Hehe, sorry about the shining through areas. The thing is the color that is supposed ot be there was so similar to the transparent color that when i loaded the HH98 palette it changed the transparent color to that color (which made nothing transparent). Soooo, I replaced it with pure black and that made those other colors transparent. It was a real pain, but anyways, that’s the story :)
It is possible to win!
2nd Level. You shoot them, Its says "How do you solve most everything?" You shoot it.
And its not incomplete. The Vault you ask? Thats there to taunt you :-)
In the 3rd level, you can grab at LEAST 1 if you’re spaz, and that is all you need. (I admit I’m biased and like Jazz better _) The Turtles shouldn’t be like that, I will fix that.
Then, you must destroy
the reactors, then go near the big box and jump up there. From there pound the crate at the top, go back to the begining, next to the * block, The passage will now be open.
And on the last one, it’s easy, its supposed to be…
Having to go all the way back to the beggining annoys me. That’s not the way most SPs are built, no one would think to try going back to the beginning.
(Btw, go to http://www.icq.com and download ICQ)
If a SP level takes 10+ Hours,
how long will a race level take?
Oh well, i don’t have much to add to FoD’s nice long review.
KJAZZ obviously tried to make something big like a single player episode including three levels and two small intro/outro levels. Unfortunately, the mission completely failed this time.
The intro isn’t worth mentioning (just some text events) and in the levels i found too many major tile placement flaws (e.g. background is all wrong in two of the levels).
There are some good ideas (i liked the “falling rock pyramid” :-) and also some nice puzzles and excercises. But they were too easy and the lack of design and eyecandy in most places is too obvious. Furthermore, the music choice doesn’t fit that good in some levels (“Underwater” music for a Tubeelecric level? Nah…).
Overall, i can’t give a download commendation here (low 4 points). Sorry. Keep smiling and keep trying, KJAZZ.
But seriously: you should really beta-test your levels online with friends or helpful people (or e-mail your levels to them to let them test).
Its not a good idea to use J2O as a kind of a beta testing site with us reviewers as your beta-testers :-)
P.S.: PLEASE spend more TiME on your levels. REALLY!
In this context time means: at least 10 hours!
P.P.S.: The music for the boss level is by finnish tracker Quasian.
Ok, I’ll give to you level by level.
First level: the background isn’t used correctly. It’s not supoosed to have lines like that. There’s also too much open space..
Second level: I couldn’t find how to make the steps appear, so I used JJFLY. Don’t make levels that people can’t figure out. Level appears imcomplete..
Third Level: at the beginning, there is a long drop and ammo you can’t grab if you are Spaz. Near pos.51,59 there is a stuck turtle, he can’t move, and also at pos. 79,61, and also at pos. 98,60. The fat chicks at 142,59 and beyond don’t give you any space. Er, and the level is confusing. I couldn’t find the way out.. it is apparently very tough to do. JJnext was how I got out.
Fourth level: The vine isn’t consistant, you can’t climb all the way across. The boss area: you can stand above it and destroy the boss. Too easy (if you had seekers). The other way through the level is a little better (expect for the fact that you have to backtrack and beat the boss anyway).
I think you need to study some older JJ2 SP levels before you try another pack. Please remember that you are trying to make these levels challenging and yet have it so it is possible to beat.
Pretty average level here. Uses the, you guessed it, Diamondus tileset. The layout is decent, but this highly lacks eye candy. Also there are way too many weapons.
Conclusion: Download if you want, it’s your choice.
(Like Aiko noted, there is no next level. ALWAYS remember to set one.)
Hmm, not a half bad level here.
I like the eye candy despite the fact it’s just like any Diamondus level (the Diamondus set is soo boring.)
The way the springs were used enabled you to get higher quickly and I liked that idea. Now onto the problems…
The playability isn’t really fluent (a few dead ends and such), you should make the design a lot more circular. Also, as Pizzie noted, there were too many weapons.
