Well done, make something for Belgium people too =).
I used that.
No, I don’t know Hungarian
Hey grytolle , how to make an new j2s file?
Goood JOB
Good idea :). Can you make one in hungarian too? xD :)
Ehh… Azert rateljetek igazsagosan…Eggyaltalan nem erdemel 10est…
(Ehh…But rate normally…This totally don’t deserves 10… )
Hm, whats the point of writing reviews about levels for this small non-important game ?
Write reviews about Half life 2 maps or something :-/
;) Good job , it’s c3 mini!!! Goood tilesets, nice job
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
It’s a cool test, very original…CC members must be good lvl makers
[Review changed to quick review, see the review rules.
Hali nem rossz pályák csak azok a zuhánó izékxD kinyomják az esélyeket=|
[English only please. Original rating (7.5) ~cooba]
I saw this hosted a couple of times and was almost overwhelmed by the visuals and atmosphere present here. The level is also solid to play, but the graphics is where it really stands out. D/L recommended.
Amazing. The best single player pack I’ve ever played.
No, this is too much fantastic.
You guys really can’t deal with Shaney can’t u?
His spelling mistakes are part of him.
Such as the other behavior.
Shaney can do these things without blaim. >)
I agree with cooba bcs i dont have any words left in my
mouth i think my next level will be with
your tileset :D
i see what u mean but let me tell u this . are u from OLC or are u stripe ? guess not so stop whining if u got nothing better to do
well i had stripes permision for the semi one in the past that modified semi i had permission for i reedited . the arf level dunno .
so on the arf level u are right . on the semi one u are so damn wrong
OUCH! My ears. It was a error to listen this crap with earphones.
The remixes are just terrible.
Don’t download.
Please don’t post other people’s work, even if you modified it slightly.
Best Tileset ever, very easy to use , and damn good feeling!
Death Metal rocks!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.