Yes good battle level by JelZe :P
As iCeD said the path is too strict, and about the weapons of course :P
Oh well, the music didn’t fit so good i guess but..
+ Very kewlish custom set
+ Good navigation
- Weapon placement
Well here ya go :P
I carn’t get out of that box at the start! (That may sound stupid but i can not).
So i will not rate the level
I think the level could do with more adding to it, because its a bit small.
Not bad at all, i think it is a good story line but the level is a bit short.
KJAZZ, where’s the level?
Not a bad level by Laguna. Like Aiko said, playable and interesting eye candy. I couldn’t find any weak points (except it may look weird on low-detail), but then again, not many strong points either. None the less a 7.2 . Keep it up, Laguna!
Cool: Another Diamondus level from the Netherlands! I really think this is one of Laguna’s best levels so far.
The design is awesome, super fluent, playable and the eyecandy is very interesting and original, too!
Despite its new (released some minutes ago), i even think this is a true classic. It has the same quality like the original Epic battles or the ones that Jeh made. Very high seven points from me. I’m undecided and its possible that i will re-rate it to eight someday. Lets see how things develope :-). Anyways, that doesn’t stop me from saying that "A shot for a diamond" is HiGLY RECOMMENDED! GET iT NOW!
P.S.: Thanks to the admins, that they didn’t delete my old review before i copied it to the proper version of the level :-)
Well yes sorry, i could re-release it if ya want with the right next level string?
Cool: Another Diamondus level from the Netherlands! I really think this is one of Laguna’s best levels so far.
The design is awesome, super fluent, playable and the eyecandy is very interesting and original, too!
Despite its new (released some minutes ago), i even think this is a true classic. It has the same quality like the original Epic battles or the ones that Jeh made. Very high seven points from me. I’m undecided and its possible that i will re-rate it to eight someday. Lets see how things develope :-). Anyways, that doesn’t stop me from saying that “A shot for a diamond” is HiGLY RECOMMENDED! GET iT NOW!
P.S.: Unfortunately, the next level setting didn’t work for me (major downfall when playing online).
I just forgot the next level setting…
again faints
Well it’s not like i don’t know how to do it :P Just start JCS, go to tools -gt; level properties -gt; Next level
Umm yes ;-P
Ah, le train de Monsieur Gargoyle! C’est une TGV (train de grand vitesse), oui?
Ack…forgot my rudimental french. I am not sure but i think i saw that "train" idea before in some servers. Of course, i don’t know who had it first so no offense.
Lets stick to the facts: this level is bad. It has nearly no design, only a bit of eyecandy (the train in the background) and some tile placement bugs. And last but not least it is way too small to get a higher rating.
Like iCeD already said, this isn’t worth the bandwidth to download, sorry. Spend more time on your levels, Gargoyle. Same thing…blahblah…sorry :-)
P.S.: Next level setting missing/wrong.
"Factory CTF" is a great pack: its also a kind of an example level for MetalWarriors "Factory 3D" tileset, which looks very cool.
The tileset has a spiffy 3D look, many useful structures (+ some signs etc.), a nice background and looks pretty beautiful (dark atmosphere and lots of red colour values) even if the author had problems with the palette.
The CTF level is a first class creation either: it has a great design (i’m not a CTF expert but the base placement seems to be fair) and some good layerwork. The "hell" music fits well here.
All in all, mainly because of the tileset, i give out unbelievable (LOW) eight points here :-) Every real Jazz2 fan should DOWNLOAD THiS NOW!
This level gets an exceptional 3 from me, for outstandingly bad use of an easy tileset, small size, bad eye candy, basic design..
No d/l reccomendation from me. Blah, this is a bad review, sorry. :-)
Not bad, not bad at all.
The tileset looks cool, I like only real problems are the fact that the thing could have used more variety, and you should be careful with 8-bit users (like me. :-), the example level has a spiffy layout, but the lack of variety in the tileset sort of dulls it…
Overall definitely worth a tileset fans download. :-)
Did someone say darn palette!? I can probably help you with that if you want this ‘set to look it’s spiffiest. (I learned a lot about palettes, etc since I first helped you with this tileset ;))
The level looks good, but I didn’t get to play it thouroughly enough to really review it. But I did get stuck in the scenary in one spot. I think it was near the bottom on the very left edge of the level (Where you go through the one way scenary and go onto a spring). I went through on the rightmost edge of the one-way stuff and got trapped, if memory servers me correctly…
Thanks you guys, i really appreciate it. I still have to say it isn’t the final version, so i might change a few things, like the weapon placement, before it comes in the Multiplayer pack (read more about it in the readme)…
Coolness, good ole’ JelZe found the time to finish his "Deep Space" level! I kinda beta-tested this level in JelZe’s laggy servers (;-) and you could really see how he improved everything step by step, week by week.
First of all, "Deep Space Slaughter" (bit violent, the name) uses the awesome Cyberspaz 1a tileset by DethMan which i never saw in any level before as far as i remember.
The design is great, quite open and cicular and all platforms are connected with each other. The only downside is that the weapon placement is a bit unfair in my opinion (too few weapons in some areas).
I also found lots of beautiful eyecandy parallaxing in the fore and background layers.
The background music is "Razorback" by Skaven^FC which is definitely not my favourite track by him (actually i really don’t like it and i still think its way too big).
But all in all, JelZes new level ranks in my Top 50 list so far. Incredible (VERY LOW) eight points! I recommend this as A MUST DOWNLOAD cause i’m in the mood :-) Lets battle!!!
Pretty decent level. Good design, OK weapon placement. I do find it a bit confusing. A lot of the time, I find myself going around, and around…
This also means I have a LOT of trouble sometimes going to one spot to another.
Still, not a bad peice of art, if I do say so myself. Well, more not a bad peice of level design.
I do think the music does fit very well.
This I would suggest if you love battle levels.
An actually quite decent level by JelZe. Though I felt the path was a little too strict even for battle, but I’ll try to look past that…
The way you used the set was good, I like the bg. The layout, despite it’s “strictness” isn’t half bad, and the music fit well, despite the fact it kinda feels “used too much” after I used it in my level. The weapon placement was sorta weird, and it needed a few more to keep the player running with as many guns as possible…
Conclusion: Check this out if yer a battle fan. :-)
Aiko and FoD’s reviews sum it up well.
Level 1: Bad background and poorly placed powerup. It’s also hard to know when the rocks fall down…
Level 2: You used the labrat set all wrong here, look to the official levels for good tips about how to use this set.
Level 3: I never completed this one, it was too confusing near the end… the whole thing was pretty basic, so overall I can’t say much for this one.
Conclusion: It’s simply too ugly, easy and short for me to give a d/l recommendation.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.