(first and foremost note: Why did you include the stuff in a different dir? I hate extracting levels just to get a new folder. Don’t do that.)
Not a bad tileset, considering it was made in Paint. (use PSP next time, it rocks. :-) The BG sort of looks repetitive and the example level is confusing. I liked the 3d look in the tileset though. Also the background ships look nifty.
In conclusion: A level/tileset worthy of your download.
Nice job, though I have not checked out the level yet…..But its very nice,
and I’m anxiously (Spelling?) awaiting the full thing.
Again, very nice
OK, I got Muckamo to work (Those red turtles sure are something!)
So I’ll rate the pack.
Uh….Me got nothing new to say that
people already said. So I say…
D/l this right now!
This is a pretty cool tileset, well, for using paint. Anyway, the tileset isn’t bad for any program used. I’m sure a lot will be waiting for the full thing.
Great job.
Aiko, if you want an example level, go
to J2C and download “Final Fantasy Jazz”
Its very orignal (RPG).
Oh yes the tileset.
very very good. I made Ancient City (Here on J2O) a while ago, and Ancient Town (Never submitted, deleted) with it and they were both…nice.
All in all…..Good job.
I like this tileset. I tried making a level with it, but it was hard making stuff with this tileset.
EDIT (8/6/04): I just recently acquired Chip’s Challenge, and it is a very fun game. Playing the game gave me more ideas how to use this tileset, if I ever will again. Thus, the 0.5 increase from the previous rating, Or something. Hooray for Chip’s Challenge.
[This review has been edited by KJAZZ]
OK.. finished my extended.. review.. erm.. well, I’ve seen the levels now. Good job guys.
A very nice Christmas level by Blade. Uses the HH98 set. I like the eye candy (very nicely placed together), the layout, weapons placement, etc, are all good.
No real complaints from me. Download now. :-)
And, Splash, this movie was made for a contest, Haze’s ‘Jazz it up’ contest. More info? Check Haze’s site, http://jazz3d.cjb.net
Hehe! I’ve downloaded this before (Haze…). But it’s very kool. I think… a 8.7
"Christmas Chaos" is a very awesome christmas map by one of scandinavia’s elite Jazzers: it uses the very cool Holiday Hare tileset to create some great eyecandy and the design (plus weapon placement) is very decent as well.
I really don’t have anything to complain here so this is a clear DOWNLOAD RECOMMENDATiON for christmas from me.
P.S.: You will need the whare.it/whare.j2b to hear the background music.
Bad paul! I thought you broke his legs!
No payment for you!
(Whoops I’ve said too much)
[Car tires skidding away]
In my opinion "=o3=" is a good single player level. I really like the fact that the author chose a underused TSF tileset and the enemy placement (esspecially regarding "special enemies") is pretty original.
Unfortunately the layout of the level is a tad confusing for a single player level. Too many arrows and circular paths.
The eyecandy/layer work is quite good and the ZiP archive also includes a neat JPEG map of the level. Not bad.
Only some minor (but still important :-) complaints:
I found a severe "No warp target found" error somewhere (which quits the game to Windows). Do more beta-testing!
NEVER use the "=" sign in filenames. Please :-)
But overall, all single player fans should DOWNLOAD "=o3=" and make their own opinion. It’s not bad at all.
I’m not really "away for a bit", i just have to work eight hours the day for the next 11 months (long story). Nevermind :-)
A fine program, very useful. Just don’t feel as that it’s worth rating.
Well, this level isn’t very good.
And the Warm-Up level I never got working.
Anyway, the level isn’t very good. The ammo isn’t well placed, and the design needs a big inprovement.
Not suggested to download.
You know, this level isn’t half bad. The eye candy in this level was used very nicely.
Wish I could say for the design… The design is decently good. Not the best.
Anyway, the warps I don’t find are used THAT nicely, but OK.
Anyway, well worth a download.
A simple little level. One thing I found annoying… A great amount of the top is blank. Oh well.
Also, a little too out in the open, and the places that aren’t just have one path to them, which I find annoying.
One thing I did like was the eye candy. It just had the right amount of it.
Anyway, might be worth downloading and playing.
A small and simple level. Layout isn’t very good. Too closed in, and needs more eye candy. Also, events placement can be inproved.
Well, the design and layout here is decent. The weapons placement is OK.
I find some areas in the level kinda annoying. And I think I would find it even more annoying in MP. For example, all the little warps, that have barely any warning you’re near one.
Anyway, it’s pretty much overall decent.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.