A yes, an cool X-mass present for us..
Nice work, great job it even impresses me a bit =) heh, this could be even a Jeh vs theseguys in the XMass series =)
So Great job, absolutely a must have
hey BlewMeUp,
it’s supposed to B confusing when your not that good
this way your alertness will increase even more:-D
In the first level, I had a problem with a warp. I went through the warp, and the died. The savepoint is right in front of the warp, so I reappeared there. I think the ceiling is too close there, because I got stuck. Here’s a picture, assuming the html works.. http://www.noogy.com/derek/jj2n/blox.jpg
Ummm… I got an error in archive directory, and can’t unzip this. Arrgg…. it sounds cool. HELP!
Two very good single player levels. I liked the way the set was used and the layout was cool. Enemy placement was good. I sort of felt the Citadel level became confusing. The Citadel level could also use some music… hmmm… ;-)
Overall a very good Single Player worth your download. :-)
This level has a bit confusing layout and is not so big, but it’s not bad. The weapons selection is pretty cool. I think it’s fun when you play it. Download it now!
Doing great! More 3d tiles are needed tho, and the 2d tiles don’t always mix right with the 3d ones. The idea is great, and deserves more score because you wrote this in paint (I know how annoying it can be…)
Crap you guys R right…
i didn’t wanted to make it bigger it’s
best for duel’s…
i’m gonna redo the music…it’s weird…
i didn’t have time to make a bigger level becuz of the big tests i’m gonna fix it soon…
but i wouldn’t say the eyecandy was that bad… …or am i wrong :-(???
anyways its my first level since a VERY LONG time…
8 months plus…
by the way,
GPW is not accepting me becuz of a stupid misunderstanding with that crazy AngelGPW
i mailed Shadow twice and he didn’t mail back i even challenged him 2 a duel… …no response
everyone who’s with me please send a message to Shadow…
C ya
uploading other new level’s soon
Er, there are at least 10 springs. I’ve counted them.
W0W! Kool! Design is great, eyecandy is just great. The enemy/weapons/candy placement is cool, and it’s not too easy. The tileset (Holiday Hare) is always very cool. So: Download now!
KJAZZ? TSF has no christmas characters, but Christmas Cronicles do.
Well, this level is pretty average. First, you used eye candy all wrong. You used the same eye candy, side by side on tiles. Not a great idea.
Only, Christmas enemies with Easter? Not smart. Remember, use enemies that fit well with the tileset.
Anyway, the good sides are event placement was pretty good. Not bad design. And the boss is pretty challenging.
To download or not is up to you.
Words cannot describe how beautifully made these levels and tilesets are. A Must!
Very nice program that changes your fur color/names etc…
I wish there was an easier way to choose the colors though…
This battle (hotel?) level uses SPLASH’s
DBZ tileset (One I like) but in a bad way. I haven’t got much more to add from everyone else’s reviews though.
Ima downloading now. I HAVE TSF*.
I would get it, but I don’t have TSF…
(TSF has the christmas enemies???)
Nice tileset, it has enough variation and the example has all nececary things in it.
For actual battle the example level is a bit too big (and with too little ammo)…
A slightly above average single player level using the easter set. I liked the layout and enemy placement (I wasn’t too bothered by the christmas enemies) you could have improved the eye candy though. I felt some tiles were misused and repetitive at times.
Hmm, this level sure could use some music. ;-)
Overall BARELY a download recommendation.
An above average level using the MEZ02 tileset. The layout was good (though I don’t like tight design very much) event placement was good, but the eye candy would have been improved. It also needs to be bigger. IMO the BG music would have been cool if it played. Listen to Aiko, fix and re-upload. ;-)
Overall a good battle level worth your download.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.