I don’t have much to add to the reviews above. "Death Valley" is a very average level, that is mainly based on endless platforms. And indeed, it’s a bit too large for that kind of level. As a smaller battle, it would be more fun i think.
The eyecandy is okay (nothing exceptional), but the weapon placement is pretty tedious as well. Could be improved.
Only hardcore platform massacre lovers will like to download this. No download recommendation from me (5 points).
The level design is good. The enemies are placed good2. Everything is fine except the confusing background. It really changes the look…most often in a negatif way. The puzzles are placed quite good and finally the Inferno tileset is used again. It’s the most challenging one and SPLASH did a good job with it. A solid 8.
lt;It’s Payback Timegt;
This isn’t the best CTF ever. But not the worse.
The set was used well, I must say. But the straight forward thing isn’t very good. But exept for that, the design isn’t half bad.
Well, it’s up to you pretty much to download or not, but this may be fun to host on the Internet.
Pretty good level, as a matter of fact.
Base placement is good, bad can be inproved. I do like weapons placement, but I do hate it in a few areas.
I do like the idea with the one Oil Lamp open up one area in the level quite a lot.
Anyway, I think a 7 is best for it. Nice job.
Not a bad level. Just a couple of things I dislike about the layout. Well, the main thing is that it’s confusing. Also, it lacks a few weapons.
Also, I like the lighting idea.
Anyways, beyond average. Should be worth your time downloading. And should make for fun games of CTF.
They do? Well then. Could you make a small level with at them in it? Thanx
Note: May I add that the events in multiplayer DO work.
No offense, but I don’t really like these levels.
But over all, I find the Diamondus ones are better than the Carrotus one.
I find the bases too hard to find for both of them. Could be the layout, don’t know. Oh yes, I dislike the layout and design. Also can use a bit more eye candy.
Not worth the 2 second download, really.
First off, you made a typo in the level name on J2O. :-P
Also, I think the level is good, with a lot of flaws.
First, I find that the platforms are a little large, but well designed with them.
Second, it’s hard for Jazz to get around in a few spots.
Third, I dislike the base routes.
The base placement is pretty good.
Events placement also.
And I did find this level VERY fun to play in when you hosted it online. So good job.
Most of the enemies don’t respawn. Only like.. a couple :)
I only used eggs in one area I believe..
Yeah, I din’t think the crab was a good enemy either.
(Where’s Aiko?!)
Splash, even though you left the carrotclan, this is a great level.
It;s great for checking out tactics and making bio’s. Thanks!
Everpeak global spying inc.
Despite the fact I am a WWI member, I’ll rate this.
This level is pretty above average in my opinion. It can be confusing at times, and some enemies don’t fit well (I mean… crabs in easter? :-) I don’t like the idea of respawning enemies as well.
Overall an above average level with barely a d/l recommendation.
Hey. Nice level using diamondus tileset. But the problem is that this one is little bit repetitive…
men, whats wrong with u?
plz try and rate a NEW thing of mine
u know this was my very very first tileset and very very first upload?
i dont have to be reminded of crap stuff ok?
The tileset was ok, but those were
copied from Pokémon Gold/Silver version,
and as Newspaz said, you copied graphics from other tilesets.
And the battle level was…boring…
Everyone else had said whats wrong with the level.
I gave this a 3.2 (0.8 less than everyone else) because the whole tileset you took from ppl. And oh yes. If it had a mask I would give it a slightly higher rating (3.5)
~KJAZZ out
I built this.. so.. um.. :)
Remember to read the text file, and take your time exploring every spare inch of the level.
The thing with the two paths.. both paths lead to the boss, if you are talking about the same two paths I am.
Sorry KJAZZ. I’ll see if it looks better bigger and maybe send it.
Amazing again, Martin.
The design and eye candy is very nice for the set, used it perfectly.
I do think that the level is kinda big, which creates two problems.
1. Makes CTF games not too fun, unless with at least 15 or so people.
2. It takes forever to learn the level. I find sometimes it’s fun if you can’t learn the level, rather than taking forever to learn inside and out.
Also, the springs on the walls below the Bonus are annoying and pointless.
Anyways, still used the set perfectly.
Download now!
A pretty decent level.
As a matter of fact, this Single Player isn’t like most. The design and layout is like one of his Battle level’s, yet it’s single player. I don’t think that kinda design is good for Single Player, yet it did surpise me.
Also, he used enemies that don’t fit the set too well. Stuff like Fat Chicks, ect. You’ll see what I mean.
Also, near the end, I find it annoying that they are two paths you can take, one goes to the boss, the other leads to a warp to somewhere near the begining. I would not suggest this.
If you like Single Players, this is worth the time to download.
Since I don’t have TSF (I want it! [wahhhh!!!!!!] Want it now!)
I can;t play it, but I can see the pic.
Uhm…..Its kinda small…
Maybe a bigger picture???
A pretty decent level. Could use a bit better design, the layout is OK, the weapons placement is decent, but could be inproved. A bit big, also. And the name Death Valley, I don’t think fits the censored tileset well.
Anyways, Battle Fans I think will find this worth downloading.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.