An extremely well made level.
Very good use of the layers and the Carrotus tileset. A good selection of weapons for battle, that are well placed around the level.
Movement upwards can be a little chalanging, but overall this is an excelent level.
This was the first custom level to be hosted on the Battle Server.
I really don’t like this one as much as your others.
Hard to find the bases, confusing Layout, a Shield… I think this would do better for Battle, though.
Another great level by a our friend from Finland, Blade (member of tha iSDN army, ™).
The design is pretty awesome in my opinion and the MEZ2 eyecandy is very good, too. The music choice is super high quality as always (scandinavian demo style, yay!!!) and regarding the gameplay i’m sure its fun in both CTF and Battle mode.
No matter what mode you prefer, EVERYONE should really DOWNLOAD "Blast The Bunny" (well, boring level name i admit) RiGHT NOW!
P.S.: Me and "Pikablu" discovered a major bug: there are no jazz/spaz play start positions so most people can’t join in internet mode…the author should better fix this!!!
Hmm, not a bad level, but it doesn’t top as my fave.
Design/eye candy are both good. It does get a little confusing and hard to navigate, plus it all looks the same.
The base run is a little awkward. Try to keep it constant and straightforward.
Overall if you are bored and are looking for CTF (like me), you should get this. :-)
This level is again something good from Wille. Awesome layer use. (How can you put so much stuff to the same layer.) Large and good level. Not too hard. Good weapon placing and enemies are there where they should be. But there is one thing I can understand: Why these levels were in "Hide level in Home Cooked Levels list" mode?
Pretty good work, Wille!
To Nimrod: Too short?? Huh??
WoW! This is an awesome level! There is so good layer use, and much new ideas. Event placing is good. Foods, gems & enemies are on right places. There is no bugs at all, no stucking to the walls. I really love this level! But there is one thing I can understand: Why the level was in "Hide level in Home Cooked Levels list" mode?
BTW, Wille, you really should make these "non-TSF-tileset" levels v1.23 compatible. Just install the "old" Jazz2 to your hard disc.
You probably know this, but if you make a level v1.23 compatible, it will be also TSF compatible.
I Like the layer use, it’s pretty. But there is two things to complain.
1. The size.
2. You should add more events. Really.
But this is VERY good first level. You should see my first. (heh)
Sorry but edited levels really.. eh you know what they do ;)
Pff how complicated ;)
i love the layer using, confusing in a good wat ;) but there are too many power ups and too little ammo.
i’m working on a level that uses all 8 layers, layer 1 went wrong so i had to delete it and replace layer 2 with it so it’s now only 7 layers and i’m gona try and fix it, it’ll be redy soon.
i think it’s cool!
can ya contact me via icq (74061061) i want to ask ya something about the tileset.
This is one of the best level pack’s ive seen, i downloaded it from along time ago and i love it!
I like the level in the town, the badguys are well spaced out but i hate the labrat level because its to crammed togother but i like the level pack so i give it 6.5!
Keep up the good work
Good level,
Small but good i reccoment to learn the level and have a 1vs1 on it
Hey an ok level.
Good use of tileset.
Nice level. Uses the tileset VERY nicely, good eye candy, can spot a few bugs, though. I would suggest this to download.
Nice level, one little peice of tilecutting, though. And kinda small.
Well, pretty nice overall, just, make bigger.
Very impressive level using the city set.
Mm, I love the music. Great choice. (Put it in the pack so more people can hear it, bum. ;-)
This is WAY too short though… how in the world did it get a 39k filesize…?
Overall you should, of course, get this. :-)
Level is pretty cool, uses a tileset quite well… The enemies WERE well placed, but there were so many of them they got on my nerves. The design was impressive, and the eye candy was quite good. I should also comment that I don’t really like that box with the destructable blocks that require certain ammo… I didn’t have one of the required ammo, forcing me to use jjammo. Evil.
Overall you should DEFINITELY get this if you’re bored and like good single player levels. :-)
Very nice level for a first. Uses the cool inferno tileset, and has good weapon placement and such. My two complaints were that it was a bit small, and slightly hard to navigate in some places.
Overall you should get this if you’re a battle fan.
(btw, this is my 100th review. W00! :-)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.