faints JUST GET THIS! ;)
WOW!!! This is so darn cool! First of all, i’d like to say that words aint worth much here…you have to see all the great stuff yourself! But i’ll try to describe what i saw:
"Blade’s Battle Pack" is a huge compilation of six homecooked tilesets and 10 battle/example levels using them.
The tilesets could definitely be described as "AWESOME!", they are just beautiful with all the drawings and details. I already reviewed most of them when they originally came out so i won’t repeat everything. They just ROCK!!!
Same with the levels: completely terrific! design and gameplay as well as a good weapon selection makes this one of my favourite collections of Battle levels of all times.
But this isnt the end…Blade also added custom music files for the levels and he seems to have a VERY very good taste. All of the modules are from scandinavian trackers and thats why they sound pretty demostylish (in other words: WOW!!!).
To finally conclude my review: this is one of the few MUST DOWNLOADS that belong to "la creme de la creme" of the J2O file archive! GET iT NOW! My congratulations to Blade (member of tha iSDN army ™ ;-). I love this pack and will host it a lot!
See that 9 that this gets as a review? Yup, this is one of the better ratings I’ve given in a while.
Might I say I love the tilesets, not to mention levels and music files. The levels only problem being the fact that the design in them is all the same style so there isn’t too much variety. One tileset bug is the fact that the textured bg on one of them (I forgot which) looks sorta odd on 8-bit. (it has an effect similiar to the textured bg on Colonius night.)
Conclusion: Get this now or you will be banned from J2O. ;-P
Great tilesets, (especially the desert one where you change pallette colors) great levels, great pack.
I command you to download this now! ;P
Nice tileset, you could do a lot of levels with this pretty cool tileset. Music was good, but not the best.
It’s a Disguise release! What else to say? Seriously: “Weird Capture” is a pretty good Capture the Flag level that uses the “Psych” tileset (which i dont like much but it isn’t used very often so its quite original) and has very good design. The layer work is also pretty cool and, again, kinda original (dang! blame it on my VERY limited english vocabulary ;-).
All in all a great thing that everyone should DOWNLOAD NOW, esspecially the CTF fans around here.
“Disguise” is just the south african word for “quality levels” i think.
Not much to say here. I think this battle level is VERY slightly above the average: the design and eyecandy (back layers are okay, fore layers aren’t) is okay, not much to complain. But the level itself is too small and boring (heard about events? :-). However, weapon selection is okay, too. Nothing special. Of course, the author didnt forget the usual annoying bugs: no background music, wrong next level setting.
I don’t know if i should recommend to download “The Castle” (sorry, but boy, thats a boring name!) or not. But as FoD said: if you like small battle maps…(low six points!)
Another very nice level by Disguise. Unlike most vertical levels, I had no problems navigating with Jazz. The eye candy is great and I don’t have a big list of problems. I DO, however have a small one. :-)
The dead ends in some places got annoying. Remember to keep your design fluent.
Aside of that, a very nice level. All CTF fans should download NOW! :-)
Too small.
Ya need to pay careful attention to eyecandy, it’s vastly important.
Also, the one vine was too high up.. I’d recommend puting it down one more line.
You need to make sure that people can get around your level without too much work. A few springs probably wouldn’t have hurt any..
Download this if you like small battles.
“The Castle” includes a good (though) not great battle level using the castle set. It’s just a tad small, though.
However I must complement you on good navigation without springs. There WAS a Spaz biased area, some score taken away from that.
Eye candy was OK. Could have been improved (bg very cluttered.)
Overall it gets a d/l recommendation from me, not a high one, but one nonetheless. :-)
Look guys, i hate the tileset too, and the lvl sux! I know! I made it, i just put it here for fun!! Gimme a brake!!
I made the tileset for fun,a and the red eyes stuff was to show that your tired from playing chess too much! and the stuff i did take from JJ2, i worked on ALLOT!! It took allot of time, so again…
my rating is 0, and u don’t suport that.
i HATE the lvl and the tileset is sucky graphix ( like myne in the past ) and i don’t see much option in it, nothing to do..
Exceptional tileset by Disguise.
Has a 3D look and nice ways to use it, all shown in the cool example levels. The music used fits well into the levels and to put it into two words: DOWNLOAD NOW. :-)
Oh yeah, this really really rocks! This “Africa” tileset by one of my favourite level & tileset creators Disguise is a tribute to his “continent” (which is in a very difficult situation but thats an other story) and the landscapes down there.
It has all elements a tileset needs (like backgrounds, objects for the fore layers etc.) and really looks beautiful. The author also included five cool CTF levels (actually one level but using different background: lowlands, jungle, desert and night) that have very good design and eyecandy.
The background music is pretty “chiptunish”/demostyle so it has to be cool (Besides, it fits perfectly!).
To sum it up: this is a super l33t tileset and a MUST DOWNLOAD FOR EVERYONE interested in Jazz2 (high eight points!).
Ohhh, tileset made by Disguise. Hehe, I like that part :) I guess I’m very lucky to see this level, It’s not every day you see a level made by your own tileset (Well me at least).
Anyways. I never saw the first level, but the tile placing on this one was kinda bad. It’s a very short single player level too, and only a few enemies on the way. You also could’ve used the layer 3 grass to make it look nicer, take a good look at the example levels ya know :)
I think this is an annoying level. The largeness doesn’t save this level. Weapon placement is bad, and eye candy is poor. The "start.j2l" level didn’t have background at all.
Cool level, but little bit too small, and has some tiling errors, and the events are in too large spots. But still this level rocks.
I’m trying to download it right now and im on 18 % 19% anyway. 20%
But i bet it will be cool. since it’s so big!
- Seltzer aka Alternater aka BoX aka Motoman aka Tweety aka Tweety2 aka Name BoX
Cool 7th Lava Fall tileset has been used pretty nicely, but size isn’t the best and the events… I saw only few event spots there. The music was so darn cool that I couldn’t stop playing the level!![This review has been edited by Blade]
Looks like a bad skin anyways, judging by the screenshot. :-P
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.