hah! see Disguise you are a guru ;)
First off all, blue is my favourite colour so i’m sorry to say that i’m very biased here.
No, seriously: “Blue world” (which i already downloaded at UJ or was it J2C?) is definitely one of my elite Top 50 tilesets. It has everything a good set needs plus loads of useful structures and many other goodies like tubes, signs, numbered blocks, textured backgrounds, rain etc..
Tileset guru Disguise also jampacked the ZIP with four (one for each effect…like rain, 3d background etc.) neat example levels that show how his sets should be used. The design and eyecandy in those battle levels is definitely first class (very open and playable).
Even if that “Eiffel 65” techno tune back in ’99 was a bit too cheap ;-)
Apart from that, “Blue world” is an absolute MUST DOWNLOAD for everyone! GET IT NOW!!!
Heh… PSP as an other author. :)
Anyhoo… I love this tileset. Always have… just like just about everything Disguise made. :)
The only downfall is the confusingness. Tilesets usually don’t confuse me.. but this one (at the top) does at first. So… congrats. :p
Anyhoo… I love it. :) 8.2
I always liked this level and tileset..
Disguises style of tileset building was always special..
ok when you use it, it can be very confusing but when ya get it ya can make the world BLUE ;)
EXCELLENT tileset we got here (I just love the bgs for this one..) the idea is cool and the way it’s used fits well. Very nice eye candy included, etc etc. DOWNLOAD NOW! :-)
Doh! I forgot to fix that before uploading. You see, these are so old, at the time we made them we didn’t even know about @‘s. :)
Ah well. I stuck ‘em up for nostalgia, mostly, a 6 is darn good for a level that old, methinks. :-)
The reason why i made it a diamondys level is bacause Monolith only wants standrard tilesets and i never made a diamondus level before ;)
I luv it, but getting around is hard.
Sure, "Midnight Battle" is, despite its unoriginal name, a very decent battle map.
The platform placement is very good and so is the eyecandy. The selection and placement of weapons could have been improved in my opinion (you should make it harder to get lots of weapons and esspecially power-ups).
I think Jazz fans will like this level so don’t hesitate to DOWNLOAD iT.
(However, i’m kinda sick of Diamondus levels, thats why its low seven points.)
Heh, I like the eye candy here, Diamondus wasn’t used bad (though it is still WAY too common), the navigation could have been easily improved. The weapons were placed exactly great IMO and you could have improved some little layout spots.
Overall surely worth your download. Download already. :-)
Alas, a very small and simple battle level.
VERY boring eye candy. You could have easily used the tileset better. The layout is decent, just a tad too small for my tastes. The powerups could have been placed better and the thing barely uses any events at ALL.
I dunno about the music, sorta annoying. :-)
Conclusion: No d/l recommendation from me, sorry. :-)
Average level. I like the eye candy but the layout seems pretty basic and HURT EVENTS DON’T WORK IN MP. I really don’t like that tree in the center, it takes away from the gameplay considering the whole level seems based around that tree. Hmm.
A pretty average level that you MIGHT want to get.
Not a bad SP level, it used the tileset actually quite nicely, it’s based off of an old “unfinished” (so to speak) official map. The thing has sort of a simple layout though, and the eye candy could have been improved. And take OUT that secret level. :-)
Download or not? Yeah. :-)
(btw, the music you chose doesn’t fit well IMO.)
Nothing much to add to Aiko’s review. I like the flat idea but it sorta dulls the design, you should also use @‘s on the text strings, makes thing MUCH easier to read. :-) The forest level is sort of confusing too IMO…
Download or not? Of course. :-)
I’m glad I’m not the only person who thinks it isn’t a high9 / 10..
As Blade mentioned.. there are several downfalls to this otherwise extremely awesome pack. It’s quite hard alright.. but in some cases it’s not really the “fun” type of hard.
Sometimes it gets really frustrating getting stuck in those animating spikes for a couple seconds (that’s why I’m against animating tiles with different maskings)…, etc… Plus it didn’t always look the best with low detail on and other options slow-computer owners like myself have…
Anyhoo… I’ll edit this review and give it a number rating if I ever find the time to finish the entire pack, but untill then… I think it’s around a 8.7-9.2
WoW, great tilesets, mega kewl eyecandy
A few very orginal concepts
but there are a few complains..
- A few irritanting bugs
- after seeing the tilesets over 20 times it really gets to boring to see it
- Impossable to play and complete it..
A well i c a future in this dude if he takes a lil more time in the level design or let it beta test..
it`s also Very.. Very.. overated!
But this download is a must for the eyecandy lover but for the gameplay lover its a lesser download =)
Yes, I know about the secret level bug. Since there are no secret levels in regular JJ2 I dont know how to do it. But then again, why would you want to play the level again anyway, unless of course you want to fight the boss, which isnt far from where the secret level room is.
i didnt even past the 1st level now, but i love it already, its so original, so cool, so everything!
“Spiral” is another very basic, simple battle map by Gargoyle.
The layout is okay and somehow original but there is a major lack of eyecandy (below the average) and it’s a tad too small in my opinion. The tileset choice is boring, too. And the background music is kinda chiptunish (01d5k001!) but still a bit annoying :-)
Overall, its slightly below the average (very high four points).
Must say I didn’t like this so much that you others. The pack was Large. But there little things to complain…
- Tilesets weren’t so good, copied graphics, etc…
- Music selection, not the best or worsest.
- Level design. Extreme. Spikes everywhere. That’s pretty annoying.
- Transparencies. If I don’t keep hardware acceleration on, the game will almost freeze. And I don’t keep ambient lightings, I won’t see.
- Moving thingies. (Those tubes, knives and zombie rabbits…) It’s annoying to stuck those objects. Gotta use jjk so many times…
Still you did good work. Congratulations, Kejero.
P.S: What? You don’t know who made "Try 17"? Why didn’t you read instrument names? Queek made it.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.