Whoa, just whoa.
A simply amazing single player episode, it was simply amazing, had lots of creative puzzles, was very long and HARD, I had lots of fun (didn’t actually beat it though. :-) I just LOVE some of the puzzles and challenges here, I was actually tempted to give a drumroll 10… It failed to get a 10 for a few minor problems, them being the fact it sort of frustrates you towards the end, and I got many memory errors…
But that aint much, this won’t stop me from saying ANYONE who’s in their right mind should get this RIGHT NOW! :-)
Thanks for giving us a fix-it thing ;)
Another decent battle map by Laguna.
Design and eyecandy are pretty good and it uses one of my favourite tilesets.
The stopwatches behind the ice are kinda original (and annoying :-) and the background music sounds pretty cheap (the original freeze.j2b would have been a much better choice; custom music for Epic tilesets isn’t a good idea most of the times).
But Battle fans will like this anyways so they should DOWNLOAD NOW. Lucky LOW seven points from me.
THAT game, Paul!? I loved that game! I think I’m actually going to download a level for once. ;-D
You’re my hero! :D
I figured out why I love this pack so much. Ever played that old DOS game Ancient Empires? Action puzzles galore, awesome game. I was ADDICTED. It engaged my imagination and I loved it. It was reaaaally hard too. I never managed to beat it on expert mode. This pack engages my imagination in the same way. (:
Are those zombie rabbits the new enemies if so they are prettey lame as i have made better ones.
Really great work kejero! I guess this is the best custom made level pack ever!
I just had to use the jjgod cheat :-)
I can’t download it!It says page not found.My time at moment:3:00pm that’s now right now.
—-Baaa so ha ha ha—
Sorry ppl i forgot hee hee:P
Newest.j2t tileset for the warm-up.j2l is not included and therefore not working. If there were a working re-upload function…;-)))
PLEASE check your ZiPs before uploading :-)
Thx Paul and Aiko, I appreciate that :)
Unfortunately I encountered a tiny bug too in two level files. So if you’re one of the people who downloaded this game before 2pm GMT+1 on nov 19 2000 (today, sunday), then please download the ‘Tomb Rabbit Patch (Aaaaahh)’ and replace those two files.
Sorry sorry sorry. This is really a developers worst nightmare!! I found it a few hours AFTER the release! Aaaahh.
Anyways, it’s only 16.4 kb so I don’t think that’s a huge problem.
I already updated this original file so if you didn’t download Tomb Rabbit yet you won’t have to download the patch.
Once again, sorry for the wasted 16.4 kb on this server.
And good luck aiko…it’s worth it for the credits (;
I am proud to be the first person to finish this! (:
Now, what makes a 10?
I feel the need to justify this (:
Concept – check
New ideas EVERYWHERE. AMAZING. Gameplay advances left and right. FABULOUS. The best puzzles I have ever seen.
Gameplay – check
No gameplay bugs, clear paths, and when you wanted something hidden, you hid it well (:
Great secrets, great everything.
Difficulty – check
Hard as heck. I love it.
Eyecandy – check check check check
Need I say more? (:
Tilesets – Wow. I always thought Tomb Raider – Venice would be cool if it was workable. AWESOME.
Music – Man, the music just sealed the deal for me. It felt like a NEW GAME. I am AMAZED.
I have not had a gameplay experience like this for a long time (:
AMAZING. I cannot believe what I just saw (:
And it helps that I’m in the credits (:
Note What did I do? (:
I did find one minor minor minor minor bug. In the central cave after the "nasty trap" with those skeletons, you put the text event "nasty trap" in again for no apparent reason. Of course, this doesn’t affect the rating, it’s so minor. (:
May I say AMAZING again?
And good luck aiko…it’s worth it for the credits (;
Despite the fact, i still didn’t manged to finish this awesome pack by Kejero, i will give a short review (i hope you allow me to do so).
First of all, "Tomb Rabbit" is probably the most original homecooked creation for Jazz2 i’ve ever seen.
As the advertisements promised, it really is a whole new "Adventure", that includes 18 superb levels and three all-new-tilesets (one of them for the credits of the episode).
The tilesets alone are completely breathtaking with all their useful and beautiful tiles. Definitely some of the best tilesets there are.
The levels itself, as the heart of the pack, pretty much introduce a new style of level design. There are so many original puzzles, obstacles and secrets, you have to see yourself to believe it. You already noticed it: the design is UNBELIEVABLE! It rocks!!!
Same with eyecandy. You will love it!
My only complaint is that the author adjusted the difficulty level a bit too unfair. "Tomb Rabbit" is by far the hardest SP pack i ever played and in some places it gets a bit too extreme.
However, to create the mystical atmosphere of an ancient egyptian temple, the author also included some very awesome background modules by some of the best trackers out there (Jogeir L. to name an example). The music really fits well in all places.
In addition to that, i really love the way Kejero explained and illustrated everything in his readme files (one readme would have been enough tho’ :-).
I admit that i am a bit undecided about the rating for this iNCREDiBLE pack. I hope you allow me to give out SUPER HiGH nine points in advance, because what i’ve seen so far is MOST EXCELLENT!, but i still didn’t finished it. Unfortunately i got stuck in some places very often so that i wasnt able to make it even using cheats. Maybe i’ll change the rating to a 10 later :-)
If you don’t DOWNLOAD this pack iMMEDiATELY, you can’t be a Jazz2 fan.
Great tileset; functional as well as good-looking.
Ideas for a future version; santa, elves and houses…
Despite the fact that my computer gave me a really rough time with your levels, I must give them high rating.
I must however admit that I think there were too places to get hurt ;)
My previous rating of “PERFECT” was little lacking in content, so I’ll just say this:
“Spiffy.”[This review has been edited by KJAZZ]
[this is also lacking in content. -Mike]
look this rocks the boat
it should be a episode in jazz3
all EXEPT for the “mines of moria” one
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.