Pretty nice level. Good job for it using that set. :-) Well, nothing much to comment about it.
This was good a long time ago, and still fun now. :D
[This review has been edited by KJAZZ]
Five year old? Thats me.
No, not really :)
This is a good battle level, but
its TOO simple I’d say.
But nonetheless, a very nice level.
Heh, this level seems rather familiar to me, too. For some weird reason, i already had the Battle version in my TSF folder.
However, no matter how old it is, its still very good. Both, layout (including weapon selection) and eyecandy are very well made.
MEZ!‘s second tileset is pretty underused, but Newspaz really made a good map out of it.
Because i’m not the born CTF fanatic, i recommend you, the players, to use this as a Battle level as well. Its fun.
You should not miss "The Blue, White, Red and Green" (which is the actual, boring title of the level). Simply click on the link that says "DOWNLOAD!" :-)
Uh…no music! Very bad idea!!! And your excuses are too cheap, New. I actually hate levels without music so please put a bg tune next time :-)
Hehe, Disguise always surprises me with something new and different. I really like that :-)
The tileset he used for "Simple Battle" is…well…simple (only 54 tiles) but kinda effective. The level design is, like always, very open and very playable which makes it a fun battle. Not to mention the good weapon placement.
The level even has some nice eyecandy represented by those arty geometric shapes in the background.
The music choice is good, but to be honest, its not my favourite tune. Its melody is still to…you guessed it…simple.
Very lucky, low seven points because i find this kinda original! DOWNLOAD NOW and see yourself.
P.S.: Most 5-year-olds will like this, too, ehehe ;-)
Whoops, forogt to mention that this level was made a LONG time ago. I never did submit this level to anywhere so now is my chance ;)
A decent level by NewSpaz. Uses the Mez02 tileset… hmm, it seems rather familiar, oh yeah, you hosted this a while ago. I remember now. :-)
The eye candy here is sorta basic, doncha think? However Mez02 IS the hardest of the Mez sets IMO.. I honestly felt this fit battle better, but that’s just me. You should also improve the navigation, needs more springs.
All and all this gets a d/l recommendation from me, sooo, get downloading. :-)
Post it on your site (if you have one) or something like that.
This level pack rocks! It has a lot of new ideas. Interesting level design, using original jj2 tilesets and Mez’s masterpieces. No stucking to the corners and no tiling errors at all.
BTW. I like those floating islands.
Cool level, it’s not very large, but it doesn’t matter. Cool tileset, I wonder why nobody used this one before… You should make more levels like this. Downloaders, you gotta like this pack.
BTW. The music isn’t the best.
Well, its only 40 KB so i don’t care too much. Could still be a waste of diskspace, because this is only a BMP, 700*440 pixels large, that shows about 20 pictures of various animations from the Jazz2 bosses. Very, very boring in my opinion. No need to download this except you really need the pictures.
By the way, KJAZZ, AFAIK, there will be a links section at J2O soon :-)
"Red and White CTF" uses a pretty funky tileset by Blink. The level design is below the average: it is way too small, has horrible weapon placement, loads of useless powerups. There isn’t much of what we call eyecandy either (only some scrolling background layers).
To sum it up, not necessarily worth a download if you know what i mean :-)
Bad short review frome me also. Sorry.
Oops. I accidently named this an
“Assault” instead of “Other”
Oh well.
Pobody’s Nerfect!
you sure? I’m almost positive both of them could get to both bases…
Ok, for some reason my level isn’t working. I don’t wanna waste any more space on J2O, so if enough people want it, I’ll rerepost it.
Well xtreemcc,
you simply follow the dotted path.
Duh. :)
Uh…another level inspired by this japanese comic invasion. It uses the Dragonballz tileset by Splash and Payback, which wasn’t that bad actually (at least i rated it seven points back then).
Furthermore, the author tried to use a "room" concept (yes, its a kind of a hotel actually…bad idea). However, design and eyecandy (at least there is some…not bad!) are definitely below the average. As the other reviewers mentioned, there are some minor flaws like hurt events also. Not to mention all teh spelink arroorz :-)
And well…the author obviously tried her best so my advice is: keep trying!
Unfortunately i can’t give a download recommendation (low four points).
Electric, your sister shouldn’t change her nick too often. I think i remember her as "Togepi" or something :-)
Augh, ANOTHER theme based level. Ok, so there haven’t been many of these, but I must say I dislike them.
This is a pretty below average level. Uses the Dragon Ball Z tileset (I am NOT a fan of anime. :-P) and has pretty basic, linear layout/design. Has HURT events which is bad because they don’t work in MP (they only hurt the server), not to mention the fact that this is basically eye candyless.
Chi Chi DZ, try looking at other levels that got a high rating from me (or anyone else), you will learn the art of level making eventually.
Conclusion: No d/l recommendation. Sorry. :-)
Not a bad level here.
I must admit Laguna’s levels keep getting better as he makes more, so I can expect more good levels from him soon enough. :-)
I really like the eye candy here, as it was used well. However if you look towards the cave parts near the bottom you’ll notice mostly repetitive tiling. Bad idea.
The design is great, fluent and very worth playing.
Weapon placement could have been improved, as there were just a little too many powerups scattered around.
Overall DEFINITELY worth a download, thus I order you to get this now! :-)
Not bad, not bad at all :)
“Factory CTF” is an old level (if i remember right), but it’s good nonetheless. The set looks pretty good, even with lack of colors. The level itself isn’t that bad, but i found one minor glitch: Jazz can’t reach the base on the right.
Conclusion: downloading recommended :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.