I got an out of memory error when trying to load 2 of these, so I only got to see the “Queen” level, and I wasn’t very impressed with it. The tiling was sloppy and used all wrong, you didn’t do the tubes currectly. (You have to put the tube tiles in layer 3 too to make them work right)
The whole level is very linear and I can’t say I like it that much, sorry.
chris11… don’t personal attack, and don’t summon the horizontal scrollbar. Because of it I have edited your message.
Anyways, I can’t load this because the author forgot the tileset. Bad bad idea.
Hmmm o.k lvl’s I like the first one.
HELLLOOOOOO can’t you read this is going to be A HUGE sequel lvl pack .
god you are thick (sorry i have to do this)@@@@@@
(Don’t mess up the scrollbar. It becomes annoying. ~iCeD)
yeah hmm…
i must say this lvl is a bit better then the first, yes. but only a bit. the lvl is way too short and way too lineair. some enemies, some text (which in my eyes a bit childish) and a boss.
but the lvl has a good structure (but it could use some obstacles at some roads), if u would have made it a long lvl with variation of enemies and objects, it would have become a nice lvl. but for now, i can only say it needs fixing…
oh i forgot! no next lvl set and no music. also the tileset should be put into the zip file as well
DBZ Rocks how dare u say it not good I love tileset because I am a huge DBZ fan!!!!!!!!
Quit it.
Laguna, do you have TSF? I always make my levels only TSF compatible, because I’m too lazy to do them 1.23 compatible…
Because the author did not make that many improvements (except the option to choose water in the level or not, which is a pretty nice idea), i cut and pasted this from my original "MEW HOTEL" review:
"As you probably know, i am not a fan of Hotels. Or lets put it this way: i don’t like them at all :-)
However, i took a look a "MEW HOTEL" (all that CAPS use gets really annoying) and found out that
there is a lot of things that should be improved.
The design is kinda confusing/boring, and makes the level quite unplayable and the layer work is
nonexistant […].
MEZ1 is pretty easy to use and/but the level still looks very blocky and simple. Sorry, i don’t see a
proper reason to give a download recommendation here. (Changed:) Very very low four points.
Some do something about Chris11.
Ok i cant find the level in my home cooked list after i unzipped it. When i try to open it i get this. “unsupported file version 2.03”
Welcome, once again, to another one of iCeD’s reviews. This level is below average. Contains lack of eye candy, is a hotel level, has everything written in CAPS (ANNOYING, YES.)
Lemme tell ya first hand, no one likes hotels. Period. Make a real level, will ya? ;-)
Anyways, you need to work on your eye candy, layout and ideas were all the same, etc. I can’t reccomend a download for this one. Sorry.
Its a good hotel.
It has been updated since last time.
Well, its his first.
its looking better than average for someones first lvl, but there are major displacements and stuff.
most things arent finished good, leaving strange, weird tiles behind on top of more tiles, if ya know what i mean. big fun were the sparks (dude i have NEVER seen em till now, but i think thats becus i never make 1.24 stuff). but things are too far away from each other, or too close to each other. try to find balance in your lvls. also try to make good eyecandy like flowers, and mountains and all the stuff you can imagine.
looking at the explanation of the lvl (a land where nothing can go wrong) i personally would have chosen for the psychic tileset, but thats just my opinion so leave that outta this.
to all ppl out there practice making (single plyr) lvls first before you post em on j2o or any other site. dont be content too fast and always look in a critic way to your work (or let others do that). you will always find things that dont fix or things that should be added. help from others is good too. and look at the standard jazz lvls too for examples. and then finally, your work is done and can be put on j2o. but let people test it first, so u can make any last fixes!
I’m in agreement with Aiko here, there was lots of bad eye candy, bad tileplacement and such. The Diamondus set is pretty easy to use, too. Download of this is not reccomended. Despite this, though, the level has nice use of ideas and a trigger crate. chris11, you have potential. Keep working and you’ll eventually get a very good rating. :-)
I should also note that you should ALWAYS include a next level setting.
I think that the music must be in the same pack with the levels.
Pretty amazing work! Pack has good levels, for example the Happy Jungle CTF. That level has so cool background, it’s so different. Music is good, but not the best. Like Aiko, I don’t like CTF very much.
Well, i dont think “jazzaberry land” is “a place where nothing goes wrong”. Actually a lot of things went wrong, like major tile misplacement(!) etc., the kinda boring Diamondus layout and the authors attempts to put some eyecandy (back layer!).
But hey, if it’s your first level, i’m sure you will able to improve your level skills step by step. Could need time but its worth it. Unfortunately i can’ t give a download recommendation for this level. Don’t worry, chris11! (Very High three points because its SP and there are some good ideas and even trigger crates)
P.S.: Background music is not included and the next level setting is missing.
well chris…you ovbiously have good ideas, I like them, but you definitely have to work on your eyecandy. Work on the eyecandy a bit and you will be an excellent levelbuilder.
This is a very appealing level, not only does it have a good layout for an assault game, but the tileset’s cool too, and has been put to good use. :) I havent been able to test it with other’s yet, but the defense has a strong weapon advantage (which is good), and the map seems to be long enough to enjoy a 20 minute game (10-15 minutes if everyone knows the map well). Supplying an extensive story and history of the level pushed my rating beyond 9. I also like your music selection (though I know how it feels to not find the PERFCET track ;)).
Someday I’ll host this at JDC.
UPDATE: After getting a chance to play the level with others, I strongly recommend you play with at least 6-7 people (defense should have advantage), and everyone should know the level very well.
I liked it so much I had to steal the ship part (thanks, guys!)
This is a very creative pack, one of my favorites (although I have a very strict amount of packs and stuff becuase I only download the BEST, and this is way up there).
Download it! Sehr spiffy, meine Freunde!
I hate this lvl I find it boring And ppl
Don’t mess up our ratings system. -Fquist
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.