A perfectly average level by Gargoyle, uses the d*mn tileset, I felt it was sort of big for a small scale battle, the layout/platform placement was average. Decent eye candy. Most of this is average. I did’t like the event placement too much, and it used too many of the same platforms. The overall layout wasn’t bad.
In conclusion: An average level that you MIGHT want to download. Maybe not.
I have not seen KJAZZ’s other levels, but this one isnt very good….
The level is short, the secrets are too easy to find because of layer flaws and the warp near the endboss just keeps warping you to safety, which is wrong.
Well, you say to Fquist:
No I really need some good tips to make
my levels better, besides just making them longer.
It’s really a good hint to you. A level is almost everytime UGLY if you don’t work long on them. If you work longer on a level, you can create more beautiful (that’s important, too) levels, and then you can create better puzzles and levels. So try to make your level in er… 2-3 weeks or something
I hope you’ll enjoy my opininion :)
I can’t download this! I get an error!:(
I’m stuck on second level :p
I’ll tell yah more sooner o’ later.
Pretty nice CTF, Shadow. Also, very creative base placement, easy to get the hang of, ect..
Also, I am unsure about the Food. You used it nicely, but it is pointless. I guess it makes for nice eye candy for the tileset.
Very nice CTF levels. Almost perfect in every way. Epic Quality, with out a doubt.
Recomended? With out a doubt.
I am getting sick of names like “Someones CTF fortress,” or something like that. I think people can think of better names.
Anyway, the design isn’t half bad. Does lack some more eye candy though. And most of the eye candy is misused a bit. Well, some people may like this, but not me. I am hard to inpress when it comes to that.
Well worth downloading, I think.
Good design, decent base placement, blah, blah. I must say, a good amount of the level is left blank. I do not suggest doing this.
I like these CTFs more than I thought.
Good job!
Definitely my favorite TSF levels/pack.
This level isn’t too bad. I dislike the layout a bit. Also, I don’t see the point of the tubes. Also, the name doesn’t fit.
Level also needs to be more out in the open, really. You won’t have the funnest games of CTF with this level, really. But worth seeing.
A basic, average tileset. The theme is correct, this is all about Mario, but it doesn’t look 100% original, as Aiko noted.
Please don’t say it’s 1.23 when it’s 1.24 though.
Very good (:
I was waiting to play these through online before I passed any judgement (:
Great, great great (:
Although I am a fan of strategically placed powerup(s) (not many, mind you) to create conflict..this remains fabulous. (:
I do like iCeD’s beach level a lot..and Bobby, your Psych level was good also (:
All in all, great pack.
I hereby command you all to download this pack immediately. ;p
A cool pack.
This tileset is pretty much decent. Kinda like Cheq, only with Red and White. And where the Cheq part comes in, is that it is simple.
I also think the Napster thing doesn’t fit too well, and it wouldn’t make for nice eye candy in the level. In tileset, you should make all the tiles in it have a use in the level.
Also, I dislike that the background is taken from Mez02, oh well. Well, at least he gave him credit.
A very nice tileset for the second version of his first tileset. If you want a simple looking level, this is the tileset to download!
First off, this tileset is not for 1.23, but for TSF. NEVER lie about the version it’s used for in JJ2.
Anyways, the tileset is decent, but lacks a few more eye candy tiles.
Also, this tileset, I wouldn’t be suprised, if it was used in a hotel level. Also, it’s sorta small.
You actaully like my Psych level? Wow. I thought it was garbage compared to the others.
This level is funny.
So i give it 5
Another superb level from the greatest of them all : Spy [AD]
the level is just fantastic!!! beach is not an easy tileset but ya did a great job(as usual duh…)nice music , nice layerwork, niceeycandy , nice layerselection, very nice
But yes your still not GOD himself so this level contains some bugs…
To bad you could fight aswell as you made lvl’s
C ya
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.