Dead ends is tru fire claw, i helped him with the level so i’ll give a lil nicer rater ;-)
The power-ups are tooooo revialed but ppl like that :p
Oh Qaz, good to see you here, but PLEASE, don’t name your uploads “Still blank??”. Use the correct name for your tileset, please, as it appears in the JCS. My review is at the other upload of this.
First of all,
NEVER use extended ascii characters in filenames!
And it wasn’t blank for me, i guess its for TSF. You guys should always use TSF, its better :-)
The Mario tileset itself looks pretty good, but im kinda suspicious here. I think i saw it before somewhere…did you honestly made it yourself, Qaz?
5 points so far, maybe i’ll increase later.
Great level, Jeh. I don’t really like the layout, and some thing in this level I dislike. Still, amazing design!
Also, weapons placement can be inproved a tad, and too many weapons, anyway.
But, all these flaws can be just me, and that shouldn’t stop you from downloading.
A nice level, Jeh. Only problems are, overload of weapons, Flag Bugs will be a PROBLEM! And Jazz will have a problem with Navagation.
Anyways, anything else is good. A great choice for large CTF games. Download? Yes!
Beach Brawl, another awesome creation of Jeh. Although one of his older ones, still very good. This level would be fun if you got about 10 people in the CTF game, I think..
Anyway, download now!
Nothing much to add to the above reviews. Your levels have improved significantly, KJAZZ. The eye candy in this level is good, the layout is OK and you might, just might want to download it.
Everyone else has already said it.
All 8 Layers (!)
And Very Very Very Hard
Level not worth rating. And anyways, there’s nothing much changed, and what is changed, I dislike.
Not the best level by Disguise, but not bad. The flag bases I think are a little hard to find. Also, this level ain’t THAT wierd.
Anyways, worth downloading if you want an… interesting game of CTF.
Now I have TSF and I can rate this.
Aiko, iCeD and the others that claimed that it has "unoriginal graphics" couldn’t be more right. (You too haven’t played Nintendo have you? :-)
They are from assorted mario games but some are original.
This level isn’t really worth downloading.
It’s a very simple layout, this can be good if you know how to use it right. Also, they are too many weapons at the bottom, and it doesn’t take a lot of time to get the coins to the bonus.
Not suggested to download, really.
This tileset is kinda blank…
A very good pack, but I shouldn’t rate it. Hope you have as much fun playing it, as we had making it.
Great levels yes…but oh oh oh how great, i could have guessed who were gonna be in GT…
Just awesome tileset. Disguise just makes rocking tilesets! Must say again, He IS professional.
One thing to say.
Disguise’s professional.
Good tileset. There’s much useful tiles, plus awesome extra stuff. (Dinosaurs, spaceshuttles, etc…) The only problem in tileset is that it looks a little bit like mez01…
Good level. Challenging and extreme difficulty level. I like it. The music is fits very well to the level.
Overall, this is amazing.
Hmm, I guess I should have looked harder then. :P
That’s a good lesson to ya then…test your levels before you release them (:
Rocking level design! Good weapon placement. Size is right.
The only problem: There’s too much diamondus levels.
Laguna, you’re professional.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.