What you can say about this battle pack? It’s awesome. I liked the using of those unused tilesets. For example Daang and Psych. Incredible.
To Syntax: I missed a great opportunity… And I said that I’m quitting the level making! I’m fool :).[This review has been edited by Blade]
This is defenitly a very censored good levelset.
There are a lot of enemies though and in some levels you can get stuck very easily and there are a lot of spikes around, but the puzzles are good, the tilesets are too and its good that you get out the same way you got in.[This review has been edited by BlackDeath]
Hey Guys! I noticed 2 Bugs:
#1: Those shouldn’t be ceiling Springs
#2: The Crates give too much ammo
And Paul? Look harder. There is a gold coin.
So I might repost with those bugs fixed!
Paul already mentioned most of the downfalls of this level (except chatrooms; i think they are okay if used properly).
The eyecandy is decent and there really are some interesting ideas but unfortunately it’s too small and it uses the easy-to-use and extremely overused Diamondus tileset.
This level is very slightly below the average, i guess (4.5).
P.S.: Never name your ZIP files battle.zip. I have the feeling this will lead to problems in the future :-)
This level isn’t too good and there is a place where you can easily get stuck if you dont get freeze ammo.
There is a shield in this level and that isnt any fun when playing batlle levels.
KJAZZ, I hereby award you the “most improved” award. Compared to your old stuff, you have improved by LEAPS AND BOUNDS. I am quite impressed by your fast improvement. Your eyecandy has improved signifigantly. There are several aspects of this level that I would like to draw to your attention because they detract from the gameplay, though. A chat room is pointless, I think. It detracts from the gameplay in that this game is for battling..not chatting. Besides, if someone wants to kill someone else in a chatroom, they’ll do it, if they really want to :P
Shield = evil. Ammo is good, but a shield is basically like a temporary JJGOD. I don’t like them, and I think they take away from the gameplay.
There aren’t enough coins in the level, I think. Add a hidden gold coin somewhere…and then you’ll have yourself a good coinwarp. With so few coins in such a small level, you’re sure to get roasted before you get enough coins for the warp.
The multiple ammo boxes I don’t like either. Scatter your ammo around..make people hunt for it. You also might want to put a single powerup somewhere to create some nice conflict around an area.
I don’t quite understand the pinball area. I don’t think it fits in this type of level either :P
Use the backround layers a little more too :)
Overall, not so great. But, as I said, compare this to your old stuff, and you’ve made great progress :)
Wow….I wish I didn’t post that after
Makes mine look like crud.
Oh wait! It IS crud!
Might I say that these levels are very L33T. Except mine. Get downloading, fools! ;-) Too lazy to write a complete review.
Ummm…Before I d/l it,
Very Very Pleasing. I was looking
foward to this from that ad.
“GT” is a very good battle pack and I like it. I do not know what to rate this and I can’t decide so….
N/A For now.
11 people, 11 great levels. No warps, no power-ups, no shields and so on (as seen on TV).
"Gameplay Theory" introduces a new way of level making to us. The ZIP file includes 11 very good JJ2 maps made by a selection of the best JCS professionells you can find in the community. "Composition" describes it well. I’ve never seen such a powerful team before.
I first thought about giving a rating for each level here but somehow i felt that wouldnt be a good idea.
Well, each of the levels has a very own style as you can imagine. One has better eyecandy, the other has a better design and its great how you can compare the different ways each author used to make his level "special".
The weapon placement is great in all levels and the concept of not putting power-ups, warps etc. really pays off. All rabbits are fair game.
On a side note, Bobby’s "Psych" level uses the un-released "Medivo" J2 music by Alexander Brandon, which is included in the ZIP file.
Okay, now that we’ve seen the "Future of leveldesign" its time to announce my personal future of ratings. To keep it short, i will use X.5 ratings from now on :-) Not X.2 or X.5 though. I will also re-rate some levels.
While most of the levels in this pack would get a 7 from me (some are 8 tho’), i like the concept of the whole thing very much, which increases my rating. But somehow, i’m still undecided between 8 and 9.
However, regarding the future of hosting Jazz2 servers, i am very very convinced that "Gameplay Theory" will be one of the most hosted (gr? sp?) packs in J2 history. It’s pure fun and everyone, really EVERYONE should DOWNLOAD this superb compilation IMMEDIATELY! A MUST DOWNLOAD!
No members of this group will be allowed to rate this.
(use n/a ratings for comments)
Actually, you can use it for any kind of jungle level, and (of course) for a level with a Lost World theme. And in addition to it’s jungly-ness, there’s beach, mountain and buildings to make this a pretty versatile set.
I really liked this tileset.
It needs more background tiles, and some darker tiles, but I’d make a level with this (if I had the time).
There are a few missing combinations, but you could work around that.
I say download this tileset!
I can say Only…
Hey Splash,
That’s a cool level you have made.
I like the tileset and the level is Brilliant and the music too, keep making cool level’s.
Great tileset used oh wait its a movie =)
I’d like to ad this: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
(Content truncation. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Decent level, good tileset.
I haven’t seen the tileset yet, but I am taking a wild guess that it’s kinda tricky tricky to use.
And on the level, navagation is a pain!
You might have to play this level quite a few times to get the hang of it.
This level did quite inpressed me. I thought it was going to a lot worst than it was.
Anyways, the design isn’t half bad. Could use a tad more eye candy, though.
Also, once I looked at the background, I had the darnest time getting my eyes off it. Also, I hate the idea of yellow snow, and think this level would fit the first Inferno set much more. Also, you may see a few enemies that will sorta look bad with the tileset.
Funny of you to mention that.
I made a Version 2 of it, but I didn’t post it because most everyone here hates that kind of level.
**Cough**Aiko**Cough :-)
But yeah, Krusty’s Show and Homer’s House might be in a version 3….
P.S. The reason I didn’t include them, was because I ran out of text events.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.