Review by Carrot.cud

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

wOw! Normally i stopped play jazz but when i saw this i made time 2 download and good that i did coz this is the ***BEST*** i ever seen!
i even think it better then the original game! (maybe coz i love lara 2:)
im not going 2 make a review coz im 2 lazy and paul is right and i think that blade and iceman r only jealous coz if u compare this 2 any other levels this is ***>10!*** and what they say r only details! and difficult levels = good levels!

conclusion: i already found kejero great, now i think Kejero is a GOD! whoever u r: download this masterpiece!

(kejero did u know that lara 5 will come with a level editor?:)

Review by Blink

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: DragonBall Z tileset
Level rating: 7.6

Well, i like the set very much, exceps for these things:
- The (( Logo at the end, this tiuleset has nothing to do with ((
- Well, i play the DBZ SNES games too, and i only saw a few blocks you made yourself, mostly its copied from the games, like some backgrounds, and chars
afteral, i think its a decent set

Review by Blink

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: The Blue, White and Ugly.
Level rating: 6.2

I don’t think this level is Superb, you can do better, Newspaz, altough, i still like it, but its hard to get around, and the background is a bit confusing, and NS, add the music ;)

Review by Blink

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Total Insanity
Level rating: 6.1

I know, the level is very crappy, but i didnt have more levels with this tileset, maybe cause its a bit sucky ;)
and.. ps: i ran out of tileset-ideas!
any ideas in the house?

Review by FoD MERC

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Gets A Job
Level rating: 4.7

I don’t think it’s as bad as all that, guys..

Although I’m not going to recommend that somone d/l this, I think it’s better than some of KJAZZ’s other stuff.

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

One word and one word only, whow. The only thing I dislike are those Spikes in the first level (And I am still on level 1). And how far these levels are amazing. I would suggest this to people who have nothing much to do. It’ll keep them occupied to the end of their lifes.

Anyways, another small flaw is the levels are so big, that the memory can’t handle saving them sometimes.

So, if you have 64MB RAM like me, don’t try it, usless you’re willing to take the risk of JJ2 crashing.

Anyways, download now!

Review by Dragoon

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Retro Wasteland
Level rating: 7.4

Well, I guess I can TRY to fix the secret level bug, and while I’m at it I’ll replace the music too :) Expect another Retro Wasteland shortly.

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Total Insanity
Level rating: 6.1

Not too much to make a level with here, mostly the same blocks. Supersheep and such from Worms 2, Icky (not worms 2, thre fact that he took out of it). That’s abotu it too

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Red 'n White v2
Level rating: 6.6

Hmmm, sure makes me think of Canada ;)
Anyhow, jj2 rocks and I love tilesets. I would also consider this a little baove average. Anyways, not too much to say.

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Total Insanity
Level rating: 6.1

"Total Insanity" is a nice tileset in my opinion. It has some useful platform structures, some basic animations and loads of useless stuff* like pictures of Devan, letter tiles, bulbs etc.. (I fear hotel makers will like it.). The author also included a confusing example/battle level which is below the average.
However, i think it’s very low six points from me.

*No doubt, i liked the "Supersheep" and the cows…

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Gets A Job
Level rating: 4.7

For some reason, i don’t feel like writing another long review on this.
It’s a bunch of thirteen levels, two custom music files and the J2LC "easter" tileset. The author tried to write a story around it and used loads of text events to explain it.
Unfortunately, the design of the levels is, apart from some interesting ideas (Frog, witch etc.), quite boring and below the average. But there are also some very annoying "bugs" like the "Type JJNXT to complete" idea, bad tile placement, horrible enemy placement, the supermarket level (nice idea but annoying because it’s overdone) etc etc..
Same with the layer work. KJAZZ used three of the easy to use and extremly overused tilesets: Carrotus, Castle, Diamondus (apart from the one Jungle level :-).
The background music is weird, somehow, and the music selection doesn’t fit in all places.
And yes, it’s seems to be inspired by stripe’s AS. I didn’t find the "Credits level" by the way.
As you can see, i pretty much agree with iCED (as always).
I don’t recommend to download this pack.

