a fun game. But I don’t really know.
Also, I think the eye candy can be inproved a lot.
And as Aiko said, “You should only download this, if you want a complete “DisXX” level collection.”
Wow, it’s not only "just anotha world" but just another amazing custom tileset creation from that continent we forget about too often.
To be more precise, it’s the first time i saw that kind of mixture in a tileset at all. JAW contains very detailed comic like objects like trees, flowers and stone walls for the foreground, really awesome spacey looking mountains for the background and even a cool texture for the animated 3d background in layer 8, which really can make impressing levels, as Disguise showed us in his example battle levels (which are included in the ZiP archive).
Furthermore, the tileset is very large and has all kinds of useful stuff like vines, signs rain etc. etc.. Also, don’t forget to take a look at the mask…tsktsk :-)
Overall, this is A MUST DOWNLOAD FOR EVERY Jazz2 player, no matter which continent he or she is from :-)
"Night of Horrors" is a very neat CTF level that uses the good-looking but underused "Medivo" tileset.
Both main aspects, the layout (south african style as you can imagine) and the layer work are very well made. Nothing really to complain about. And despite i’m not a CTF expert i dare saying that the base placement is quite fair. (Isn’t it? :-)
As you, the reader, may have noticed already, i like this level a lot, which makes it A DEFiNiTE DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON from me.
Awesome!!! Despite the boring name of the pack, it contains 13(!) elite Jazz2 battle levels (plus two versions of a great tileset by Disguise).
Design and eyecandy in all of the levels is completely terrific. These maps don’t have all the useless events and knick-knack most average creations have (pretty much like "Gameplay Theory" btw). Too awesome and too much to describe it here. Distruct really knows the South African style of level making (very open and "platformish" as seens in Disguise’s and Dats’ creations) and adds some pretty cool ideas by his own.
I have only one small complaint: i saw the "Ultimate War" level before (J2C probably) and i really loved the custom background music. Now, the author replaced it with freeze.j2b which doesn’t fit well. Bad idea. Don’t hurry with your level releases just because you can’t get the MOD files immediately.
However, the final message is clear: NOONE should MISS THiS superb BATTLE PACK! It’s a MUST DOWNLOAD and one of my very VERY favourite packs recently.
Hehe, i made similar levels by myself, but, for some reasons (i guess its just because i’m smart ;-), i decided against publishing them.
Of course, this "miniaturized" level is way too small and boring. Despite it has powerups of my four favourite weapon types in the four corners, it doesn’t make much sense. Every battle game will end up in a pure massacre, which is fun at first but not for a long time. The eyecandy is okay by the way.
However, i didn’t find many major bugs, which explains my high rating.
You should only download this, if you want a complete "DisXX" level collection :-)
Well, if i should rate the amount of blabla in the level info and the readme file (dont miss that one! awesome stories from Africa), "Troublesome Tubes" definitely would be in the Top 10.
Apart from that, the ZiP file contains a very awesome CTF map using one of my favourite tilesets. The tile placement is very original, i saw many interesting layer arrangements (thats what we call eyecandy) and the overall layout is really tight and therefore superb (some people won’t like that many tubes though).
Conclusion: i don’t have much too add, it’s just a Disguise download. EVERYONE should immediately ADD THiS MASTERPiECE to his/her level collection. No doubt.
Btw, seriously, in my opinion, you should not misuse J2O and readme files as chatboards for misc talk. Really. If people read your real life stories here later, they wont make much sense anymore.
Not a bad peice of work. Nice design and eye candy. And the Event placement if good all the way.
But, I do find that all the tubes make for confution, and take too long to get into your head on which goes where. Also, the base path isn’t the best ever, also the level is a little big.
Should be worth the download.
And Disguise, Tube Electric is a very nice tileset, really. :-)
This is a pretty cool pack of two single player levels using edited versions of the Bloxonius tileset from Jazz1 Holiday Hare 95 shareware.
The design (which also means enemy placement) is very good and makes sense. Same with the eyecandy. I really like the way the tiles are placed. The music also fits perfectly because its the original files from HH95.
As you noticed, i don’t have any serious complaints at all, it only should be mentioned that the two levels are a tad too easy (way too many savepoints!).
But overall, this is definitely WORTH THE DOWNLOAD. If you like(d) Lego and played HH95 back then, you’ll love this even more.
VERY useful.
Recommend d/l for anyone.
Xmas enemies in Easter is the whole idea of the level. Haven’t you read the (short) story?
Santa’s elves are stealing easter eggs.
These levels are awesome!
BEST EVER (I think)[This review has been edited by DEMON]
Some very nice single player levels. Though I wish the two levels were the same in legth. Oh well.
Also, I find that the One Ways were used poorly in a lot of places.
But level design, event placement, ect, were all very nicely done.
Very most worth the time to download.
Update: The bugs have been fixed and the levels re-uploaded, with all the music files included. Sorry.
A yes, an cool X-mass present for us..
Nice work, great job it even impresses me a bit =) heh, this could be even a Jeh vs theseguys in the XMass series =)
So Great job, absolutely a must have
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.