And to the people I sent a ‘help!!’ to… eh… yes I’m dumb :)
So people: turn off low detail or the game will look bad bad bad. And now, go play, become an addict, and face those temples!!
This is just…incredible.
It would have gotten a 10 but when
I finished the candy level (onto the grove level) It gave me an acess violation and shut down.
The levels I played were just…Incredible (Incredible 3 times in one review? Theres something I haven’t done :)
I agree Kejero. You’ve got to work darn hard before your level sees the light of day. (:
And you will get tired of the level long before you release it, but keep going. If you stop, the level won’t get released. (:
I usually don’t review levels, but if someone gets bad ratings all the time i’m gettin curious and I check it out for myself.
Came to the conclusion these guys are right.
KJAZZ has some good ideas, but his levels look more like just the ‘basic idea’; they just look UNFINISHED. The levels are ok, but there is no finishing touch. So I recommend that you work in team next time, or at least have someone do the eyecandy and stuff for you if you’re not good at that.
Probably the problem is PATIENCE. They’re right, it needs time to make a level good. A good idea is one point, but without all the rest (eyecandy, gameplay…) it’s worth nothing. I’ve been working on my ‘Tomb Rabbit’ (release tomorrow!) for two months now, and I’m sick of it! I’ve had it! But I wanted to make it good, so I did spent a lot of time testing, adjusting, adding eyecandy and stuff. Patience is the key mi amigo! (if you see my new enemy, you’ll know what I’m talking about)
4 points for the idea, missing 6 points for the rest. And I’m glad someone is making a storybased game again. Just do try to make it different from Stripes (why is there always a mother involved?).
That’s it (fingers gettin tired). I’m sure you could get your ratings higher. For someone with your ideas this is basically the rule: The more time you spend, the more points you get.
If you think i was too rude, i am sorry.
However, i never mean to attack someone personally. I just don’t like the levels you released so far. They need A LOT more work. And i never said i could do better. Of course, you are allowed to rate and review my levels and programs here at J2O as well.
On a side note, i recommend you, KJAZZ, to read my article on reviews. It could be of interest because it has the same topic.
P.S.: My english vocabulary is pretty limited so maybe it sometimes sounds more rude than it was meant to be. Sorry. Do you speak german? :-)
Thanks Paul,
The first person who doesn’t say my
levels are bad in a rude manner. :-)
Oh yeah…Aiko? Genotoxin aka iCeD?
If YOU think you could do better,
you have my permission to alter it so that meets up to your “standards”.
P.S. If I have been too rude, I am sorry.
I would rate this, but it’s battle.. sorry Laguna, I know you wanted me to see it :)
Great for what was given. Rock on Wisey! ;P
This level isn’t very good. Well, for starters I HATE Dragonball Z. And the design is pretty bad. Not to mention, I hate the line of warps for the to pick from in Battle, and the exit is tricky to find.
Haha, now that’s funny! I can suprise people with something new and different by just pulling out an old level from my archives ;)
Haha, sorry, I suppose no-one ever saw this, but the thought is still funny!
Aiko, iCeD (iCeD mostly).
Perhaps the level isn’t so good. I wouldn’t disagree. BUT. There is NO reason at ALL to go bashing the levelmaker. Be nice, darnit! The things you said are completely uncalled for.
Give some positive feedback! Your ratings are fine but you need to be nicer about them! :P
(and I did find the stomp scenery, and the bird) (:
About your level KJAZZ (:
You seem to have good ideas, good concepts and ways to enhance the gameplay. You just need to work on the presentation. Eyecandy is very important. Work with the other layers, make it look niiiice (:.
Check out some high-rated levels, as iCeD said.
Vary tile placement, try stuff out. Experiment and spend a lot of time on your levels.
With practice comes perfect (to use the cliche) and I’m sure your levels could become very good (perhaps not perfect (;) with a little time.
Whoa, excellence.
(btw, I’m late on reviewing this I know, but Aiko told me to. :-)
An amazing single player episode with creativity, great design and eye candy, and cool music choices. Uses a variety and great tilesets and I must say I just love this. Btw, my only REAL complaint is the fact that all of the text strings were written in CAPS, very annoying.
Conclusion: a pack NO ONE should miss out on. GET NOW! :-)
WHAT? Can you please tell me how ever to give lower ratings than Aiko !
I agree with Aiko. This is a copied idea from stripe’s original “Another Story” I can’t say much for this level, other than the fact that it is actually quite ugly. The layer 8 is bad and there is 0 eye candy. The music choice was OK (It comes with MODPlug Player/Tracker), and the whole thing was very confusing. KJAZZ, as Aiko said, SPEND MORE TIME ON YOUR LEVELS! Look at other highly rated levels and take examples from them. What a lengthy review.
Conclusion: NO D/l recommendation from me. Not even worth J2O diskspace.
iCeD out.
Whee, I remember this. :-)
Uses the simple tileset by FQuist. I must say I like the 3d effect here, made a good effort to use the tileset nicely. The weapon placement was balanced, not too much, not too little. The eye candy could have been improved, but you get away with that because of the simplicity of the set…
The music choice was ok, could have fit much better though.
Conclusion: check this out. Now. :-)
This pack has interesting tileset, and interesting level. The level shows what you can do with the set. I can’t do tileset like this one, it’s different. The "3D-look" was cool. The pack has everything what you need. But still there’s little thing what bothered me. .Not enough colors.
Hmmm, KJAZZ, no offense…but did you actually notice that you released A WHOLE LOT of levels that got a average rating far below the average. Maybe you should focus a bit more on quality instead of quantity (did i mention "spend more time on it"? :-).
Oh well, here is another one using Everlasting’s cool "Jazzed Realm" set. It is supposed to be a demo of a pack, and to be honest, i hate DEMOs of levels and packs. Better finish your thing even if it takes a long time. If we would all post Demos of our stuff, this site would be even more flooded with useless files.
Now, to the good sides: i like the idea that its story-based. Makes it a lot more interesting. But don’t over do it. The number of text events is limited.
And on a side note: this is very obviously inspired by "Another Story" (btw "Story" is a VERY boring name, KJAZZ).
Unfortunately i didnt managed to find the stomp scenery at the beginning without cheating (JCS :-). Confusing design. And very blocky.
Apart from that, there is hardly any eyecandy. Music is the example file of ModPlug Tracker; not exceptional but ok.
And, this review is too long. Poof.
hmmm…the set could be used much better then this…how old is ChiChi?
This Level pack is declared
That is all.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.