KJAZZ: gradually it gets boring. I only can repeat it one more time: SPEND MORE TIME ON YOUR LEVELS. PLEASE!!!

Review by Blink

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Red 'n White v2
Level rating: 6.6

well acctually, this ISNT my latest tileset, its pretty old, i got 1 or 2 new ones, ill update another tileset right NOW ;)

Review by aiko

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Red 'n White v2
Level rating: 6.6

Where is the original Red’n‘White set? I planned to cut and paste parts of my review from there. Wasn’t it at J2O?

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Jazz Gets A Job
Level rating: 4.7

Erm, there isn’t much to say about this, except…

1. This is WAY too short and boring, contains some unoriginal ideas (mixed with a few original ones which were not exactly interesting IMO)

2. The eye candy/weapon placement is weird. It looks pretty dull.

3. This is basically a copy of stripe’s AS idea…

Um, to sum it up, no d/l recommendation from me. Sorry. :-)

Review by Genotoxin aka iCeD

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Red 'n White v2
Level rating: 6.6

Pretty above average set, despite the fact it looks sort of basic, and the bg was stolen from MEZ02, it doesn’t look half bad. Though the Napster icons were sort of a weird idea, and they don’t fit the tileset well… Though I’m sure with some imagination you would whip up a DECENT level…

Bottom line? Just a little above average. Download? You decide.

(Btw, ALWAYS include an example level, no set is complete without one)

Review by Ice M A N

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Red 'n White v2
Level rating: 6.6

Niiiiiice. :)

Although Blue is my favourite colour by far, I like the idea of red and white because of a certain flag… (cough Canada cough).

Anyhoo.. although plain, this set is nice. It feels like a “Cheq” (Not v3) tileset crossed with one of my tilesets.

Why does it feel that way?

The Cheq part:
Its plain. Not boring plain like the original Cheq (:P), but no textures on the tiles (other than the gradienting at the edges and the zigzag colour changing), no real scenary, and no real environment.

Ice M A N-tileset part:
Extensive… there’s a tile for just about every situation that you can think of. Also like me, it gets a bit confusing for a moment, but once you start actually making a level, the confusingness will wear away. Plus a working textured background. Good Job. :)

(Didja notice how the Cheq part is the bad stuff and the Ice M A N-tileset part is mostly good stuff? ;D)

Other stuff:
Save napster? Good idea. However, you gotta remember that they will be (if I remember correctly) continuing a free service, but what the freeloaders will be allowed to do has yet to be determined..

One more thing:
Go to the bottom left of the tileset. Now go up a couple tiles. Check the maskings at the very left edge of those 3 tiles..

Other than that… Nice.

I hate putting numbers on tilesets other than mine (always 10, of course ;D), but I think this one is around a 6.7.

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Midnight Battle
Level rating: 7.1

This is a pretty decent level. Though a number of things I dislike.

For starts, I think you could use the set a little better. And I know I saw the background move faster than you (Try and avoid this). Also, I don’t like the weapons placement, and a little hard to get around.

Oh yes, try making more than 1 start pos. For battle collecters, I would suggest this.

Review by FireClaw

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blue World
Level rating: 8.3

A very nice tileset. You can make very nice Multi Players and Single Players with this. I do a bit like the multi choice from backgrounds, and stuff. I just found that the rain a bit distracks my playing (Probably even more so in Multi Player).

I give this tileset a high of 7.5…

Review by ShadowGPW

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blue World
Level rating: 8.3

LoL ;)

Review by Disguise

Posted more than 21 years ago
For: Blue World
Level rating: 8.3

mumbles SHUT UP SHADOW! ;)

Yeah, PSP did a lot of the owrk so why not thank them? :)

HEY! I actually liked Blue World. Not as much as Blackman, sheesh, his whining and talking about this song mind-controlled me to make this set.

The top is even confusing for me, don’t worry. I just stacked in tiles as I remembered to make them ;)