This tileset is pretty funny, but it lacks in practical use (or so I think).
It doesnt work with me!!!
Wrong file size or somethin…
Very good level (and tileset)
looks pretty good and is useful enough for battle games.
Pretty good tileset,
if used right there’s enough change in scenery.
Nice tileset, pretty easy to use.
I’m giving you a 5.5 because of the great improvement you showed. You look at your old stuff….now you look at this and you see that KJAZZ is getting better and putting forth some effort here. Good job KJAZZ. Keep at it and at this rate you’ll be a good levelmaker in no time (;
3 different opinions:
#1: The Trigger Zone works :)
#2: I haven’t tried the Stuff in multiplayer (I don’t really like making multiplayer levels) but I’m sure its fine.
#3: The HH98 Enemies Do NOT work
All in all, maybe a 6, because I like using Trigger Zone so much _.
But I won’t rate it…Not yet…
Good level. I don’t prefer this tileset myself, but you did a good job with it.
I love this. :-P
Nice. I don’t feel it’s worth rating though.
Cool, finally a level using this set. :-)
The design is cool and so is the eye candy. Weapons were well placed and I liked the bg (even though you could have used more than one bg layer…) The music is cool but another one would have fit better.
In my opinion a GREAT download for anyone, so click the “Download” link above now!
The tileset itself looks cool, but it is WAY too basic, uses a limited selection of tiles, one big bg and nothing more eye candy wise. You should add more variety, however a new JCS user will like this.
Download or not? Sure, but BARELY a recommendation here.
Aiko, it becomes clear we have different tastes ;)
Well, the level is pretty average in my opinion, although the vines are quite challenging. Ammo? Nothing but toasters. I still lonve the trigger crates, i dunno why. All in all a high 6.7
- JelZe GoldRabbit
Al right guys, i got the set, i’ll rate these lvls…
Hmmmmmmmm…..I must say they’re not pretty good, and i hope that Warm-up.j2l wasn’t meant for net play. NEVER put a "-" in a name of level for net play. Ahem, now about the levels themselves…Not much ammo, and the levels are a bit on the smal side. I’ve said enough. A very low 5.
- JelZe GoldRabbit.
P.S. You can get the "newest" tileset from Jazz 2 City ;)
Yay! Very good idea to make a good single player level using the awesome Inferno Night set. It’s one of my favourite tilesets and it’s quite hard to use in the JCS.
But the resulting level is pretty cool: design and eyecandy are great (the layer with the snowflakes is very neat in my opinion) and the enemy placement fits well. Same with the background music tune (qsystem51.j2b).
Overall, “The Hive” is a great thing to DOWNLOAD. I would recommend you to DO THAT NOW (very high seven points)!
Hahahah lol, big carrot btw ;P
Heh it’s fun, actually your face should have been green but who cares..heh
This is one of my favourites… in fact it’s probably my favourite! :)
Everything about this level was brilliant.
It was put to gether VERY well, and the mummies were amasing!
I enjoyed every minute of playing this.
And what happens when I get to the end? I find I have a special thanks in the credits!
So where did 0.5 marks go? It’s really easy to get stuck in the scenery, and alot of the puzzles had accidental shortcuts.
You are insane. I love it ;P
eh eh eh very very nice
first, i must say its very kewl done electric… its a really kewl movie (he ppl, shouldnt we start a jazz-a-like contest?)
here! u deserved this 8 (is that ok ppl?)
I wasn’t looking for a better rating than before, I just wanted to make it better for everyone’s convenience :P
Challenging, great puzzles, great obstacles/traps, the mummy enemy is cool and the level design simply rocks.
btw, did you animate that mummy yourself? If so, great work![This review has been edited by Ninja Dodo]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.