Great levels, but let me say it straight forward: way too small and easy for single player mode. Apart from that, “Residental Round” (the first level) really looks nice regarding eyecandy and design.
The music is choice is superb (i didn’t expect anything else from a scandinavian author :-) and it really fits perfectly to the level (which, btw, uses one of my favourite tilesets). Oh and a small note on that: it isn’t “” (Street Wize) but “aznoone.j2b”, which is unfortunately NOT included in the ZiP.
However, Wille also included a bonus level that has nice eyecandy and design.
Overall a great homecooked creation to DOWNLOAD for everyone.
Personally, I think battling in water can be very amusing.
The weapon placement has been carefully thought out. You don’t need more weapons if you’re already carying 50 ammo of all of them. And the weapon placements has been made so that on an average run through the level you end up with roughly the same ammo for every weapon.
Hm, with every level I’ve made so far, reviewers complained that they were too small. So I made this level large…[This review has been edited by Ninja Dodo]
I love this level, so sue me :)
It’s just great, eye candy makes it look like ur fighting on soem sort of ship/airship moving at a speed. I enjoyed this one a lot :)
Believe it or not even Jeh liked Spy`s levels..
and that was also the reason why “we” wanted him in Mystic legends, but he was tired of Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and begon to love CounterStrike and Unreal Tournament..
Ok, now about newage..
Top Levels, Top Eyecandy, great music, nifty way to use tiles..
get this classic ASAP!
not my favorite level, although eye candy is good, i dont like the tileset
Nice level
Uses the great tileset too.
7th Lava Fall
Good layout and eye candy
Just like the others said: Do not edit original jj2 levels!
Here’s two so awesome levels by Shadow.
There’s good weapon placement, and the levels are big, what ís not bad thing. But I think that foods are not important in battle levels. These levels should everybody download NOW.
BTW, mrplonker this is not advertising place.
Nice level by Cmdr Dats, uses the great 7th Lava Fall tileset.
The music file fits well, (again) and the design, layout and eye candy are all good, my only complaint being most of the weapons are powerups.
Btw, I love the funny text strings. :-)
Fireclaw : coz i don’t have the normal one with me :( … ummm, if i had the background not moving, then the level would be extremely dull.. :) try setting it.. i had it MUCH faster, but then i decided to take it slow…
Very nice, as like that last Bishka level, the moving background is kinda annoying. And why does it have to be for TSF?
Hehe, this isn’t biased. Nice work iCeD, hope you can only improve in ELM! =)
(I’m not gonna give an extensive review because I’m lazy. =))
Another great battle map by this south african elite level and tileset producer.
The design is very open and therefore great and the eyecandy is pretty good also (esspecially check out the horizontal scrolling of the background layers).
Well, actually i don’t have much too say because the level is quite similar to "Bishka’s Warzone", which was also released by the same author. This level uses the same module for background music which is a good idea because it fits very good to the tileset/level atmosphere.
However, you should add "Bishka’s Railzone" to your favourite levels list and host a decent battle server once in a while. In other words: DOWNLOAD iT! (High seven points!).
Awesome! I especially like the ship at the end. I’m hoping to figure that trick out so I can use it in one of my “Things-to-do-when-I-have-unlimited-time” packs ;P
You might actually see it somewhere in 2002 :P
Very nice level pack by Shadow.
The eye candy in the town tilesets were used great, and the layout fits the tileset well, a good variety of stuff to get.
Conclusion: Get this now. :-)
Shadow sent it to me on icq!
the levels rock!
the first one is a bit small
but the second one is very BIG
it uses my fav. tileset too.
Great prog! although one of the buttons messes up when you click it
Yay! I beta-tested this one for Shadow and as one of the level names promises, this pack really rocks!
The Town tileset is one my top favourite tilesets and its incredibly hard to work with. Now, both levels feature very good eyecandy and a great design (plus very smart weapon placement).
You will find all kind of weapons (even those you don’t like that much :-) and, as in most ML releases, some yummie/evil food. Despite or just because of that, the two levels allow a very fluent gameplay which makes it fun to battle in them.
Conclusion: "Street Wars" from Mystic Legends is the best Town Battle ever (by far!) and therefore a MUST DOWNLOAD! Very very high eight points!
An ok hotel level
It is mew’s first level too so he/she practiced with JCS before submitting this.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.