Conclusion (I like putting that at the end of my reviews. ;): Check this out for a pretty good battle level. :)
Ah yes, another great level/Tileset by Blade. The level looks awesome, the music to it fits well, and best of all, the tileset. I just love it.
Conclusion: No jazzer’s life is complete without this. :-)
It’s stuff like this which makes me never want to leave the community.
Super-awesome, as always. It’s one of the very few tilesets that I really love. The palette looks as if it is in great shape, the tileset itself is beautiful and works well, and the masking is also near perfect. Great job, Blade. :)
The level is great too. If my darn DSL would allow me to host games, I’d be serving this level in no time. :)
What else did you expect: Blade’s 6th tileset is completely amazing!
As the finnish master himself already mentioned, the set looks pretty techno-futurish this time. Its great!, exciting!, something different! It includes lots of useful tiles and metal structures and…ack…see yourself! I love it!
As always, Blade (member of the iSDN conspiracy ™ included an example level that has a great, open layout and loads of beautiful eyecandy and allows super fluent gameplay and battle fun.
The background module, even if we know it already, is absolutely STUNNiNG. Thats all i can say. Very very high eight points! Scandinavia rocks!
You should check out the whole level.
But you’re both right. It stinks.
But remember, look for my next level pack, Nuclear Invasion!
I pretty much agree with ElectroPizza here (btw you can EDIT your reviews!).
“The Grand Diamondus Level” is (despite its boring name) a decent battle map.
Everything from design and weapon placement to eyecandy is well-made in my opinion.
Of course, there are still some minor puzzling facts: e.g. there is way too much of free space in the upper right corner of the level. Also, my rating is influenced by the “Diamonuds inflation”: the more average Diamonuds levels there are, the less each new one is worth.
However, my overall impression is good and thats why EVERY BATTLE FAN SHOULD DOWNLOAD THiS (very very low seven points :-)
"Photon A" has a pretty good layout (which esspecially battle fans will like), but unfortunately there is hardly any eyecandy. Also, it is very small (not to say too small :-) and could get a bit boring after a short time. Besides, Diamondus is not my favourite tileset and overused in average levels.
Somehow i’m unsure if i should recommend a download here. Decide for yourself.
P.S.: The author forgot to set the next level setting. The usual annoying bug when playing on the net…
i was going to make a warp level gt;=\
I really like the story aspect of this level. This is the kind of thing I was always looking for on Jazz 2 City. Not just great design and great eye candy, as there were plenty of levels like that, but something with an original spark to it. It’s no small reason that ‘Another Story’ became one of the most downloaded levels on every major Downloads site. Albeit a little confusion the first time I played, I think FoD has succeeded in making a level with a little mystery and flair. Combined with good design aspects and eye candy, along with a good choice of music, I’d award it a J2C-rating of low ***. heh, oddly, this is probably the longest review I’ve ever done for a level. :)
Why doesn’t the bridge collapse, that’d make it better..
It you are gonna put candy canes in the walls and floors, you might as well make them h-poles and v-poles..
Too many vines.. that weren’t grabable vines.. decreased visibility..
The R in the background doesn’t look quite right…
I’d say more, but I think this was not really intended to be a good level, just to be a level devoted to Cmdr Dats.
I am working on a level pack
and it will be posted soon.
Perhaps with a custom tileset. :-)
Pretty OK level, at least it’s much better than your other ones. Even though it’s way too easy and lacks eye candy. Also as Aiko said, it was way too short and easy.
Conclusion? Still no d/l recomendation. Sorry. But you are getting better.
A decent (though not great) level by Disguise. I feel the edit of the tileset didn’t fit (made the level unplayable as Aiko noted.) The layering was sorta awkward, and a few other minor bugs.
CONCLUSION: Eh, I dunno. You decide rather to download or not.
Btw, love the music, even though I used this waaay back on a level I released on UJ. ;-)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.