Looks like a bad skin anyways, judging by the screenshot. :-P
For those who cannot view the skin, go to http://www.angelfire.com/co3/cataphractpt/jj2amp.jpg to see a screenshot of this skin and to http://www.angelfire.com/co3/cataphractpt/silence.jpg to see a real skin.
P.S.: I had some problems while uploading:
230 User ‘/co3/cataphractpt’ logged on.
ftp> send c:\osmeus~1\jj2amp.jpg
200 Port command succeeded.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for ‘jj2amp.jpg’.
226 WARNING: 454 bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode!!!
ftp: 165950 bytes enviados em 54.65Segundos 3.04Kbytes/seg.
Help me!
A nice level needs a nice rating, what else is there to say? See for yourself, you won’t be dissapointed :)
It works with me.
Just move the file to your skins dir, open winamp and press ALT+S
I’ve got version 2.65. If you have a lower version try to download the latest from winamp.com.
Read the winamp instructions electric. They don’t have to be .wsz.
Probably the worst skin for Winamp I have ever seen.
Even those skins rated with 1 star in the Winamp website are better than this.
The Avs and the minibrowser were not changed, no texture, very very confusing, well, compare this with some skins in Winamp.com then come here and rate this.
Download this if you want to waste HD space
(Are you skittlez?)
Yay.. JJ2 skin.
Get the one at Haze’s Hideout, it’s cool :)
In my opinion, no jj2 skins of any sort are worth downloading. They don’t fit very well at all. But that’s just me. ;p
I like those nifty blue-ish and gray-ish colors they make up for programs like WinAmp. They look pretty cool. ;-D
You two guys…WinAmp is much cooler than "iCQ" :) Or can you listen to 44 KhZ music in "iCQ"? Prolly not :)
However, this skin isn’t very good. The graphics doesnt fit for the WinAmp interface, sorry and are obviously made in 10 minutes or so. There was a better J2 skin made by Haze as far as i remember. This aint worth a download (only my opinion).
P.S.: This aint a chatboard. Better visit the JMMB for that purposes.
Makes me kinda wish I didn’t hate WinAmp, and didn’t dislike skins.
Nahhh. ;-)
Nice story-based adventure. No shooting. That’s not bad, its different. This pack’s awesome to play.
What else would you expect from Commander Dats than a great level using DethMan’s awesome 7th Lava tileset. Here is another one (good design and weapon selection, good eyecandy, quality music choice [but this one is really WAY too large]).
He rises again to update his review…
Installation was fine. Nothing special but good.
Great eyecandy. Eyecatching original efforts and great use of tiles. Several minor errors knock this down ever so slightly.
Perfect routes. Period.
Perfect carrot placement. Period.
Perfect weapon balance. Period.
More spit-polished than a shoeshine rag.
Such insanely good levels. Download, download, download!
ROUNDED SCORE: 10/10[This review has been edited by SteelTalon]
oh yeah, 4got to mention.. i hid away 3 comments… :)
A very nice level by Cmdr Dats. The design and eye candy were good, but I do have complaints. One of them being lack of weapons. The weapons WERE placed nicely though. To sum it up, “Brinxtaha” is a good battle level any battle fan should add to their collection. :-)
Btw, I love the music. It fits well.
A pretty above average level using NewSpaz’s christmas set. (I really think you SHOULD include the tileset Laguna) the layout was simple, but I like the way the tileset was used (dispite the fact that you could get stuck a lot, but that’s the tileset’s fault, I think.)
Weapon selection was good, as was music choice.
To sum it up, download if you are bored and seek a good battle level. :-)
Oh, just another thing I forgot to mention, what do I get the ‘special thanks’ for? :)
A nice set. I am not going to rate it according to the example level. An example level only has one function: to show the user how to use the set. Even if it is tiny or unfinished i don’t care at all. Some people make these huge example levels (like me :) with less than half of the tiles and the functions they perform, in my case that is the wrong way to make an example set. It’s a nice set, has a gradiency and various textures to add that extra bit of realism some of us don’t dare to touch ;)
One thing that would’ve been nice is to make extra tiles to connect the vine and trees, also tiles that connect the dark background thingy to the platforms you walk on. There might still be people out there that play in low detail, and using extra layers apart from 3 and 4 will make it look buggy for the ppl who are in low detail, it will also ‘limit’ the level for those level designers who like to use every layer to the ultimate in graphics and detail :)
Right on FoD, check my newest level :-)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.