I like this
it has good eyecandy and good tile layout!
this level is kinda cool, with quite a bit of eyecandy, and good weapon layout!
this level is kinda cool, with quite a bit of eyecandy, and good weapon layout!
Not much to say
A MUST download!
Not much to say
A MUST download!
i couldnt get this to work
i got access violation
not bad, i dont like the tileset though
it didnt work for me
Spiffy is a bit of an understatement!
I like this a lot!
well done
Excellent! I love the tileset, and this level!
good eye candy, weapon placement etc etc
well done
I like this level, but i dont really like the tileset!
Well done, though!
I like this level, it is a bit small, but i like the layout/tileset!!
Well done!
"Jail break" is a pretty cool and long enough single player map by Wille from Finland.
After you managed it to get out of your jail cell at the level start, you’ll have a lot of fun shooting enemies (i think they ARE placed well), blocks etc.. The design is far above the average and so is the eyecandy. Good work!
I definitely recommend to DOWNLOAD "Jail break" and fry some nasty turtles while the list servers are down once again (of course i don’t hope they’ll be down that often :-).
This "Frosty Battle" uses one of my favourite tilesets (namely Inferno) and has a pretty good layout. The eyecandy isn’t bad either.
As Nimrod already stated, it is a bit small, which makes it a good choice for duels or small groups.
My conclusion: every battle fan should DOWNLOAD this (very LOW seven points because of the size and the evil shield!)
P.S.: Nimrod: it was not his first level, only his first battle map. Wille already published most of his levels at UniverseJazz at that time.
P.P.S.: The next level setting is missing/wrong which is pretty annoying.
A good single player level.
The enemys are not very well placed. The tileset was used right.
Good single player level
But a BIT too short. Also their is no music on the level. The tileset is hard to use and was used well.
A very good level as a first VERY GOOD Level.
There is good eyecandy and a good layout.
It should be a bit bigger i think.
A good overall battle level.
I tried to change those musics to city1g but apparently it wasn’t a success.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.